Chapter 190: Hubley's Fourth Death Star

every inch of land, warm and brilliant.The sky in the distance was a clear, azure blue, with a few white clouds drifting lazily along with the gentle breeze. The green grass on the prairie danced with...Chapter 191: Hubrian's Fourth Death Omen

On the other side of Ecthelion, thick clouds were about to cover the skyline of the capital. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the website directly in your browser to view the fastest chapter updates.)

In the streetside cafe, people gathered by the window, holding steaming cups of coffee and gazing dreamily at the rain outside. The sound of rain mingled with the gentle jazz playing inside the cafe, making this indoor space across from the rainy scene feel especially warm and cozy.

A sudden downpour relentlessly washed over the streets. Raindrops tapped on the lampposts, making a steady clicking sound. The trees were drenched, their branches heavy with water. People hurried to seek shelter in nearby shops or scurried for cover under umbrellas, trying to escape the deluge.

Two streets away from the Iketeri Academy, the Cat Boss Restaurant hung its wind chimes under the eaves. Rain-soaked and swaying in the wind, they made a low, different sound than usual.

The restaurant's door was pushed open and shut from time to time, everything looked very calm, only a few customers were sitting leisurely in the corner enjoying their breakfast.

The clerk was wiping down the glassware behind the counter, head bowed in concentration. The old chandelier cast a warm, yellow light, adding a touch of coziness to the small space.

"Where's my cat boss…"

The shop assistant glanced at the clock on the wall and murmured.

Although their restaurant doesn't specialize in breakfast, because of the weather, they have a few more customers than usual.

If the cat boss doesn't come back soon, she might be too busy taking orders and delivering food by herself. She'll have to go upstairs and ask Miss Tata for help again.

But Miss Tata seems to be sleeping in today, it's already 10 o'clock and she hasn't come downstairs yet.

The clerk glanced out the window and quickly understood.

Raindrops hitting the eaves, pitter-patter, like a rhythmical and continuous background music. The rainwater gathers on the roof, forming a small waterfall that drips down the eaves.

In this kind of weather, anyone would just want to stay home and relax all day.

If possible, the clerk didn't want to bother Tata either, only hoping that the cat, drenched by the heavy rain and looking like a sooty ball, would return soon.

"OK, the 17th works."

The sounds from the kitchen made the waiter come to his senses, and he quickly walked towards the back kitchen window.

She gently lifted a white porcelain plate, upon which lay a delicate dish: golden-fried chicken tenders accompanied by a vibrant fruit salad, with a few drops of pale yellow lemon juice. A selection of sauces, served in separate dishes, allowed customers to customize the flavor of this culinary delight.

The clerk's steps were both light and efficient.

She walked toward a table near the side hallway of the restaurant. A young man sat there, quietly sipping his coffee and gazing out the window, as if waiting for something.

Although he was handsome, his lack of charisma made him unremarkable.

As the clerk approached, the young man finally lifted his head and offered an expectant smile.

"Here's your chicken salad, sir."

The clerk said gently, placing the plate lightly on the table.

Thank you.

The young man nodded to the clerk in thanks, then turned his gaze to the delicate food.

After returning behind the counter, the clerk could tell that this customer was not a regular at the restaurant. However, his shoulders and clothes still had traces of rain on them, much like many of the current customers who were temporary visitors drawn in by the weather. They had chosen to dine and take shelter there out of necessity.

The restaurant fell silent once more, the only sounds the rain outside and the gentle music. The atmosphere remained peaceful as always.

The young man slowly opened the cloth napkin bag on the table, taking out a pair of delicate silver forks and knives.

Although he looked much like any other student from the Ickrith Academy who frequented the shop, his way of enjoying breakfast revealed a rather unusual meticulousness and taste, as if performing surgery with such precision.

He spread the napkin on his lap and then used a knife and fork to cut up the chicken breast in front of him. Each time, he only stabbed at a small piece, putting it in his mouth and savoring it until it was chewed thoroughly.

