Chapter 3011: Secrets of the Haiyuan Scaled Clan, Kunning In

hough Jun Xiaoyao did have a slight surprise when he first saw Long Ya'er.Even thought he might have been wrong.But in an instant, he understood, this little girl was indeed the Overlord.That aura of...The mermaid queen also told Jun Xiaoyao some secrets about the Hai Yuan scales clan.

The ancient Haiyuan Lin clan was a group formed by numerous sea races from the primordial Starry Sea.

Very loose.

Although they claim to be the Haien Scale Clan, they are not as united as they say.

Even within the Hai Yuan Lin Clan, there are many factions with conflicts and hatreds.

But after that, in the ancient star sea, there appeared a supreme Kunpeng, whose name was Kunpeng Ancestor.

With its overwhelming power and tactics, it completely subjugated the Hai Yuan Lin Clan.

That was the period when the Hai Yuan Lin Clan was at its most powerful and glorious.

Because before, the various major tribes were extremely loose and even opposed to each other.

After unity, a terrifying energy erupted.

Even, its prestige rivals that of the Ancestral Dragon Clan, one of the top ten hegemonic clans.

Like the Ancestral Dragons and the Abyssal Scale Clan, they are a race formed by uniting various dragon clans.

But later, with the vast catastrophe descending upon the world, Kunpeng Ancestor also met his end in that sweeping disaster, confronting terrifying beings.

After this, the Haiyuan Scale Clan once again fell into internal strife.

However, within this chaos, three major imperial lineages rose to prominence.

...are the Cang Hai Royal Family, the Sea Dragon Royal Family, and the Bei Ming Royal Family....

The Bei Ming royal family is the descendant of Kunpeng, the ancestor of all phoenixes, and possesses the greatest strength.

The Sea Dragon Royal Clan is the lineage of sea dragons, also one of the strongest races.

The Cang Hai royal family are the nobility of the mermaid clan.

After the sea of scales, the Haiyuan clan was ruled by these three veins.

When Jun Xiaoyao heard this, he also thought of the Cang Hai Huang Ling that Jiang Tailin had given him.

It seems that the Cang Hai royal family is quite powerful even among the Hai Yuan scales clan.

“So this Kunpeng bone is left behind by the ancient ancestor of Kunpeng, what exactly does it do...” Jun Xiaoyao continued to ask.

This bone fragment has blurred runes and no traces of any esoteric teachings.

The merqueen continued to explain.

After this, the Beiming royal family produced a truly remarkable and capable individual named King Beiming.

He discovered that although the Kunpeng Ancestor had perished, he left behind a legacy.

This lineage is not something that the Northern Ming royal family can directly obtain.

but wait for the right person.

As for finding the relic of this inheritance, it is the Kunpeng Bone.

However, it wasn't the incomplete piece in Jun Xiaoyao's hand.

but there are five in total.

Once upon a time, the North Ming King had gathered three pieces, while the other two were held by the Hai Long Royal Clan and the Cang Hai Royal Clan.

The Three Tribes then decided to join forces in their search for the lineage.

But that time, an accident happened. Poseidon's Temple, and some other forces, for some reason, learned about it.

Then a great battle ensued.

What exactly was the situation, even the mermaid queen wasn't entirely sure.

Only know the end.

The mighty King Beiming has fallen.

Five Kunpeng bones, once again spread apart.

To this day.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes also flickered with a trace of thought after hearing this.

It seems the Hai Yuan Lin Clan's water is quite deep as well.

Jun Xiaoyao himself had a deep understanding of things, knowing that there was definitely more to this situation than met the eye.

Involves some power struggles.

The death of King Beiming seems to be rather suspicious.

The piece of Kunpeng bone in his hand should be what the Sea God Temple obtained back then.

Later, the destruction of the Sea God Temple was probably also related to the struggle for the Kunpeng Bone.

But no matter what, Jun Xiaoyao was very interested in the inheritance of that Kunpeng Ancestor.

That Kunpeng Ancestor was also a mythical emperor-level existence, and the inheritance he left behind was naturally terrifying.

