Chapter 420 Wasn't it Wanwan who told you personally?

ren't you” Meng Lan looked at her, a curl playing on her red lips. “There are two hundred or so employees in the Dream Will Society. If everyone were to fight like this, the shop wouldn't be open for...Lin Nalulu smiled twice, a bitter and helpless smile. "I also feel sorry for Wanwan. This time it was Wanwan and the others who found out. If they hadn't found out, she and President He might have... been apart for life."

Towards Yu lowered his head, frowned, and remained silent. His heart was filled with bitterness.

"It's impossible to say who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Ultimately, it all boils down to Yao Shufen's scheming. We can't just let the culprit get away with it and create further conflict here."

"These maids at home are fairly reliable. I'll have them watch the two children for now. Where's Wanwan I'll go take a look and explain things to her, otherwise she'll have a knot in her heart." Lin Nalu stood up.

She broke her arm, it's impossible to say she wasn't hurting.

Even if someone has to blame, it should be blamed on Yao Shufen. We shouldn't blame Wanwan for this.

"I'm not available right now," Xiang Yu said. "The bodyguard said Wan Wan isn't feeling well and is resting at Zhu Xian Zhuang."

"Lin Nalulu, "Bodyguard Wasn't it Wanwan who told you personally"

"Hmm." Xiang Yu simply told him what happened.

The more Lin Nalulu listened, the more something felt off. “Wanwan went to the funeral with you, didn’t she say anything to you She just went back on her own. You called her but no one answered, and even the bodyguard stopped you from going”

Xiang Yu nodded.

"Even if Wanwan didn't bring her phone, she went back to Zhuxian Zhuang. She wouldn't even call you" Lin Nalulu got agitated, "I don't think this is right. You should go with me to Zhuxian Zhuang now. If Wanwan isn't there, we'll immediately call the police."

As she spoke, she walked towards the clothes rack and hurriedly took off her coat, awkwardly putting it on with one hand.

A few days after breaking her right arm, she wasn't used to dressing with one hand yet. Besides, she was anxious, and the more anxious she got, the harder it was to get dressed.

Toward this moment, Xiang Yu also tasted something was wrong. He hurried forward to help her put on her coat, but he didn't want to think the worst of it.

"Perhaps…perhaps Wanwan was just unwell, went back, took some medicine and fell asleep without having time to call It was He Lao Ye's funeral, there were so many people then, no one could have quietly taken Wanwan away"

Lin Nalu finally put on her coat, she didn't even have time to button it, holding her scarf and handbag, constantly urging Xiangyu.

"Don't say so much, no matter if WanWan is just not feeling well or something else, we should all go take a look. You hurry and drive the car, I'll give He Zong a call and see if he's at Zhu Xian Zhuang right now."

Xiang Yu was also anxious in his heart, he didn't even have time to say "um" before running to get the car.

I hope Wanwan is not in any trouble!

Lin Nalu rushed upstairs, gave the maid a few instructions, then went out to her car and called He Hanchuan.

No one answered.

Still no takers!

What's going on Why isn't anyone answering the phone

Lin Nalu's face was getting worse and worse. When the sixth call went unanswered, she sent a text message.

Hello Mr. He, this is Lina Lu. Please give me a call when you see this message.

He總 has always been careful, and with several bodyguards around him all the time, nothing should happen...

No, it was the bodyguard who stopped Xiang Yu. Is there something wrong with the bodyguard, or does President He want to have a two-person world with Wanwan That's why neither of them brought their phones

Lin Nalu's heart was in a turmoil. On one hand, she felt she should trust He Hanchuan's abilities, but on the other hand, she couldn't shake the feeling that even the wisest person can make mistakes, and there was no guarantee things wouldn't go wrong.

He hadn't been able to get ahold of Han Chuan. Thinking about it, she tried calling Xiang Wan instead. Maybe this was just a misunderstanding after all.


"Sorry, the number you dialed is currently switched off. Please try again later."

Lin Na Lu's face turned pale instantly, devoid of any blood color.

If nobody answered, she could still comfort herself by thinking maybe they just fell asleep late. But when she called Xiang Yu, it went through before, but now it's switched off. Could it be that their phone just ran out of battery

She doesn't believe it could be this coincidental!

Wan Wan went out and just happened to not bring her phone. When she came back, she fell asleep right away and didn't hear the phone ringing. Then, coincidentally, her phone was out of battery There are too many coincidences, there must be something fishy going on in between!

"What's wrong" Xiang Yu turned his head and saw her face was unusually pale, a wave of unease washing over him.

As soon as he finished speaking, an ambulance roared past on the emergency lane. The piercing siren made the already agitated hearts of the couple even more restless and anxious.

"It's probably just a coincidence, right" Lin Na Lu really didn't want to say what might happen to Xiang Wan. She was afraid of jinxing it. "You drive faster! There are two seconds left on the green light, if we hurry, we can make it!"

She clutched her phone and urged them on, but no matter how urgent they were, it was useless. The car in front of them had "Intern" written on it, and the driver was driving very slowly. Seeing that the light was about to turn red, they simply stopped.

"!" Lin NaLu frowned, glanced at the emergency lane beside her, and urged, "Don't wait for that car ahead, just turn directly and drive through the emergency lane!"

There have been a lot more cameras on the roads recently. Anyone who dares to use the emergency lane will be caught red-handed.

Without a moment's hesitation, Xiang Yu veered directly onto the emergency lane and sped out.

He hadn't gone far when a police car caught up behind him. He didn't care, he just told Lin Na Lu to sit tight and then slammed his foot on the gas pedal.

The security guard at Zhuxiang Villa saw someone running from afar, followed by several police cars. Worried that it might be an illegal vehicle, he immediately placed a spike strip on the road.

The people living here are either rich or noble. If a real criminal were to rush in, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The Ferrari slammed straight onto the spike strip, three of its four tires instantly flat. The friction between the tires and the ground produced a screeching noise, and then the car spun 180 degrees before coming to a halt.

Several security guards surrounded the car with electric batons, and a police car also pulled over. Several policemen got out and, like the security guards, surrounded the car.

Xiang Yu had no choice but to get out of the car.

When he arrived, the security guards recognized him as the current CEO of Xiang Group. They understood it was a misunderstanding and took everything back.

But the fact that he occupied the emergency lane is true, and it even made Weibo's hot search list. The police were polite but still had to follow procedure, revoking his license plate and imposing a series of penalties.

Lin Nana felt time was of the essence and directly borrowed a golf cart from the security guard, asking someone to drive her to the villa to see if Xiang Wan was there. Meanwhile, Xiang Yu had no choice but to stay behind and deal with the aftermath.

It was pitch black outside, but not a single light shone from within the mansion.

Lin Nalu felt that the situation might be bad, but she still held a glimmer of hope and pressed the doorbell of the villa.


Please remember the book's first release domain: . Pique Library mobile reading URL:After finishing his apple, He Hanchuan's phone rang. He told Zhao Yu briefly and went out to answer the call. 。Zhao Yu placed a bowl of chicken soup in front of Xiang Wan, her gaze falling on her righ...