Chapter 2444: The Suspended Position of the Cloud Saint Empe

n chaos, with numerous figures, physical forms, and phantoms clashing against each other.The Third Life Prince also fought alongside Lord Jiuxiao."Your Honghuang Dao Body, it seems, is not congenital...Yun Sheng Di Gong is located in the Yun Sheng Star Realm, which is one of the top ten star realms in the Origin Universe.

This realm is directly named after the Yun Sheng Emperor's Palace, indicating the Yun Sheng Emperor's Palace holds immense authority in the Yun Sheng Realm.

In fact, with the ultimate power's foundation, they could almost rule a star realm alone.

For example, the Xuanyuan clan, another ultimate force, also occupies a star realm called the Xuanyuan Star Realm.

The Cloud Saint Star Realm is separated from the Origin Academy's location, the Dusk Sun Star Realm, by several other star realms.

If done in ordinary ways, it would take a great deal of time.

And if there were artifacts like the Cloud Sea Dragon Boat, capable of directly breaking through the barriers of the Star Realm, then the time required would naturally be greatly reduced.

On the way to Yun Shengdi Palace.

Elder Yun Jing of the Five Elders of Di Mai also briefly explained the situation of Yun Shengdi Palace to Jun Xiaoyao.

The Yunshendi Palace is divided into two meridians, Heavenly and Earthly.

Every pulse is divided into main and branch pulses.

Before the Cloud Saint Emperor Palace separated, the Yun clan's imperial family in the Boundary Sea was right on top of the main meridian.

So now, within the Cloud Saint Emperor's Palace, there are still some branch clan members from the earth veins present.

Among the two main meridians in heaven and earth, the most outstanding and demonic prodigy in the main meridian can be called an emperor's son.

For example, Jun Xiaoyao is the young master of the Yun clan's imperial family and also the most demonic prodigy.

Just as the strongest demonic prodigy in the meridian is called the Son of Heaven,

And Yunxi, who can also be called the Imperial Daughter of the Earth Veins.

As for some of the most extraordinary beings among the branches, they are called Daozi and Daonu. They rank one level lower than Emperor Zi and Empress Nu.

So, strictly speaking, although Jun Xiaoyao hasn't returned to the Yun Shengdi Palace yet, he is basically one of the most senior existences among the younger generation in the Yun Shengdi Palace.

Of course, at the level of imperial children, there is an even highest status.

It's the Cloud Saint Young Emperor!

The position of Cloud Saint Young Emperor basically means that in the future, he will become the leader and helmsman of the Cloud Saint Imperial Palace!

"Is absolutely core and the highest identity for the younger generation!"

But this life, the position of the Cloud Saint Emperor remains vacant!

Besides Jun Xiaoyao, the most monstrous imperial sons and daughters of Yun Shengdi Palace are still sealed, waiting for a great era to arrive!

So, the highest and most supreme position of a young emperor within the Yun Sheng Imperial Palace remains vacant to this day, waiting for its rightful owner.

Yun Jing explained to this point, his gaze burning on Jun Xiaoyao.

In his eyes, Jun Xiaoyao was simply the best candidate for the Young Emperor of the Cloud Saint.

Although several other strong competitors, the imperial sons and daughters, also possess extraordinary talents and abilities.

But after all, the Chaotic Body is still the Chaotic Body. It wouldn't have such a reputation if it were just luck.

Not to mention, Yun Jing knew that Jun Xiaoyao still possessed a congenital holy body, the Taoist embryo.

Although cursed by the Fol Xian Curse, his future is uncertain.

But if it could be restored by any chance.

By then, the Primordial Chaos Body combined with the innate Saint Physique Dao Embryo...

My goodness, even the clouds themselves wouldn't dare to imagine such a monstrously gifted talent.

Of course, if Yunjing knew that even Ye Junlin, the son of calamity from the Er clan, was related to Jun Xiaoyao.

Then his expression would probably be even more amazing...

"Cloud Saint Emperor"...

Jun Xiaoyao listened, his expression remaining calm.

He wasn't too attached to any particular identity.

He wouldn't force himself upon the throne, he would simply accept it if it came to him.

The magnificent Cloud Sea Dragon Boat, inscribed with countless formation prohibitions, tore through the void and traversed the cosmos.

After a period of time.

The Cloud Sea Dragon Boat has finally entered the territory of the Yun Sheng Star Realm.

The entire Cloud Saint Star Realm is incredibly vast, encompassing countless star fields.

Surrounding the Cloud Saint Star Realm, there are countless star system worlds, as numerous as grains of sand in a riverbed, orbiting the star realm.