The mermaid queen's eyes also held a glimmer of longing.

Although no one has ever found the inheritance of the Kunpeng Ancestor.

But it is rumored that within, there should exist the Kunpeng Immortal Technique.

That was a truly profound method for reaching the immortal way. Who could possibly remain steadfast

The mermaid queen's words made Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flash.

Jun Xiaoyao inherently possesses the divine ability of Kunpeng.

This was still from his very early days.

But, is this all that there is to the essence of Kunpeng

Jun Xiaoyao doesn't think so.

The Kunpeng is a creature of immense power from ancient times. In fact, true primordial Kunpengs are beings of Xian level and above.

Whether it be the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, or the Kunpeng soaring through the boundless starry sky.

Strictly speaking, they are not pure-blooded ancient Qilin Pengs, but just descendants of the Qilin Peng lineage.

Therefore, the Kunpeng Divine Ability previously obtained by Jun Xiaoyao is obviously not the entirety of the Kunpeng's Arcana.

Now, the mermaid queen said that in the Kunpeng inheritance, there might be a Kunpeng technique at the level of immortal arts.

This naturally made Jun Xiaoyao even more interested.

> Just as he had to upgrade the Kunpeng divine powers he received earlier,

Otherwise, some are not worthy of his realm.

And the Kunpeng Ancestor's inheritance obviously couldn't just be about divine abilities.

There are certainly others out there.

For this inheritance, Jun Xiaoyao has already secured victory.

"However, Young Master Jun, you must be careful. If word gets out that you possess this Kunpeng bone, it will cause endless trouble."

The Mermaid Queen said with a hint of concern.

She still hopes Jun Xiaoyao can discuss philosophy with her again, naturally not wanting him to be caught up in various scandals.

Jun Xiaoyao pondered for a moment, besides the few of them.

Only the old woman and a few others from the Sea God Temple knew that he had obtained the Peng Bone.

However, judging by their attitude, they probably don't want the news of the Kunpeng bone to leak out widely.

So, there's no need to worry about it for now.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for clearing that up." Jun Xiaoyao also nodded slightly.

If there were no mermaid queen, he wouldn't have been able to find out so quickly.

"Where, last time Kong Chengjun Gongzi lectured, it was quite enlightening for me."

The mermaid queen also revealed a faint smile.

Although his cultivation realm was a level lower than hers.

But she didn't underestimate Jun Xiaoyao at all; instead, she treated him as an equal and conversed with him accordingly.

"Well now... that just happens to be perfect, I'd also like to have another discussion with Her Majesty the Queen." Jun Xiaoyao smiled faintly.

Of course, he knew what the merqueen desired.


The mermaid queen was rarely seen like this.

Upon hearing that Jun Xiaoyao could speak with her, the mermaid queen's tail swished back and forth rapidly.

Sheng Sheng wagged its fish tail at the frequency of a dog's tail.

A pair of beautiful eyes, even more so with their piercing gaze, subconsciously stuck out her tongue to lick her vermilion lips.

Jun Xiaoyao looked at them all in silence.

Understood, I know this is about a discussion.

I don't know, I thought it was supposed to do something...

But it can also be understood.

After all, being stuck at a certain level for too long is too painful for powerful cultivators.

The mermaid queen was, of course, the same.

Seeing the glimmer of hope, she naturally felt excited.

After the banquet.

Jun Xiaoyao also began to discuss with the mermaid queen.

And there are also the mermaid five sisters, Sangyu, and Long Ya'er and three little ones.

Even the Black Jiao King, behaved like a dog, lying down and listening.

After several days.

The mermaid queen and others all had great gains.

Even the Black Flood Dragon King was incredibly shocked.

At first, it only succumbed to Jun Xiaoyao's might.

Now, even if Jun Xiaoyao drives it away, it won't leave.

It shall pledge its loyalty to its liege lord, Xiaoyao!e families guarding the gate, no one else's cultivation could be too weak.Even within the deepest recesses of the ancient imperial city, amidst layers of void, there are formidable figures like Suprem...