Chapter 183

een the saying that one bowl of Three Harmonies earth could be exchanged for one bowl of meat.Five-element earth, six-element earth cast walls are called Diamond Walls. On official records, Diamond W...Although Lao Wang is a chef at Qian Restaurant, he's surprisingly shrewd. Lao Qin pointed at the floor with his chopsticks and Lao Wang immediately understood.

He thought for a moment and whispered, "Old comrades, we have a legend here that has been passed down for hundreds of years. Many people believe it, and many don't. I'll tell you about it, but don't take it seriously. Just think of it as a story."


Lao Wang's story is called "The Black General Burns the City and Buries Treasure." The story takes place in Xixia, at Helin Hot.

On the map, you won't find Hulunbuir. This word, translated from ancient Mongolian, means "black water, dark water," so Hulunbuir has another famous name.

"Blackwater City."

Lao Wang said, Heishui City was once located on the ancient Silk Road, deep in the Helan Mountain range.

When the Mongols crossed the Yellow River for the sixth time, leading their troops to attack, it was Genghis Khan himself who led the campaign. At that time, over 200,000 Mongol soldiers besieged Xingqing Mansion (the capital of the Western Xia) for more than three months. Inside Xingqing Mansion, there were shortages of soldiers and supplies. The soldiers were so hungry they became emaciated, only waiting to die.

At that time, the reason why they only surrounded but did not attack was rumored to be that Genghis Khan feared the iron-winged maiden army of Xixia.

It sounds incredible that a once-mighty genius would be afraid of female soldiers.

Why is this

According to local legend, there are two versions of the story of Tie Jiaozi.

One theory says that the Tie Jiazi were entirely female soldiers. Four horses would be tied together with iron chains, and four female soldiers on each horse would wield various sized weapons. When charging into battle, they cooperated skillfully, fighting fiercely and overwhelmingly, never losing a battle.

Genghis Khan's army had suffered five consecutive defeats against the Iron Vulture. Given his age and physical condition at the time, this was his last chance to attack Xixia. If he failed, it would leave a hidden threat for his descendants. Therefore, to ensure complete victory, he decided to adopt a siege tactic, forcing Xixia to surrender.

The commander of the Tie Ya Zi army was a female general in her forties.

Legend has it that this female general had dark skin and a mole on her right eye. She was born with a masculine appearance and superhuman strength. Her weapon was a heavy cleaver weighing over seventy jin, capable of beheading a horse with a single swing. The Mongols nicknamed her the Black General.

This is the first version of the legend.

Another theory is more outlandish, claiming that Tiejiaozi weren't humans at all but bodies specially processed. Since corpses couldn't ride horses, they were chained together with four horses to prevent them from running wild.

The iron hawk was killed by the Western Xia's Grand Tutor, whose real name is unknown. He had a nickname called "July Climb", but no one knows why he was called that.

The Iron Hawk felt no pain, knowing only to kill. He would shrug off swords and arrows as if they were nothing. So the Mongolian soldiers couldn't defeat him and suffered several major losses.

The Mongols surrounded the city of Xingqing. At that time, Tiehaizi was stationed in Harakhot. Heijian knew the situation was hopeless, so he released all the people in the city. Heijian gathered all the treasures of Harakhot and secretly buried them to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Mongols. Then, he ordered Tiehaizi's troops to flatten the burial mound with their horses, and finally set fire to Heishui City.

Only a worthless dead city was left for Genghis Khan.

After finishing the story, Old Wang put down his cup and smiled: "Well, old comrades, all the elderly in the Helan Mountain area grew up listening to stories about General Hei. Harla Hot was buried under the sand long ago. Even if the story we locals tell is true, Liupan Mountain borders Tengger Desert, which connects to the endless Alashan Desert. Where would you find Harla Hot Everywhere is sand and stones. I guess it would take hundreds of years to find it."

Seeing Qin Xiping remain unmoved, Lao Wang said again: "Lao Qin, if it weren't for us being old comrades, I wouldn't discourage you. The ways to make money you can think of, others have probably thought of too. It's best to give up on this idea sooner rather than later, it's unrealistic."

"Let's change the subject. To be honest, old comrade, the reason I'm here is to find the Huite tribe. Do you have any leads"

"Who are the Hutu"

Old Wang frowned and said, "Those people live in the desert. People from the county town rarely see them once a year. I can't help you with this matter, but if you really want to find the Huite people, you can go to Yintan Agricultural Market in Helan County to inquire about it. I heard that a boss there has a young daughter who works as a reporter for the Yinchuan Daily and seems to have interviewed the leader of the Huite people. You can ask that person."


"Alright, come on, fill it up, old comrade. Look at how much we've eaten, just a little something," Qin Xingping said as he took out two hundred yuan.

"What are you doing!" Old Wang exclaimed, "Don't treat me like a stranger! Take this money, please. If you give me any more, I'll get mad!"


After eating and drinking our fill, we stayed overnight. Zhao Xuanyan loves cleanliness, so she borrowed a bathroom from someone and took a shower. Lao Wang's Hui wife also gave Zhao Xuanyan a small waistcoat worn by Hui women as a gift.

As soon as the sun rose, our group got up early and bid farewell to Lao Wang's family. We set off in a car heading for Helan County.he Northern School. Let her go! If she spreads the word... that's just asking for trouble for our Southern School!"The old man turned his head to look at Chen Jian Sheng, his voice icy.“That’s your ow...