Chapter 802: Faith, the Spark of Humanity!

ealm, so Yun Hao didn't have any ideas about these three monsters for the time being.After Yun Hao thoroughly understood the situation, his figure broke through the lake surface and returned to the sh...The Eastern Wilderness Saint Lord met Yun Hao.

But he didn't hold back his power just because Yun Hao wasn't at a high realm.

Because, Yunhao is now, standing in front of the imperial seal which he is bound to obtain.

The Human Emperor Seal is a coveted treasure that the Eastern Desolation Saint Master has long desired. He has spent a great deal of effort trying to seize it and now considers it his!

Someone is going to touch his things.

Then they must be killed!

Yun Hao faced the mysterious energy enveloping the Emperor's Seal. He sensed the terrifying and violent force behind him, but he didn't make any move.

Just as Yun Hao's body was about to be struck by the furious punch of the Eastern Desolation Saint Master, suddenly, a figure appeared and stood behind Yun Hao!

It is the tower master of the Yuan Tower, Gu Tong!

Gutu's body was surrounded by countless runes. With a palm strike, the taboo power combined with the runes, clashing head-on with Dong Huang Shengzhu, a powerful being of the emperor level!


Fist strength and palm strength collided.

The void trembled violently.

Gu Tong raised his hand and waved, a piece of talismanic script swirling through the air, striking the remnants of the storm's power and dissipating it, preventing it from affecting Yun Hao.

The Eastern Desolate Master stared at Gu Tong.

"You old bastard, you actually have the guts to step out of the Yuan Tower, are you looking for death!"

"Then we'll see who dies!"

The Eastern Wilderness Saint Lord roared, “Do you think I’m actually afraid of you that’s why I haven’t flattened the City of Heavenly Ascent You're too full of yourself. I was just busy with things here and didn't want to cause any trouble, so I didn't enter the City of Heavenly Ascent to wipe out all of you scum.”

I haven't caused you any trouble, yet you come to ruin my plans.

I won't kill you, my name spelled backwards!

As his words fell, the Eastern Desolation Saint Lord launched a ferocious assault on Gu Tong. His fists pounded, and in an instant, countless raging fist imprints erupted in the void.

Gǔ Tōng's body trembled, and eighteen source avatars materialized instantly.

Adding the ancient teachings' essence, a total of nineteen ancient transmissions erupted with forbidden power, blocking every one of these infinite punches.

The Eastern Desolate Saint Master said: "You think that this is enough to deal with me You're being naive!"

He roared in fury, unleashing his killing moves once again. In an instant, he had shattered the world around him into a desolate wasteland.

In the desolate wasteland, countless giants stood tall!

Every giant, simultaneously throws a punch, terrifyingly powerful.

The ancient sage split himself into many bodies to fight Gu Tong, but was overpowered.

The Eastern Desolation Lord laughed loudly: "Arrogant fools! You are all going to die! All of you, go to hell!"

That's when.

The power of Yun Hao surged, flowing into the sheath of Zang Feng sword, filling heaven and earth.

A myriad of runes fell upon the forbidden life being suppressed by the bronze artifact.

Bronze nails were pulled out one by one.

One by one, bronze chains fell away.

Inside the scabbard of the hidden blade, a world unfolds in an instant!


The forbidden life roared with fury.

A ferocious and brutal aura instantly filled this void.

The Eastern Waste Saint Lord, who had suppressed the ancient scriptures and continuously unleashed ferocious killing moves, suddenly felt a tremor in his spirit. In the next instant, the forbidden lifeform was already charging towards him.

One punch!


The Eastern Desolation Saint Lord's face was struck, his body flying sideways in an instant, his head almost exploding!

Taboos life bursting chain attacks.

Gu Tong's source techniques were continuously cast.

The Eastern Desolate Lord was in an extremely passive situation, only able to take hits and with no chance to counterattack!

Yun Hao still didn't glance at the battle.

The Emperor's Seal is the most important thing right now!

More important than killing the Eastern Desolation Saint Master!

