Chapter 225

do you mean" I didn't understand.Jade Sister took out a powerful flashlight from her bag. She touched the stone wall, feeling it inch by inch.The rest of us seeing this also helped to touch.After sear...Actually, before we came here, we made a mistake. We thought the Xixia greenstone carving was dug out from underground, but it turned out to be a well cover. By pure coincidence, Holuo Shu picked it up.

It was this thing that led us to Yinchuan.

I reckon the head's got the same idea as me. If we manage to dig up a Xi Xia tomb this time, there'll definitely be big profits to be made. That's because Xi Xia artifacts are too rare and their tombs are even scarcer. Even the Xi Xia collection at the Yinchuan Museum mainly consists of fragmented stone carvings and bricks. There are some fine pieces, but not many.

I asked what to do with the head next, should we keep going down the well for more stuff or...

He glanced at the dry well and mused, "Let's take a look. Besides rusty scraps, there might be something else of value."

I nodded and agreed. The thief won't leave empty-handed, I won't let him get away without finding something valuable. I feel like I'd be losing out if he didn't.

He nodded and said, "Well, maybe you should go down there, Ah-jai"

"No, no, no," Douzi shook his head frantically. "I was just bragging before. I don't want to go down there. The dead bones I stepped on earlier - weren't less than eighty. Yunfeng is braver, I think it's more suitable for him to go down."


"Yunfeng, what do you think" Douzi asked me.

I'm cursing you, little coward. I'm the one who decides when to go down.

"Tie a rope to me and lower me down," shouted Douzi, "and then throw down the whirlwind shovel." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Although there are many dead bones in the mine, it doesn't smell bad. There is only a sour and musty smell.

With a few swipes of the shovel, several skeletons came tumbling out. After digging for almost half an hour, I have to say, I made a new discovery.

The bean sprout is too impetuous and careless. He even exposed this thing.

I picked up this thing and wiped it with my sleeve.

This is a jade artifact, about half the size of an adult's palm. The jade is greenish-yellow in color. Though the carving is simple, with only a few strokes, it clearly depicts a jade bear.

The jade bear of the Western Xia period.

Although this piece isn't made from Hetian jade, it uses high-quality local green jade. It feels smooth and slightly oily to the touch. This is a good item. If you encounter a buyer who likes ancient local jade, selling it for several thousand to around ten thousand wouldn't be difficult.

I blew the dust off the jade bear and put it in my pocket, tapping it twice.

More than 700 years ago, if these people were killed by the Mongols, there should be some remains left behind. They ate meat 700 years ago, and after 700 years, I could at least lick the bowl, couldn't I Leaving it here is a waste.

As expected, after a careful search, I found another chopstick-shaped hairpin with floral craftsmanship. I preliminarily judge that this thing should be part of a Xi Xia woman's headdress. It is not as exquisite as the swaying ornaments worn by Song Dynasty women, but it has some workmanship and is estimated to be worth a few thousand yuan.

I'm addicted to this, wiping the sweat from my brow, I believe there are definitely more big loads down here.

Perhaps there are one or two Western Xia soldier's waist badges with Western Xia script.

I stood in the well and discussed with the headman, finally deciding to thoroughly clean out the bottom of the well. I don't know how deep this soil is; valuable items could be buried down there.

This way, even if we ultimately can't find Heishui City, with these, plus that Ala Shan blood agate original stone, this trip to Yinchuan is guaranteed to be worthwhile.ack and is still being treated in the hospital. The hospital issued a critical condition notice last night because they couldn't find his family to sign, so now it's unclear if he's going to live or d...