Those countless worlds are all within the influence of the Yun Shengdi Palace.

And the forces within the Yun Sheng Xingjie are mostly affiliated forces of the Yun Sheng Di Palace, accepting the rule of the Yun Sheng Di Palace.

The remaining forces, if the Yun Shengdi Palace needs them, can only submit.

This is the power of ultimate force.

Cloud Sea Dragon Boat, traversing the starry cosmos.

Although the Cloud Saint Star Realm is vast enough to be considered boundless,

But at the speed of the Yunhai Dragon Boat, it didn't take too long.

Jun Xiaoyao then arrived at the location of the Yun Shengdi Palace.

The Yun Sheng Ancient Star Domain.

Looking out, numerous ancient life stars surround an incredibly massive central ancestral star.

The central ancestral star is the core territory of the Yun Shengdi Palace.

The periphery is surrounded by endless formations.

The sea of clouds is vast, palaces hang in the air, waterfalls cascade down, and holy light envelops everything.

Even if one is free and unrestrained, born from the noble family of Jiutian Xianyu, they have always had an extraordinary vision since childhood.

But seeing the grand scene before me, I couldn't help but secretly admire it.

It seems like my background and connections are pretty solid.

Soon, the Cloud Sea Dragon Boat arrived at the mountain gate of Yun Shengdi Palace.

The magnificent gate towered a thousand feet high.

Below lay a giant tortoise, resembling a mythical Xuanwu.

That, of course, is not the truly pureblooded Xuanwu of legend, but it does contain a portion of Xuanwu bloodline.

It is this giant tortoise that supports the towering gate of a thousand-zhang mountain.

On either side of the mountain gate, there are two incredibly majestic giant beasts guarding the entrance.

A mighty qilin, with a luxuriant mane like that of a lion, strong and powerful, with thunder roaring from its mouth.

A one-headed dragon, its scales gleaming and numerous, surrounded by a chilling aura, exuded an extraordinary air of power.

These two behemoths alone possess formidable power, their aura fierce and unparalleled.

"This is an ancient beast captured from the Yaohuang Star Realm, used to guard the entrance."

On the cloud sea dragon boat, Elder Five, Yun Jing, laughed casually.

Jun Xiaoyao also smiled.

He also knew that the Yaohuang Star Realm was one of the top ten star realms in the Origin Universe.

The area within the > is a territory and paradise for the demon race, where numerous powerful demon lineages reside.

Some of them, even not weaker than the Ancient Royal Family of Jiutian Xianyu.

The Cloud Saint Emperor Palace, daring to go to the demon clan's territory to catch the great demon guarding the palace.

It is evident that the Yun Shengdi Palace acts with arrogance and domineering.

However, this also suits Jun Xiaoyao's taste.

To have the ability but not wield it, that is a waste of resources.

At this moment, before the grand gates of the Yun Sheng Imperial Palace.

Many figures had already been waiting here.

All the people present in Yun Shengdi Palace were from the two veins of Heaven and Earth. They included young prodigies and elder cultivators.

They already knew when Jun Xiaoyao would arrive, so they waited here in advance.

The cloud sea dragon boat was anchored in the void.

The Fifth Elder of the Earth Vein, Yun Jing, arrived with Jun Xiaoyao, Xia Guihua, Ji Mingshuang, and Princess Hongxiu.

But you, Jun Xiaoyao, were not yet steady on your feet.

A single shadow plunged straight into his arms.


A crisp and sweet voice, filled with uncontainable joy.

Is it Yunxi or someone else

When Yun Xi learned that Jun Xiaoyao was returning to the Yun Sheng Di Palace, she eagerly anticipated it.

Before that, the two elders of Shan Hai brought her back first. She was actually still a little reluctant.

Now, Jun Xiaoyao has finally returned, and Yun Xi is also very happy.

"Xi'er, how have you been these days"

Jun Xiaoyao habitually rubbed Yunxi's head.

"That's good, they're all very nice to me, but it would be even better if my brother was here too." Yunxi said.

At this time, several more figures approached.

It was precisely Yun Yu Sheng, Yun Xuan Xu, Yun Qing Lin and other Tianjiao of the Cloud Clan Imperial Family.


"Young Master!"

They also pay respects to Jun Xiaoyao.

Yunxi's pretty face flushed slightly, then she released her embrace.

"You're here too."

Jun Xiaoyao also smiled faintly.

It's nice to see acquaintances from the Yun Clan Empire.ur woman, after all.You're not worthy of her, you can't even get close.The coming-of-age ceremony for Princess Takinoyame ended in such a way.One could say that Jun Xiaoyao is the absolute protagonist...