Then, he gently sliced a piece of fresh brioche with his knife, spread it lightly with pale yellow butter, and carefully put it into his mouth.

He was like that when he drank coffee, too.

He didn't gulp it down hastily, but rather savored its aroma first and then sipped it delicately.

Every one of his movements was composed, precise, and he was naturally completely immersed in the process, enjoying this meal that was both breakfast and lunch.

After about ten minutes, only one-third of the food on his table remained, but this didn't seem strange to anyone.

He was indeed waiting for a young lady.

But that was his target.

He was quite sure that Lady Huberly, the Duke's daughter, was upstairs in this shop.

It seems that after the second Shadow World, I reaped quite a bit of benefit and finally moved out of school to live on my own.

This is also normal, as some students at the Ikelite Academy do not always live in school dormitories. They mostly live in their own residences.

>Originally, his only doubt was why the Duchess would choose this place.

However, when he personally tasted the dishes at this cat cafe owned by the Duchess, he understood why she chose this place.

"Guest, are you satisfied with our store"

The waitress delivered another dish to a customer, once again passing by the young man. She noticed the faint smile of satisfaction on his face and asked:

Because his seat was near the aisle, anyone walking to the store entrance—for example, to the counter—would have to pass by him.

"Very satisfied, if there's a chance in the future I'll come again."

The young man nodded graciously.

Although he said so.


Perhaps this will be the last chance.

This store should be operating on its last day today.

He is a second-year student at the Alolan Royal Academy, Phoenix, who relies on his younger sister, Phillis.

But he is actually an elite believer who lurks in the mortal world, loyal to the Bishop of Destruction. He would rarely ever act under normal circumstances.

He often dwells in a state of deep self-hypnosis, to the point where he may not even remember that he is a member of the Rejuvenation sect.

He only wakes up when he receives a command or encounters an opportunity to execute one.

He was the most suitable person to kill Lady Huberlian, or even if he couldn't kill her, to put her in mortal danger and ruin relations between the two countries.

Phoenix was certain that his Tier 5 power could land a fatal blow to Huberlian in close combat, catching him off guard.

And this time, he not only brought along a boundary seal to block the terrain, equipment to see through invisibility, but also two of the annihilation bishop's graces spells.

The Great Puppet Theater

Category: Spell Card

Grade: Pink Sacred

[Class: 4]

Effect: Only usable on first-order targets. It can control all targets within a 100-meter radius, and the more targets controlled, the longer the duration, and the more complex the actions, the greater the mental burden and magical cost on oneself. Cooldown time is 24 hours.

Note: A quiet death, devoid of dramatic tension.

In a restaurant setting, this spell, useless in typical combat, allows Hyberlian to easily pin the blame of slaughtering civilians on himself.

Moreover, the Huberlians, who would never resort to massacring civilians, would find themselves hampered in their actions when faced with the sudden and unexpected attacks and disruptions from the civilians.

This is a little game the Ruin Bishop enjoys in his spare time. Every time, the Ruin Bishop could easily defeat his opponent, but he likes to bring civilians along to fight with him and then watch those noble righteous warriors accidentally kill civilian after civilian, collapsing and raging impotently at the sight.

As for the second spell —

【Destruction Spark】

Category: Spell Cards

Rank: Pink Sacred

Class: 5

Passive Effect: When the wearer dies, it triggers an extremely devastating fire-based explosion.

Note: The grand spectacle of consecutive kills, starring me.

It will ensure that Hubert can be killed without a hitch today.

Likewise, it was the destroying bishop's bestowal of death upon him.

Today, this restaurant, and the innocent guests within, will all likely meet their demise alongside the duchess.

Neither can

he be considered innocent.

Phoenix smiled, a hint of irony in his tranquil eyes.

Just like natural disasters have no eyes, these civilians were simply chosen by death, that's all there is to it.

If one must blame someone, then the blame lies with the Duchess for choosing this place.

Because for a harbinger of disaster, living itself was her mistake.

If she had died sooner, she wouldn't have killed these innocent people.

(End of chapter)

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