Chapter Three: Lynch knows how to play contracts

department insignia on Lan Qi's chest and quickly understood what he meant.He knew that the Music Department had some forbidden summoning magic, and obviously this silver-haired demon was a good cand...Chapter 3: Ranch knows how to play contracts.

Even though the golden hues of dusk have vanished completely, the cityscape illuminated by lights still reveals a beauty that rivals its former glory.

Beside the ancient buildings on both sides, pedestrians in various attire had serene smiles on their faces.

Residential areas located in the corner, hundreds of meters away from the city gate.

Besides the torches hung on the walls by the guards and the lights coming from the windows of the residents, there was no other light.

After Ranch's eyes adjusted to the darkness, he slowly approached his destination.

He could see what was huddled under the wall at the corner of the street—actually, there were many creatures huddled up.

The shivering, frail creature looked very vulnerable because of the cold.

Ranche continued walking toward that place, he could hear the sounds of those lives.


Stopping, he crouched down and opened the lunch box in his hand.

Just like that, the fragrance began to waft.

And when Lance dropped the cooked chicken inside onto the ground a short distance away, gradually some small cats began to approach him.

At this very moment.

He seemed not to notice at all that, across the street just a short distance away, another figure was leaning against the wall. She looked like a homeless person from the slums.

This corner isn't a great place, it's rather isolated and only has some stray cats.

But there were no other homeless people, and there were few guards.

Talya dislikes humans, so this place feels more comfortable for her.

None would have thought that such a girl dressed as a refugee could be the former princess of the demon race.

Time just passed like that.

The little cats around were almost all attracted to Ranch.

Lan Qi was looking at the cats eating with a face full of happiness.

He learned from the butler that Talya had been sleeping on the streets for the past two days.

Thus, before dinner, Lance asked the chef in the mansion to prepare a large amount of specially scented chicken for him. The cat could eat it, and humans found it even more fragrant.

Then, a little later, I pretended to be here feeding the cat on purpose.


Let me know if you'd like me to translate anything else!

Despite this, Lance never once looked at Talia during these few minutes.

But Talya had already noticed the human who had boldly trespassed into her "territory."

If he just stayed here honestly, Talia might treat him like air.

But that damn human, why would they feed the feral cat such high-quality meat

Recalling her years of sleeping rough and barely eating, Talya could only conclude that even cats lived better than she did.

Finally, she couldn't help but look in Lanchi's direction.

But due to her dignity, she seemed unable to utter a single word of reproach for a moment.

Only Death gazed upon Lanci.

But Lance still hadn't found her after half a day.

"Could you feed the cats somewhere else"

She opened her mouth and said coldly.

Lanche raised his head slightly, looking blankly in the direction of the sound. After seemingly understanding the situation, he calmly responded:

"I come here more often than you."

He asserted his domain as if to say, "I'm the one who frequently feeds the cats here."

Upon hearing this, Talia let out a barely audible snort and turned her attention away from him.

Because this human truly didn't lie.

Ranch didn't say anything more.

What he just said was indeed true.

As a native of this town, no one knows this place better than he does, not even Talya.

And Talya had only just come to this town, so naturally she wouldn't have seen Lynch feeding the cats in the past few days.

However, Talia has a stubborn streak.

She both disliked Ranch and was unwilling to take the initiative to abandon her spot where she had stayed for two days.

Whoever yields at this point will seem like they lost.

So she sat in the corner, enduring hunger while trying hard to fall asleep.

And so a little while passed.

"Can you help me"

Lan Qi's voice suddenly rang out in the quiet street.

Taliya tilted her head slightly to look in Lance's direction, making sure he was speaking to her.


Talya didn't want to have anything to do with him.

But according to the rules of human kingdoms, since someone has requested her help, there must be a reward.

She really needs all kinds of rewards now.

"Please feed the cats and don't let the big cat bully the small one. I'm tired, I want to go home and sleep."

Lanche finished speaking and raised the box in his hand, adding,


Yours are the many.



Tallia fell silent.

If it were not charity, but a transaction, she could consider it.

However, for demons, it is especially important to abide by the rules of the bargain.

Even their dignity is at stake.

The more noble the demon, the more it would rather die than break the rules of the bargain.

Even if this human didn't know she was a demon.

But as a demon lord, even if she starved herself to death, she would never break the terms of the deal, not even for an extra morsel of cat food.

She counted the cats in her mind, making sure she would still have a little bit of chicken left.


Talya thought the deal was fine.

Although she didn't quite understand what joy humans derived from feeding cats.

Lance covered the lunchbox and placed it on the ground. He stood up and stretched his waist, then left with a leisurely air.


The next morning, this town was a wealthy merchant's mansion.

Today was another day of self-discipline. I woke up early, ate breakfast, and then Lan left for work after that.

The plants in the courtyard seemed to be coated with a layer of mist by the rising sun. Goldfinches on the surrounding trees were chirping their cheerful songs.

This couldn't help but bring a smile to Ranch, who was walking in the yard.

However, as soon as he stepped out of the hospital, he stopped.

Because he saw that Talya was sitting across the street, as if she were waiting for him.

But he wasn't worried at all.

It's unlikely that Talia would have been able to investigate his misdeeds so quickly.

Tallia in the distance quickened her pace towards Lance, and at his back, the guard standing at the manor's gate immediately went on alert.

Lance raised his hand to signal the guards not to be nervous.

It's useless to be nervous, if she wants to go on a killing spree, no one here can stop her.


She simply raised her hand and handed the takeout container, which had held chicken last night, to Lance.

She would come to Ranch so quickly because in this town, simply inquiring about "the black-haired and green-eyed youth" could reveal the deeds of this ill-famed nobleman.

