Chapter 17

with a solemn expression, "If I'm not mistaken, this is an ancient locust wood coffin."">"Gloomy locust tree"I swallowed nervously and whispered, "No way, big brother. Not rosewood How come they used...This is about a man and a woman, the man's name is Yao Wen ce and the woman's name is Yao Yu men.

Sun Lao San explained the situation to them, and Wang Babing also shared his opinion.

The woman Yao Yumen nodded and said, "Wang Baotou, what you said is right. It's similar to our thoughts. A living person couldn't just disappear out of thin air. It's very likely that he fell somewhere down below.


Wang stared intently and said, “Miss Yao, are you saying there’s still space under the Xier Room Then why didn’t the third brother find it on the ground before”

Yao Yumen shook her head and said, "Not necessarily. You look at Wang's head."


She pulled out paper and a pen from her bag and drew a cross on the white sheet of paper.

She pointed to the cross-shaped diagram with her finger and said, "This is how King's tombs were usually built in the Western Zhou Dynasty. You said that except for the side chambers on east and west, there was no way through the front passage, right You didn't find the main tomb chamber, did you So, this isn't a cross, it's a T-shape, right"

Wang looked at the drawing on the paper, thoughtfully saying: "You mean...the front end sank But that's not right. If it did, how could we not see it"

The woman shook her head and said with a cold face, "You scoundrel! Don't you know about soul burial, the practice of burying one's head in sheep intestines"

"Sheep pen" I exclaimed, unable to contain my surprise. "How is that possible! Isn't this kind of anti-theft burial method only invented in the Han Dynasty This is a tomb from the Western Zhou!"

The woman turned her head and glanced at me. She probably thought I was too young, because when she heard what I said, she seemed a little surprised.

Then she shook her head and smiled at me, "You're quite knowledgeable for a young one. Sister will tell you today, what you said isn't entirely correct. Yangchangticuo was popular in the Han Dynasty, mind you, it was popular, not invented."

This method appeared in its rudimentary form during the late Shang Dynasty and was fully applied during the early Western Zhou Dynasty. Compared to the Western Zhou's system, the Han Dynasty's Yangchang system was simply dwarfed.

Her words refreshed my knowledge blind spots. This wasn't mentioned in the book, I truly didn't know. I even suspected she was making things up or exaggerating. However, this is a master brought here by Wang Baotou, so I dare not underestimate them.

The man in sunglasses, who had been listening silently the whole time, finally spoke up.

He shook his head and said, "Perhaps you're going the wrong way. You only checked on either side and ignored the wall straight ahead."

Wang opened his mouth and said, "I believe you. In that case, shall we act tonight You came in a hurry, probably didn't bring enough tools, did you What do you need I'll have someone prepare it."



The man shook his head and said, "No need for tools, we're prepared. We don't know what's down there, so you guys should bring plenty of dry food just in case. When it gets dark, we'll go down the pit."


"Well, alright," Wang turned his head and told me, "YUNFENG, go prepare some water and compressed biscuits. Be back before dark. Tonight, you and Lao San follow these two people. Listen to the instructions, and you'll continue looking for Lao Er."

Please note that the original content was just “

”. There wasn't anything to translate.

"Oh, come on, aren't you going" I asked him in confusion.

He shook his head and said, "I can't go. I always feel that these two days someone has been paying attention to the hotel. For the safety of the team, I have to stay upstairs and coordinate everything."


"Oh, okay," I nodded vaguely.

Wang was very generous. He gave me one thousand yuan to buy provisions and supplies, and even asked me to get a few of the best waterproof headlamps and knives. He said that since this trip would be long, if our headlamp malfunctioned, we'd have a backup and wouldn't be left in the dark.

I took a thousand yuan with me this afternoon and went out to buy things. Two hundred meters from Shun De No. 3 Middle School, there is a large hardware store, the largest in Shun De.

I told my boss directly, I want to buy the best high-powered waterproof flashlight.

The store owner, a middle-aged man, unexpectedly said: "Little classmate, the best waterproof flashlight is a German brand, military surplus, that won't be cheap, over two hundred."


I immediately took out a stack of money, "I want to buy four."


"Four!" the boss exclaimed with a glare. "Boy, you're really loaded! Just wait, I'll get it for you right away."ve a chance to find Red Sister and the Sun Family brothers. I guess they were separated and locked up after falling unconscious.Chen Tuge.Suddenly, someone spoke from ahead.Peeking quietly, I noticed...