Chapter 136: The Car Had Been Switched

nchuan let out a cold snort, his fingers tapping lightly on the table, “If my memory serves me right, you didn't visit the Dream Pavilion for several months." 。“ Jiang Qingran looked at him with con...After hanging up the phone, He Hanchuan wanted to drive to the coffee shop, but he only remembered that his driver's license had been temporarily confiscated by the traffic police after getting in the car. He frowned and called the driver at home.

"Young Master, this is already the fastest speed I can manage! If I go any faster, I'll have to retake my driving test!" The driver didn't even know how many times he had been urged on in just ten minutes on the road.

He slightly furrowed his brows, then glanced at his watch with his wrist. His thin lips were tightly pressed together.

Fifteen minutes later, the car arrived at the coffee shop.

He Hanchuan got out of the car and walked toward the cafe, his steps much faster than usual. The driver followed behind him.

"You wait in the car." He stopped and said to the driver.

The driver let out a sound, returned to the car, but was puzzled. No matter what the young master talked about in the past, he could follow along. Why did he stop him today Could it be that the young master wanted to talk about something he shouldn't

He strode into the cafe, past the waitress's scorching gaze, and walked straight to the middle-aged man in a baseball cap sitting in the corner.

"Where are things" He Hanchuan walked to the man and asked.

Cao Yan pointed to the seat opposite him, "President He, don't be so anxious. Sit down and talk first. Things are a bit complicated."

He bowed slightly, his lips pursed into a line. Then he sat down behind him.

"Is He Ge very concerned about this car accident" Cao Yan smiled and gave him a file bag.

He Hanchuan received the file bag and was just about to open it when a waitress walked over, smiling at him and asking, "Sir, would you like something to drink"

"I'll have a cappuccino, extra sugar!" Cao Yan said.

The waiter said hello and then asked Keigo Hanawa, “Sir, would you like something to drink”

"A latte, please." He Hanchuan stopped tearing open the file bag and added, "Could you make it quick, please Thank you."

The waiter greeted them with a smile and quickly brought over a cup of cappuccino and a latte, placing them on the table but didn't leave.

He had a touch of impatience in his eyes, the usual calmness he kept so well hidden was gone. In front of this file, filled with clues about an accident, it simply vanished. “Is there something else”

"Sir, could you…" The waiter, with a blush on his face, mustered his courage and said: "Could I have your WeChat"

He Jianchuan didn't hesitate for half a second, "No."

The waiter was about to say something else, but He Hanchuan spoke first: "We have important things to discuss. Thank you."

“Alright.” The waiter left reluctantly.

Cao Yan smacked his lips, this waitress was pretty, but she really lacked vision!

He pushed the latte aside and then opened the file bag, taking out what was inside.

"If President He isn't drinking, why did he order it" Cao Yan raised his cappuccino and took a sip, his eyes squinting with happiness.

"If I don't press it, people will keep coming over and disrupt the meeting." He Hanchuan flipped through the few papers and a few items in the file bag, his face growing increasingly grim. "What's going on"

Cao Yan put down his cappuccino, the smile on his face vanished completely, replaced by frustration and unwillingness. "This time, I've finally met a worthy opponent!"

He sighed and said, "Let me share my suspicion first: I suspect the red sports car Miss Xiang drove two years ago wasn't hers."

"It's hers." He Hanchuan frowned slightly, unbuttoned a button on his shirt, and said, "The car model, license plate number, and the scratch on the left door all match."

Two days before her birthday, A-wei hit her car and needed to order paint from overseas temporarily, so the scratch wasn't fixed until the day of the accident.

Cao Yan raised his cappuccino and took a sip, "General He, please hold on a moment, let me explain."

"Good." He Hanchuan rested his right hand on the table, tapping it rhythmically.

Cao Yan wiped his mouth with his hand, put his arms on the table, and leaned forward slightly, "I found traces that someone had tampered with the license plate, but there weren't any valuable fingerprints on it. I first assume this sports car wasn't intended for Miss [Name], but that someone used an identical sports car to swap it with hers, and then replaced her license plate onto this car later."

"Following this line of thought, I checked a lot of surveillance footage but didn't see anyone switch cars with Miss Xiang. However, I later discovered that on September 24th, when Miss Xiang went for a manicure, her car was parked in a blind spot monitored by cameras. On that day, a strange-looking man appeared near the nail salon and followed Miss Xiang for a while."

I later found this man, but unfortunately, he was already in the late stages of lung cancer two years ago. By the time I found him, he had just passed away. Cao Yan let out a heavy sigh at this point, feeling very regretful.

"Such a coincidence" He Hanchuan tapped the table faster, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. "No one did anything to him"

Cao Yan shook his head, his words laced with disappointment. “No, the doctor said he could only last until last year at most. As a result, when I went to see him recently, it was already a miracle.”

He was all alone. I wanted to ask him about things, but I couldn't. So I asked a friend at my bank to look into him, and it turns out he received a transfer of half a million two years ago. That amount isn't much to you, but for an ordinary person like him, it's a fortune.

He never thought he'd have a moment where he couldn't keep his cool. He raised the latte to his lips, taking a sip without any interest in hearing Cao Yan recount the investigation process. He cut straight to the chase and asked, "If it was proven that Huayuan's car had been tampered with, would that clear her"

"No." Cao Yan winced slightly. "To be honest with you, if this is really Miss Jiang's doing, she would have started preparing a long time ago."

"The car's brakes are damaged, and it's not natural wear and tear. The way the brakes are damaged suggests someone frequently drove in a way that specifically harmed them."

Even if it could be proven that the car had been switched, there would be no way to prove that someone intended to harm Miss [Name] by damaging the brakes, after all, the brakes were naturally damaged.

"Actually, saying all this is useless!" Cao Yan said with a headache, patting his head. "In the end, the most troublesome thing is still that recording."

"The car brakes had a problem. If we could prove that the recording was fake, then the accident could be ruled an accident. But if we couldn't prove it was fake, then the accident would be considered murder, and the brake failure would be classified as an accident."

Cao Yan raised his cappuccino and took a few sips, muttering, “I’m about to become a tongue twister!”


He glared at him with eyes as sharp as nails, the darkness in his pupils slowly solidifying into ice. "You've said so much, just to cover up the fact that you haven't found any useful clues"

"Ha!" Cao Yan lifted his cappuccino and took a few sips, then gave a sheepish smile. "It's not quite that simple. For the car exchange alone, it took me almost a year to figure it out, and finding that man took another half year. That's about two years of work."


Please remember the first publication domain of this book: . The mobile phone version reading URL: keys from the desk, and walked out of the company.The car sped along the highway, he stepped on the accelerator to increase the speed, and unconsciously arrived at the hospital entrance.As a result,...