But she always felt that the rich young masters the townspeople talked about were a bit different from the boy she had seen with her own eyes.

Although he seems a bit foolish and lazy, he doesn't seem like a bad-tempered human being.

You can sell it, I don't intend to get it back.

Ranche gazed at her in confusion.

The high-end tableware at home can be sold for at least half a pound.

This is content outside the transaction.

Talya spoke without emotion.

Lanche nodded and reached out to take the box.

This demon princess must have put a lot of effort into disguising herself as a human, strictly adhering to the rules and regulations of human society.

Before Lancy could say another word, Talia turned away without hesitation and left with indifference.

"Didn't you eat much"

Lanche stared after Talya, whose retreating figure was all dark gray cloak and a vanishing silhouette. He asked,

"I will honor our agreement."

Talya said without looking back.

"That's how it is."

Lancy bowed her head and muttered to herself, looking at the box.

This demon seemed to emphasize particularly that this was a "transaction," rather than a "favor."

Her arrogance did not allow anyone to give her charity, nor did she want to repay any favors. She was very clear that what was free was actually the most expensive.

Then the little abacus with which he had calculated how much of a favor to bestow upon Talya was shattered.

Even the boxes that could become "trap of kindness" were returned first.

Lancelot sighed and handed the lunchbox in his hand to the guard beside him.

It turns out that wanting to offset the "hate" incurred by "granting Talia favors" is far from easy.


All of this was within his expectations.

Lanche gestured to the guards behind him that they needn't be on alert, he was going to speak with this young lady privately.

The guards didn't dare say anything and stayed at the entrance of the mansion as instructed by Lance.

Then Lance ran after her, catching up to Talia.

Talya turned her head, looking at the human who had just come up to her side, her expression becoming a little puzzled.

She doesn't understand what this creature, which appears lowly yet weak in status, wants to do.

"I want to propose another deal to you. I guarantee its fairness with the reputation of my family."

Lanche politely said.

Taliya's golden eyes stared at Lanchi, as if trying to peer into his very pupils.

It is not a lie.

She has magic that can determine the truthfulness of others' words.

And he has had a previous trading experience.

It seems like this wealthy human doesn't seem too bad, and should be able to give her the compensation she needs right now.

"Tell me a story."

Talya paused, responding.

"As for the details of the transaction, I hope you won't ask me why."

Lance's expression became somewhat serious.

Talya nodded.

She didn't need to investigate further, because no one could deceive her with lies.

There's a person in this town who wants me dead. So I want to hire you to keep an eye out for suspicious people near my house, and to help eliminate any dangers and protect me. I will give you the appropriate compensation.

Lanche looked a little uneasy, his worry clear in his eyes as he stared straight at Tallia.

"It's not a difficult thing."

Tallia, upon hearing Lance's proposition, was convinced that he spoke the truth.

Your family must be very wealthy and influential in this town. Even your household should have plenty of people to protect your safety.

She thought about it for a moment, then looked toward the not-insignificant guards in the distance and posed her question to Lanchi.

Because the assassin could be right beside me, I can't absolutely trust anyone around me, so I need as much reliable insurance as possible.

Lanche seems to be particularly fond of Talia.

His eyes held no disguise of admiration for Talia. It stemmed from her honesty in returning the box, and her lack of prejudice towards him based on his status, position, or rumors.

So you think I am more reliable than the guards around you

Talya seemed to accept that she wasn't weak.

She understood that Lanci had the kind of shrewdness common to astute businessmen.

"Relatively speaking, yes."

Lanchi nodded.

"Hiring me is expensive."

That's all Talya said.

She has always been evaluating the truthfulness of every word this human speaks.

But he has never told her a lie.

Among all the humans she has met so far, this is invaluable.

According to her judgment, he should belong to the kind of human being who is honest, upright and kind, a good trading partner.

"3 a day, as long as you remain in this city, this agreement will be in effect."

Lanche had already taken out a check from his pocket with the inscription "Wilfort Trading Company" and a pen.

It seems a pound and a half in coins would be too much trouble for him to carry.

An ordinary family in the southern town of Manthina, on the borderlands of the Kingdom of Hecton, can typically live on around 30 pounds a year.

Talya was visibly stunned.

He wasn't just intimidated by Lance's rich guy aura.

For someone who hadn't encountered the currency unit "pound" in ages, and who was also a black market figure of the kingdom, this was a deal too good to refuse.

However, she has absolute confidence in her abilities.

Therefore, this is not a "favor," but a "transaction."

Most importantly, the right to terminate this transaction lies with her, and it will not affect her freedom.


Talya said in a low voice.

Then I'll leave it to you.

Lanche simply handed the checkbook and pen to Talya, leaving her momentarily stunned.

Talya lowered her head, thoughtfully examining the check in her hand.

Does that mean I fill in the numbers myself on it every day and then cash it in

He is indeed a wealthy and generous human.

There are also many qualities such as kindness and honesty.

However, this kind of human is often the most incompatible with their demon race.


At this time, Lan Qi turned around and walked towards the other side of the street.

He was twitching at the corner of his mouth, barely able to contain his smile.

Taliya still doesn't know that the person who wants to kill Lanchi is herself.

Even if Talia found out that Lance had killed her demon, she wouldn't be able to attack him.

Because she had to follow such a rule —

As long as she was in this city, she had to protect the Ranch and get 3 pounds a day!

(End of chapter)

[ ] and, carrying the box, sighed out a plume of white mist."Two seniors, if you're doing elective tasks, it's best not to go any further north. Once the railway in Kingston is repaired, just return dire...