Chapter 116: The Status of Rance's Card Maker

Since Hans praised it so highly, it must be a pretty good painting."Hans is the name of the butler, but because those before him rarely called him by his name, Ranchi followed their custom and only re...Chapter 117: The Status of a Card Maker in Ranchi

Looking at the entire South Continent.

A master card maker at the platinum level already has quite a reputation.

Sometimes, when we seek to observe from the stone holders of some allied countries, they might agree unconditionally!

Because this is no longer a test for students or juniors, but a way to make connections or investments with potential card makers.

After all, who wouldn't want to meet a card maker capable of crafting Orange Epic cards

"Only need to make an orange epic on the registration card making exam to be ranked platinum"

Lan Chi murmured.

At the same time, he also began to think, wouldn't it be possible to go and fleece Dean Lauren when he got back to school

Although he is not skilled at making Wind attribute magic cards.

Visiting the stone slabs will give you credits and holidays, you know.

He also wanted to try observing what a stone slab felt like, in preparation for later evaluating the [Primal Stone Slab - Seal].

"No, according to the theoretical scoring range, even getting an orange epic doesn't necessarily guarantee a platinum rank. It's most likely that you would still have plenty of surplus points for promotion to gold... The reason why you were able to reach platinum with just one epic card is because the comprehensive score of that card, particularly in terms of artistry, reached its peak, directly allowing you to surpass the promotion line for platinum rank."

Lawrence, while answering Lance's questions, used his finger to draw numbers in the air, gesturing roughly at Lance's score.

These scoring details displayed in the backend terminal, as the primary examiner, are not permitted to be disclosed according to regulations.

But also hint that Ranch isn't too much of a problem.

All are from the kingdom of Horton.

Ranch nodded silently, only staring at Lawrence's hand, listening quietly as Lawrence spoke.

"However, Ms. Lanchi, a gold-level card maker or above needs to go through a complicated review process by the Card Maker Association headquarters before being officially recognized. They will also be given a platinum-grade accessories and license by the headquarters."

Lawrence explained further.

Even the typical Platinum-tier cardmaster promotion process has an extra, incredibly difficult qualifying exam.

Although this unconventional direct ranking bypasses the Platinum-level promotion exam, the corresponding procedures and paperwork review steps are still unavoidable.

"Because of the serious incident that happened back then, when a top-ranked cardmaker from the Northern Continent's Resurgence Church infiltrated the high ranks of the Cardmakers Association, the scrutiny for Platinum and Magic Crystal rank cardmakers became especially strict."

"Our Ikterith branch currently can only temporarily grant you a temporary Gold level certification. It will be sent to your address within 3 business days."

"That is to say, according to unofficial sources, Ms. Ranch, you are currently considered a near Platinum level. Of course, no one would actually consider you Gold level."

Lawrence and Lance stood on the steps, their figures casting hazy shadows on the transparent staircase. Their voices carried a slight echo in the air.

"Thank you, Mr. Lawrence."

Lance listened to Lawrence's special explanation for him, and thanked him.

Lawrence means he and Jinji are worlds apart now.

But to become truly platinum, it still requires a lot of complex procedures and waiting time.

Lanci had never imagined that he would reach the extraordinary level of a Platinum-tier card maker in one step.

Because Platinum tier enjoys priority access and greater discounts during purchases, it is on a completely different level than the Gold tier.

Even Platinum-level and Magic Crystal-level card makers have a place at the high-level meetings of the Card Maker's Association.

Becoming a platinum-level card maker also represents true fame.

You may receive commissions from both domestic and foreign nobles. Just having a master card maker's license on large companies and enterprises can earn you a very high salary on a regular basis.

Similarly, large-scale events and high-level banquets of the Southern Kingdoms United Parliament would also invite them as distinguished guests.

If possible, Lanchi would hope to pass the certification before heading to the Northern Continent.

Otherwise, if some things leave behind traces, they might be misunderstood later and it will be hard to explain.

"Mr. Lawrence, how long does this review process usually take"

Lance couldn't help but ask.

"The average cycle is three months, but in your special case, the card maker's rank jumped too much, it could take six months or more. In fact, the strange disappearance of Duke Mygeya made the association suspect he might have defected. Because all signs pointed to the Church of Resurrection, there were even absurd rumors... that Duke Mygeya Alansar himself was a cardinal of the Church of Resurrection... Therefore, headquarters would be particularly strict with the investigation here in the Kingdom of Heston..."

Lawrence's voice trailed off, seeming to touch upon something discreet and perhaps a bit unflattering about the Duke. His words became shorter and more clipped.

"However, these voices are mainly coming from other countries that have never gotten along with the Kingdom of Heston. You don't need to worry about them, because they wouldn't go so far as to fabricate news saying that your Lance Wilford is secretly also a Cardinal of the Resurrectionist Church in order to hinder your White Gold Card Maker identity verification."

Hovering on the floating stairs, the two of them walked down while chatting.

Lawrence was clearly very angry at those unscrupulous journalists and media outlets.

He had been acquainted with Duke Mihaela for a long time.

To call this kind-hearted Duke a cardinal is utter slander.

The only thing that ever surprised Lawrence about Duke Mihaila was when he had harbored a demon and married a demon wife all those years ago.

Although headquarters is cracking down more and more, rest assured that most of the procedures our Ikte'rith branch will do our best to handle for you. We'll also cooperate with the Engineering Academy to get everything sorted out properly, minimizing any trouble for you personally.

Lawrence smiled and added to Lance.

The Ecthecate Cardmaker's Guild has a long-standing partnership with the Arcane Engineering Academy, and both parties are very familiar with each other.

Lawrence remembered that on Lanche's application, Ikrithe Magic Academy was clearly written.

He believed that when the good news was delivered to Professor Polao, the dean of the Magic Engineering Academy today, all the professors at the Magic Engineering Academy would be incredibly happy and excited, unable to sleep.


Ranch hesitated to speak.

If he truly is an outstanding student at the Academy of Magic Engineering, then the teachers there must be proud of him.

But... he is from the Academy of Wisdom.

He didn't really interact with the Magic Engineering Academy much.

The only possible intersection might have been when the professor Polao of the Magic Engineering Academy detected a security vulnerability in the launch terminal of the artificial shadow world during the entrance exam, prompting him and his research team to work through the night to make repairs.

"Wouldn't it be a bit troublesome for the teachers at the Magic Engineering Academy..."

Ranch felt a little embarrassed as he said.

(The End)

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Let me know if you'd like me to translate anything else!the groin by Xia. He flipped through the air for several rotations before landing, already unconscious with his eyes rolled back in his head.Many people felt a sudden, intense pain in their lower body...