Chapter 220: Lanchi Took Huberley's Words to Heart

Teacher Teresa, in charge of the exam hall, paced back and forth anxiously, wringing her hands.After observing Ferrata's condition, she immediately contacted the medical team at the Chainlink Academy....Chapter 221: Lanchi took Hyberlian's words to heart.

Frey, Lance, and Huberlyan walked along the path in the school's Knights Academy.

Along the way, the three chatted as they walked.

Fred, do you know the rules of the competition

The jacarandas lining the road were scattered and beautifully placed, adding a touch of mystery and tranquility to this school area. They proudly displayed their blossoms that hadn't withered even in winter.

"It's pretty much the same as the contract we signed last time, just like fighting in the Shadow World. And this time, the public competition will no longer use artificial Shadow Worlds, but will be conducted directly on the Knight Academy arena for real battles."

Frey replied that he had been eavesdropping on their conversation when he went to the Knights' Hall with the Guild Master earlier.

Since there's no venue available for the event, the fighters from the Fighting Spirit team and Mona have made arrangements to wait at the arena for the student council advisors.

"This is quite a big deal, isn't it"

Lanche remembered the gigantic arena, with its pointed arch windows that oozed classical charm, capable of holding a multitude of spectators. On the fighting platform itself, there was a magical barrier to protect lives.

Generally, when launching publicly, considering both cost and promotion, it will be a large-scale event.

"Yes, the day after tomorrow happens to be Friday. Getting things started early can be considered a pretty good celebration."

Frey continued.

After all, the characteristic of students and residents here is that they love watching a good spectacle.

Every now and then, the Ikrithe Academy also does some fun things to satisfy the public's wishes.

Although sometimes it gets a bit too big, like last time when I directly sent the head of the Chain Link Academy in.

"By the way, Lance, which side do you think will win"

Frey rarely proactively asked questions out of curiosity.

"I'm not sure..."

Lan Qi stomped his chin thoughtfully, but finally shook his head.

Then you wait until I confirm and then I will go buy it.


Hubbert, speechless and choked with emotion, stood by.

The motives of these two guys are both clear and utterly baffling.

She no longer concerned herself with the words of the two people around her. She looked up, and the most prominent arena in the Knights' Court had come into view.

From afar, the grand building is primarily constructed of red brick and white stone. Most eye-catching are the unique window designs, varying in size but all brimming with classical charm. The colorful crystals embedded in the windows cast a mesmerizing array of hues inside, even on overcast days, adding a touch of warmth to the arena's cold stone walls.

The three of them walked into the wide corridor behind the gate. Because preparations for an upcoming event and maintenance work were underway, it was about to be temporarily closed to students. As a result, there were fewer people inside.

Soon, with the lights and shadows in the corridor gradually brightening at the end, the three members of the student council walked out from a wrought iron gate entwined with vines. A gust of wind howled, whipping up their clothes.

When they could see clearly again, a vast battleground lay before them. The central platform was covered in white marble cut with razor-sharp blades, and around it stretched tiered seating that rose in concentric circles, capable of holding thousands.


What drew their attention was not the sight of the place, but the sound of unrestrained laughter. Looking out, a group of burly young men stood on the distant arena, each with slight scars on their faces, but apparently unfazed.

"How did you become so weak You can't even last a few minutes this time"

"The fighting spirit of the Ictereus Academy is truly too weak."

"Do you have any *** You're a bunch of ** without ***, why don't you get your boss to come out and spar with us!"

On the other hand, all of the fighters from Ikrete Academy were beaten to the ground, covered in wounds and bleeding from their noses. They didn't even seem to have the strength to stand up.

"You bunch of… you're no match for Sister Tsvirel!"

The burly fighter, the vice-captain of the Soul Team, had blood dripping from his lower lip. He struggled to rise, but was quickly kicked in the back and sent sprawling, coughing up blood as he lay helpless.

"Then let her come, we'll make sure she enjoys herself too."

The leading man from the Royal Academy of Alorand bowed his head and chuckled derisively.

Immediately, the fighters behind him all burst into laughter.

What's going on

Lance strode onto the field first, inquiring with a puzzled expression.

The fallen fighters on the ground seemed to be avoiding eye contact out of shame, their lips trembling as if unable to speak. Perhaps they had been completely drained of their last ounce of strength and spirit.

"Those guys, they can't stand a little pressure from us. They agreed to have a trial run with us first, and as you can see, the results are clear."

The man in the lead, a tall figure with a few scars around his eyes, whistled and spoke to Lance.

"That's it."

Ranch nodded, he remembered this person was Kusé, a sixth-rank fighter from the Academic Visiting Team of Arolan Royal Academy. Kusé himself was strong and also a nobleman from the Arolan Kingdom.

Then this friendly match has clearly been decided, please come to the official competition the day after tomorrow.

Ranche addressed the fighters, led by Kuze, in an official capacity.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like translated!

They haven't surrendered yet, I advise you not to interfere, or you might get hurt. It wouldn't be our responsibility then.

Kuse chuckled coldly, twisting her wrist.

Let's thrash these fighters a little bit more in the next few days. Maybe that will make Tziviani take action in tomorrow's match.

After all, Tsvirveny is also a member of the original Soul Fighters team. According to the rules, she is eligible to participate, or perhaps they deliberately allowed her to keep her chance to compete.

This kid in front of me wants to stir up trouble, he doesn't mind taking himself down either.

"Kuse, he is Lance."

A fighter behind him whispered.

The handsome young man with black hair and emerald green eyes, wearing a student council badge, was clearly alone.

Kouse after hearing this, slightly stunned, squinted his left eye and took a good look at Lance.

"Lynch You're the guy who lost to Adams first, then Karen, and got hyped up anyway"

Kuse, nearly two meters tall, smirked with disdain and looked down at Lance.

Of the three student council members, the one with gray-white hair is very strong. Despite only being at the fifth rank, Kuse couldn't explain what was going on with the wildness he felt radiating from him.

The tall girl with silver hair was average, neither strong nor weak; she could be taken down in a few moves.

And this black-haired, green-eyed fellow... is simply pathetically weak.

It seems destroying the Saintess isn't that difficult after all. Since you were able to take her down, I feel like I could do it too now... If I get involved in this today, should we have another rematch and see if I can finally beat you

Kushe spoke coldly, not taking Ranchi seriously at all. He even had the interest of punching Ranchi anytime.

Three updates today, and two more chapters will be coming later~.

(The End)

{ } Moran and Huberlian's conversation just woke up Ranchi.He was terribly sleepy, almost drifting off in a half-dream state, when he heard this fellow named Mordain nudge him. That changed things comple...