Chapter 632: The People Poisoned by Fake Medicine

weak.The fruit knife on his neck tightened, and Old Master He roared with a grim face, "If you don't want me dead, just tell him everything! Answer anything he asks!" A group of fools!"He got what he...After all, at such an age, it's rare to be so torn and conflicted. This has even caused Old Master Feng some indignation.

His fingers gripped the cane tightly, rapping it several times against the marble floor. “You little brat, apologize to Master Wang and Shanshan right now! We’re getting married soon, so why are you throwing a tantrum like a child Just admit your fault, then take Shanshan out to meet the media and make the wedding date public!”

"Grandpa, your ability to play deaf is also admirable." Feng Mu chuckled coldly, just about to mercilessly refuse, when Wang Zhisan suddenly leaned into his ear and whispered something.

After he spoke, Feng Mu's face darkened slightly.

He walked to Menglan's side, looking at her with complex eyes and a hint of guilt in his voice, "I'm sorry, wait for me for a moment, can you manage on your own"

"Hmm." Menglan replied softly, her face was calm, but she felt a bit amused inside.

The former shepherd hadn't been any less likely to abandon her before.

Why pretend to care now.

Feng Mu saw that she was unwilling to speak much, so he took a deep look at her and then left the lounge with Wang Zhisan.

As soon as he left, Old Master Feng openly displayed disdain in his eyes and sneered, "These young girls these days, at such a tender age, relying on their beauty to become playthings for men. But the original wife is always the original wife, in the end, it's nothing but self-inflicted humiliation!"

He placed the white piece in his hand on the board, continuing to play chess with Old Master Wang, while Menglan wisely closed the door and left.

Perhaps it was because she had heard too many such remarks, or perhaps she had long suspected that Old Master Feng would not miss the opportunity to make things difficult for her. She was able to face him calmly and composedly.

There was still a pang of bittersweetness in her heart, but fortunately, she had learned the skill of healing herself.

In the banquet hall, Menglan didn't have many friends and was too lazy to listen to gossip. She walked to the small garden in the backyard, found a place to sit down, and took a deep breath of fresh air. Only then did she feel less suffocated.

The sudden appearance of the sleepy dragon surprised Meng Lan. She was lowering her head, playing with her phone and looking at the comments on Weibo that called her the mistress, feeling inexplicably upset.

Just as I was about to turn off my phone, I heard his sarcastic reminder, “I thought you’d be too busy with Feng Mu at the banquet to even notice!”

The sleepy dragon sat calmly across from her, unlike his casual attire during their last meeting. This time, he was dressed in a sleek black suit with a bow tie, giving him a rather gentlemanly air.

Dream Lan put down her phone and looked up at him, "How did you get here"

"This isn't your concern." The sleepy dragon called over the waiter, took two glasses of wine, and pushed one towards her. "I thought after last time, you'd call me first thing to investigate your father's wrongful conviction."

Menglan frowned. She was indeed shocked at the time, but no one would help you for no reason. She couldn't tell if the Sleeping Dragon was an enemy or a friend, so she didn't act rashly.

Meng Lan calmly raised her glass and looked at the serene night scene opposite her. In this bustling night market, there was a sense of stealing a few days of leisure.

In a short while, the Sleepy Dragon could no longer contain his excitement. With a loud "bang," he slammed his palm on the table and growled fiercely.

"Liu Xinrui, you're much crueler than I imagined. You don't even want to know the truth about that year Are you really going to let your skinny father bear the burden of injustice for his whole life"

He knew his real name, obviously having done some background checks beforehand!

Mulan's hand trembled slightly as she held the wine glass, but her face remained calm. She let out a cold laugh and said, "Don't you think it's funny that you never told me your true identity or your real purpose You just gave me a business card."

"If that's the case, then why bother cooperating"

The Sleepy Dragon laughed at her words, stood up, and drank all the wine from his cup.

"That's right, someone like you, who has always lived a life of luxury and privilege, how could you possibly have the courage to face your dirty past"

"To you, money and a good life are the most important things. How could you possibly care about the common people who were used as guinea pigs for cancer-causing fake drugs and suffered terribly!"

As he spoke, his voice held a tinge of sadness. He set down his cup and left.

Meng Lan stood rooted to the spot, taking a long time to recover.

It was late at night, and a chill swept through the air, making her head throb again.

She furrowed her brows, raised her palm to lightly stroke her forehead, and closed her eyes gently.

It seems she really needs to find time to visit her father in prison and get the full story about what happened with the medical accident back then.

Otherwise, being entangled by these inexplicable doubts would only muddle her thoughts further!


After sitting in the back garden for a while, she felt a bit chilly. She got up and returned to the ballroom.

Although she didn't want to face it, she still saw the red wine area in the banquet hall, where a group of wealthy young men and women were gathered. Wang ZhiShan was hugging Feng Mu's arm, her eyes smiling brightly.

That look of clinging to others, it's enviable!

Mulan found the scene a little dazzling. She took a deep breath, suppressing the pain in her heart, and steadied her footing before turning to leave the venue.

It's boring.

Since Feng Mu has someone with him, why should she stay here and humiliate herself

She had just put down her wine glass when the main entrance of the banquet hall was suddenly thrown open, and a burst of commotion came in.

Only a middle-aged woman in a cheongsam with wavy short hair was seen arguing loudly with a bodyguard, "Let me go, do you know who I am Dare to stop me, I swear I can get you all fired with just one word!"

Her quarreling voice drew the attention of everyone present, as well as that of Wang Guangkun and Xu Hui. They both put down their business and hurried over.

When the women saw them, they went crazy and rushed towards Wang Guangkun, hitting and scratching him. "Do you have any conscience You abandoned your wife and children for this eighteen-line singer, and now you're even transferring company shares to your mistress's daughter..."

"You crazy woman!" Wang Guangkun clutched her arm tightly, but his face was inevitably scratched with a few red marks.

"You insult me You've gotten bold, haven't you Believe me, I'll expose all your dirty secrets!" The woman narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms, looking like a shrew ready to tear someone apart. No one dared to get near her.

For a moment, the banquet hall was in chaos. Xu Hui stepped forward to appease Wang Guangkun, reminding him pitifully and gently.

"Sister, I really didn't want to take anything from you. If there's something we need to talk about, let's just talk it out...ah!"

Jolin Tsai angrily stepped forward and slapped him, "Shut up! You're an eighteen-line singer. What qualifications do you have to interfere in my family affairs!"


Remember the website where this book was first published: . The mobile version reading URL is: tiles, his brows twitching, he smiles again, "Hu! This round He Hanchuan you must drink!"Ge Hanchuan's handsome face was particularly grim, wishing he could throw the mahjong tiles out the window. He...