Chapter 136

nd brother is the life of our team. He's suddenly disappeared, and it looks grim. We want to save him, but we can't find any trace of him. He just vanished into thin air in this Zhou Dynasty tomb.Besi..."We used to have this thing called “dynamite"... The detonators were in Sister Hong’s bag. We used two at the time and had some left over, but then we got caught and they took our backpacks."

Hong Jie glanced at the person who lowered their head.

He shook his head and said he didn't have that kind of thing with him.

Right now, everyone was silent. If we had more time, it would be fine, we could always figure out a way to open the partition inside the coffin. But we don't have that time.

According to my guess, those people might already be on their way here.

At that moment, I raised my hand and stammered, "Perhaps... perhaps we should retreat first"

"No, let's think of another way," he said, taking a deep breath. He didn't want to give up just like that.

At that moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly came from outside the cave. I saw several beams of light flashing in the distance and vaguely heard people talking.

I took two steps back in alarm and cried out, "Run! Those people are here!"

"Run Kid, hey, where are you running to, burrow into the ground" Beggar Liu pulled out his soft sword, a sneer curling on his lips.

Yao Yumen also took out her small pistol with a sullen face, pressing bullets one by one into the clip.

With a vein throbbing on his forehead, he whispered to us, "Remember, follow my instructions."


I gripped the whirlwind shovel in my hand, swallowed hard, and stared intently at the opening.

Footsteps were approaching, and the flashlight beams grew more numerous.

As I rounded the corner, I saw Chen Jian-sheng leading the way first.

And there were several familiar faces following behind him, some of whom I had seen before.

Xiao Zuo head, Owl Woman, Jian Ge and others were all present.

Some of them had machetes, while others held guns. Their numbers were double ours.

We hurried and finally caught up with him. However, judging by his current expression, I don't think he was trying to hide anymore.

At this moment, all parties involved put on a show of force.

"Hey, isn't this Chen Hong And this kid too, so you guys were hiding here" Chen Jiansheng shone his flashlight directly in my eyes.

Hong Jie stared at her coldly, not saying a word.

He raised his head and gestured for us not to make a hasty move.

"Beipai, Wang Xian Sheng," he said, nodding his head in greeting to Xiao Zhuan Tou.wner that you're going to Alashan, and he'll understand.”And what kind of cars are you driving, how is your water supply preparedI led him to look at our trunk, of course I didn't let him see the thin...