Chapter 1,167: An Unprecedented Act!

ao, Lü Yi and the others would not immediately realize he was the mastermind. He could then calmly withdraw without a trace.But he never expected that the poisonous insects he had given to this group...After seeing the truth, Yun Hao felt that everything was so absurd.

Lü Yi once wanted to resurrect a person. The "thing" he prepared to withstand the Heavenly Dao's punishment was surprisingly a peerless and ferocious creature slumbering in the Thousand Abyss Cave.

Yunhao came to Qianxu Cave and found Ganlin. In order to test him, Ganlin accidentally awakened a dormant, world-destroying creature because of the power sleeping within Yunhao. As a result, Yunhao was then used by the creature as a puppet to withstand the punishment of the Dao!

What I can't understand is, that shameless wretch, why would he choose you to use the Divine Contract Pearl!

Gan Lin looked puzzled and confused, saying: "This fellow has been slumbering in the Qianxu Cave for a very long time, always searching for a puppet to bear the punishment of the Dao in his stead, but he never found one... Why would he choose you"

Yún Hào suppressed the many complicated thoughts in his heart and said, "Senior Gān, why don't you tell me about this dragon's origins"


That dark figure is the incarnation of the dragon clan!

The ultimate monster slumbering in the Qianxu Cave is a dragon of immense power, with bloodline reaching the level of a celestial dragon!

Within Yun Hao's body, a dragon spirit resides, having also reached the level of a celestial dragon spirit.

The instant Yun Hao saw the shadow, the Heavenly Dragon Spirit within him stirred.

After the Shadow made him swallow the Qishen Pearl, its energy melted and intertwined with the Celestial Dragon Spirit within him, becoming one!

Gan Lin's eyes flickered, and she immediately reacted. She stared at Yun Hao and said, "There is the power of the dragon clan in your body"

Yun Hao nodded.

"I see..."

Gan Lin's expression was complex, and then she said: "That's right, it was a dragon, the most despicable and shameless dragon in history, nailed to the shame pillar of the Dragon Clan."

He once made a grand oath, but he broke his promise. He used some special means to temporarily shield himself from the punishment of the Dao, but he could only hide and evade the Dao's retribution.

Once by sheer chance, this shameless dragon plunged into the human realm. He could only choose to slumber to continue evading the retribution of the Dao.

Lv Yi, that bastard, just happened to discover this secret, so he's planning to use this creature to withstand a strike from the Heavenly Dao.

As long as he is near, it will invoke the punishment of the Great Dao. Given his history of evading the punishment of the Great Dao for so many years, the punishment of the Great Dao will immediately go after him!

Gan Lin's explanation made Yun Hao thoroughly understand what was going on.

But now, here's the problem!

If Yun Hao were to revive Di Fei, the retribution of the Dao would descend. Even if they shifted the stars and moved the Dao's punishment onto that dragon, Yun Hao already had a Chi Shen Pearl planted within him. That dragon could then directly use Yun Hao as a puppet and redirect the Dao's punishment back to him.

I'm stuck in an endless loop.

Yun Hao's mind suddenly lit up, and he said, "Elder Gan, the effect of the Divine Pact Pearl is manifested in the source of life, right"

Gan Lin nodded. "I know what you're thinking, you want to completely separate the power related to the Dragon Clan within your body, right But you can't do it, because the Chi Shen Zhu has already fused the Dragon Clan power within you with the very essence of your life."

Yun Hao's thoughts whirled rapidly. He already had an idea, but this plan was not something he could discuss with Gan Lin.

"Master Kan, life and death are predetermined by fate. If in the end, I still have to bear the punishment of the Heavenly Dao, I accept it. Now, I'm going to do what I've always wanted to do!"

Although you come from the School of Non-Action, you and Lü Yi are completely worlds apart. You would risk your life for your brother... Hmph! Ten thousand Lü Yis wouldn't be able to match even a single hair on your head. That weak, incompetent wretch, a coward who fears death!

Gan Lin's words revealed immense resentment towards Lü Yi!

Luyi and she must have had some very complicated things between them. Yunhao didn't pry into it.

Due to the Chi Shen Pearl, Yun Hao cannot be farther than ten thousand miles from that dragon.

So, he could only prepare nearby for Di Fei's resurrection.

Although Gan Lin didn't say anything, she didn't leave. Apparently, she was touched by the righteousness Yun Hao had shown and decided to stay with him here, in case anyone disturbed him.

Among all this, there is naturally a bit of guilt.

After all, if she hadn't brought Yun Hao to the dragon's sleeping place to test him, Yun Hao wouldn't have been cursed with the divine seed by that shameless dragon.


A vast expanse of emptiness.

Yun Hao's heart moved, and with divine power, he enveloped Di Fei's remaining wisp of breath.


He drew out the elixir of life and directed it towards the ethereal, wispy energy.


A miraculous scene appeared.

Di Fei's last breath, after being irrigated by the life source liquid, suddenly burst forth with a brilliant radiance. The power of life was burgeoning, and Di Fei's life essence was being reforged!

Soon, Di Fei's breath was no longer ethereal and illusory. After being combined with the source of life liquid, it transformed into a swirling mass of primal life essence.

With the birth of the source of life, what follows is to rebuild the flesh and soul!

The three-life fruit is a wondrous medicine for forging flesh and blood.

Yun Hao, using his mastery of fire manipulation, extracted the essence of the Three Lives Fruit and infused it into the surging source of life.

Buds of flesh were growing, connecting. This was a relatively long process. Yun Hao carefully controlled the energy of the Three Lives Fruit, taking a full two days to forge a physical body for Di Fei.

But at this time, the physical body was still only just beginning to take shape.

Any life form's structure is incredibly complex and full of mystery. Next, Yun Hao still needs to use the prepared abundance of divine medicine to gradually make Di Fei's physical body truly complete!

Just like forging a weapon.

Only after undergoing countless refinements can one achieve ultimate sublimation!

Over the following time, Yun Hao focused all his attention, not daring to be even slightly distracted. He carefully guided Di Fei's body, bringing it closer and closer to perfection.

He needed to constantly output divine power, his mental energy highly concentrated. This was undoubtedly a huge drain on him, but as he watched Fei's revival getting closer to success, he felt a surge of endless motivation, as if he would never know what fatigue was!

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty days have passed.

Di Fei's physical body has finally reached the perfect state.

"Little Flying, it's coming soon, brothers, we will be reunited soon!"

Yun Hao's voice trembled slightly, his eyes glistening with moisture. He took a deep breath and then pulled out the Huiling Shenxiang.

Now, only the last step is left!

Forge your soul anew!

Awaken Di Fei's memories!

Yun Hao controlled the flames, igniting the Returning Spirit Incense.

Wisps of light smoke, radiating divine radiance, slowly drifted towards Di Fei's body and then burrowed into his brow, entering his sea of consciousness!

Far away.

Canlin, who had been watching this area for Yunhao, saw the scene of imminent success and her face showed an extremely complex expression.

After a moment, she slowly lifted her head and looked up at the sky.

A very subtle ripple was rippling through heaven and earth.

Yún Hào is performing a feat against the heavens.

Once Di Fei's soul was reforged and his memories recovered, completing his rebirth, the retribution of the Great Dao descended!, had their heads buzzing.This was beyond their expectations.No one could have imagined that Yun Hao would be able to set up such a terrifying Xuanjie Middle Grade Grand Killing Array!Yun Hao would ne...