This battle, taking place in the depths of the void, appears to be a confrontation between the Eastern Waste Sacred Ground and an alliance of three parties: the Skyreaching City.

But whether the situation will change, no one can say for sure.

After all, Yang Tianhua himself once descended upon the Eastern Desolation. Huang Quan, the Emperor of the Netherworld, was also in the Eastern Desolation. Even individuals from the Hall of Reincarnation, who specialize in hunting and capturing war souls, have appeared in the Eastern Desolation.

First, take back the Imperial Seal. Then, even if the situation develops in unexpected ways, we won't be too passive.

"What is this energy" Yun Hao transmitted his voice to the Destiny Girl within the stele.

The Chosen Daughter: "The power of faith, the belief of the previous generations of Emperors, used to protect the Imperial Seal."

Yún Hào: "The power of faith Why does it feel so similar to the power of humanity"

At its core, faith power is humanity's power. When you hold the Human Emperor Seal, you can to a certain extent control the power of humanity.

But at first, the power of humanity is still weak. As you gain the recognition of the human race, the power of humanity will continuously strengthen.

The more people recognize you, the stronger your human power becomes!

And when people's recognition of you becomes their faith in you, then, that is the ultimate sublimation of human power.

The acknowledged level of humane power is just the initial stage of humane power!

The power of the human way at the level of faith is the highest level of human power!

Explanation of "Heavenly Mandate's Daughter," simple and easy to understand.

"Then how do I take the Human Emperor Seal"

"Imbue your faith within this layer of humanity's power, and you shall feel the Emperor's Seal. Within the Emperor's Seal lies a spark of humanity. If you can ignite this spark, then the Emperor's Seal shall be yours!"

"My faith" Yun Hao murmured to himself, and then extended his palm.

When his palm touched that mass of faith-based human power, he instantly entered a very special state.

He seemed to incarnate into millions, possessing countless identities.

Farmer, scholar, physician, official, merchant...

In an instant, I experienced countless identities throughout a lifetime.

Next, countless thoughts poured into his mind.

Longing for favorable weather and abundant harvests, longing for success on the imperial examinations, longing to become wealthy...

"My faith!" As countless thoughts bombarded his mind, Yun Hao suddenly woke up and remembered the words of the Chosen Daughter.

The next moment, his resolve hardened.

His belief, past life, and present life have never changed!

That is to be human, to break free from shackles and carve out a path!

After he held fast to his true self, his perception instantly pierced through this layer of human power rooted in faith.

"Congratulations, you have passed the test left by the previous generation's emperor."

The voice of the Heavenly Mandate's Daughter rang out: "This level of faith, the power of humanity, besides guarding the Emperor's Seal, has another important use, which is to test how steadfast your faith truly is."

To know, the Human Emperor holds dominion over the Way of Humanity. Within the power of the Way of Humanity lies the collective will of all humankind. If one's own will is not firm enough, it is easily shattered by the countless wills within the Way of Humanity.

If that were the case, he would be unworthy of becoming emperor.

The emperor must have an unshakeable will, only then can he lead the human race to glory.

Continue on, and ignite the spark of humanity within the Emperor's Seal. Begin the journey to illuminate the path for all mankind!

Yun Hao hummed in response.

His attention was focused on the Human Emperor Seal.

The Human Emperor's Seal was not as golden and magnificent as imagined, but simply a square stone seal!

The surface of the stone tablet was covered with mottled traces.

Yun Hao felt the ups and downs, turmoil, and prosperity that the human race had experienced from these traces...

At the same time, from these mottled traces, one can also feel that generation after generation of human heroes have sacrificed themselves for the continuation and prosperity of humankind, going through fire and water...

One small stone seal carries the memory of human glory, disgrace, rise and fall!

Yun Hao took a deep breath, holding his breath and focusing his mind. His intention solidified into a ray, heading towards the Emperor's Seal, to ignite the fire of humanity!o faint that it was almost impossible to capture even with spiritual power.This operation, seemingly simple, is only simple for Yun Hao. If it were anyone else, they wouldn't be able to successfully e...