Chapter 200: I suggest you go to the ophthalmologist

gran was just a thick-skinned, scheming bitch. She thought openly confronting Jiang Qingran wouldn't hurt her at all; instead, it would give Jiang Qingran an opportunity to play the victim. 。When she...Song Qiao thought of He Hanchuan's warning look, and she felt even more pain in her tailbone. 。"Besides," Xiang Wan walked up to her, leaning in and whispering into her ear, "Is it me who's pestering Jiang Qi Feng, or is he the one pestering me Can't you see it" "If I remember correctly, you're only three years older than me, right It's not good to have eye problems at such a young age. I suggest you go to an ophthalmologist." 。" Anya gasped, "Asuna, don't be too arrogant. You never know when He Zong might dump you!" "You're the one who's being too arrogant." 。"Xiang Wan let out a light sneer, disdainfully saying, "When will He Hanchuan ever leave me I don't know..." 。But if you dare to provoke me again, while I'm He Hanchuan's girlfriend, I can find some trouble for the Song family," "You, dare!" Song Qiao's voice sounded a bit sharp due to being too high-pitched 。Toward Evening gave her a faint glance, "Dare you You can try." 。After she finished speaking, she walked past Song Qiao and went to the roadside to flag down a taxi. Then, she got in and drove away. 。Song Qiao watched the taxi disappear from view, her face as dark as ink. 。She stomped her feet angrily on the ground, but twisted her ankle because one of her high heels broke. 。She cried out in pain, dropping to her knees and taking off the pristine high heel. She slammed it against the ground repeatedly. 。After taking off her shoes and kicking them, she put them back on, gritted her teeth, and walked toward the bar with a "temporarily closed" sign hanging outside. 。It's not like she absolutely had to marry into the Jiang family. If Jiang Qifeng continued to pester Xiang Wan like this, embarrassing her in front of others, she would go to her parents and grandfather to break off the engagement! At worst... at worst, she could just marry Pei Song, that playboy from the Pei family. That would be better than being with Jiang Qifeng, who claims to be so high and mighty but still can't forget about other women even after getting engaged!* Six o'clock in the evening, the sky was almost dark. 。The villa was quite spacious, but there wasn't even a single servant. Xiang Wan hadn't eaten much for lunch and was already starting to feel hungry. 。Her first reaction was to order takeout, but several vendors in a row said that Zhu Xianzhuang didn't allow takeout delivery. It wasn't even allowed to wait for the owner at the entrance of the building. 。Most residents of Zhuxianzhuang are either wealthy or aristocratic. There was a previous incident where someone disguised themselves as a delivery person and attempted to enter Zhuxianzhuang with a bomb. 。Although the fake deliveryman was discovered at the door, he set off a bomb in a fit of rage, causing one security guard to die and another to be injured. This incident still caused a huge stir. 。After that, no one except the residents of the community and people invited by the residents were allowed to approach Zhu Xianzhuang. 。Towards evening only gave up her plans of ordering takeout and went into the kitchen. 。The fresh ingredients in the kitchen fridge were a plus, but she had never cooked before and couldn't do anything besides making instant noodles. 。She looked for a long time but couldn't find any instant noodles, so she could only grit her teeth and take out a few eggs. 。Frying eggs is so easy, she felt like she should be able to... 。It wasn't expected— Whoosh! The second egg had already hit the ground. 。And so, luckily, the third egg dropped safely into the bowl. 。She clumsily placed five eggs into the mixing bowl and stirred them. Following a recipe she found on her phone, she took out the pot, added oil, but then got stuck when it came to lighting the burner. 。

——The recipe doesn't say how to light it >>> 。

Towards evening, some agitation appeared on her face. She scratched it slightly, accidentally getting some egg white on her cheeks.

At this moment, there was a sound of brakes outside, it should be He Hanchuan back. 。She pursed her lips, quickly and neatly but slightly flustered, poured the oil from the pot and the eggs from the mixing bowl into the trash can, returned everything to its place, and then walked upstairs out of the restaurant. 。But unexpectedly, he ran into He Hanchuan in the living room. 。"Have you eaten dinner yet" He Hanchuan took off his suit jacket and put it on the sofa, then turned to look at her. 。

And then, after finishing her meal,

After saying that, she didn't look at him again and walked upstairs. 。He watched her figure disappear around the corner, lowered his eyes and pursed his lips, then went into the kitchen. 。Two battered raw eggs lay on the kitchen floor. He sighed wearily, grabbed a cleaning tool and started to sweep up. 。As he was about to throw two eggs in the trash, he just happened to see eggs and oil that had been completely destroyed inside the trash. 。Turn left on the second floor and the first room. 。

Wanye sat on the bed, frowned, stood up again, poured and drank two glasses of water in a row, her stomach was a little bloated... but she was still hungry

She pursed her lips, walked to the bedside and picked up her purse, preparing to go out for something to eat. 。Just as she reached the door and before she could open it, the door swung open from the outside. 。He Hanchuan stood at the door, still carrying a slight aroma of cooked food. 。"I've already eaten." 。" 向晚 said " 。He stared at her with deep, enigmatic eyes. Suddenly, he reached out, and she instinctively flinched back, but he caught the back of her head with his hand, preventing her from retreating. 。He gently touched her face with his slightly calloused hand, wiping away the egg white on her cheek. "Don't you want to eat eggs Come down." 。"I've already eaten," 。When she eats with him, she loses her appetite. 。He lowered his gaze, his eyes falling on the purse in her hand, "You don't have a driver's license, you can't drive" 。You can hail a taxi from outside, but there are no taxis here and none nearby. 。He paused for a moment and added, "There are no ride-hailing services either. No one here does that." 。" Towards Evening clutched her purse tightly, her head bowed silently. "。"Since you've already eaten, why don't you stay and eat a little more with me I'm not used to eating alone." 。He Hanchuan said. 。

向晚 pursed her lips, but eventually still went downstairs to the restaurant with him.

"It's not good to eat too much at night, I only stir-fried two dishes" 。He ladled a bowl of rice and placed it in front of her, then ladled another bowl for himself and sat down. 。

向晚 lowered her head to eat, not responding.

He Hanchuan didn't speak again, but just as he was about to finish eating, he suddenly said, "If you meet Shao Pei, call me. If you don't want to call me, you can also call Menglan." 。"I'm full." 。< "向晚 put down her chopsticks and stood up" > 。He followed her up and said, "You can do whatever you want, but don't hide from me, or I can't guarantee what I might do." 。 "

"...good..." Please let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!。"Moona clenched her fist, her eyes flashing with anger and a hint of bloodshot." 。She didn't look back at him, and after saying that, she strode up the stairs. 。He Hanchuan listened to the huge slamming sound from upstairs, veins popping on his handsome arm. 。He sat back down and ate a few bites, then took his bowl and chopsticks into the kitchen. 。

向晚 leaned against the door, took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself down.

Getting angry with He Hanchuan would only hurt her own body and wouldn't be of any use. 。Since she was forced to be with him, she might as well think of how to use him to get revenge on those who had hurt her. 。Please remember the first release domain of this book:. 。"The mobile version reading URL of this website: " to get up, but the pain made it impossible to move. Even opening her eyes felt incredibly difficult.In the dead silence, the sound of opening the car door was abnormally clear.Waking up, there was a...