Chapter 36

nsion and contraction.What amazes me is the principle of thermal expansion and contraction. Could craftsmen in the Western Zhou Dynasty three thousand years ago have understood itThe bronze bean unear...Curled up on the ground, plugging my ears, I pressed against the wooden mountain, afraid to make a sound.

I nervously looked around, hoping to find someone else.

Leaning against Mount Mu, at this time.

I don't know who pulled my clothes from behind.

"Ah!" I was so scared that my hair stood on end, I scrambled to my feet and ran.


I ran around haphazardly, feeling like I crashed into a mass of flesh.

In the darkness, Lao San's face gradually emerged.

"Yúnfēng, are you crazy What are you running around for! You've killed me," he gasped, gently rubbing his chest.

Torches flared.

A mole and Sun Laoda appeared again in front of me.

Seeing these people, I almost cried. I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead and said, "Where did you all go just now I didn't see you earlier."


Sun Lao Da gave me a suspicious look. "What's wrong, Yun Feng Don't scare people! We were also looking for the entrance just now."


I took a deep breath and said, "Big brother... just... I think I just saw Second Brother...."


"Impossible!" Sun Lao San exclaimed, "Where did you see Yun Feng There's no one else here besides us. Are you seeing things"

"No, he's not seeing things...." A mole on her face was a little pale, she nodded at Sun Lao San, "I... I think I saw the second brother too."

Perhaps someone was seeing things, now even a mole and I were saying that. Sun Lao Da's brow furrowed.

"Is it... Are we being haunted, big brother"

I summoned the courage to ask.

One mole, listen to me, said a ghost story, and his face paled another two points.

Sun Lao inspected his surroundings carefully. Finally, he fixed his gaze on those yellow birch fungus varieties.

He shook his head and said in a low voice, "Don't be afraid, it's not some ghost story." He pointed to the yellow cypress faces growing on the wood. "Even if there are ghosts, it's this thing that's causing them."

He looked at me, then at a mole.

"Little Red, Yunfeng, haven't you noticed You two were the first to notice Old Huang's face, and you were also the closest to him."



She has a quick mind, faster than mine. After glancing at those things, she exclaimed in disbelief: "Boss, are you saying... what Cloud Peak and I just saw were illusions That it wasn't the real Third Brother And that these black mushrooms were the culprits"

"Yes, I think that's probably it," Old Master Sun nodded.

After all, rumors have it that this thing is used for summoning souls, and it's supposed to have some hallucinogenic effects, which makes sense.

At that time, without thinking, I blurted out: "Then, big brother, do you think it's really the ghost of second brother who has been summoned"



"What are you talking about!" Sun Laosan slapped me on the back of the head, "Don't talk nonsense! We don't know if Second Brother is dead or alive yet!"

Knowing I might have spoken wrongly, I quickly apologized and said sorry.

"Don't bring that up," Sun the eldest said, "Let's not waste time. Come with me, I found something interesting."


He led us to the northwest corner of Mount Mude on the left.

He doesn't have to say it, I already noticed.

Although it looks like wood from the outside, looking at it from this angle, the yellow intestine inside is clearly a bit more spacious.

Compared to other places that are cramped, one person could probably squeeze in here.

From here, one can burrow into Mount Mu and enter the Huangchangti Chamber.

Use a sharp knife to pry open the outermost few planks of cedar wood.

Sun Lao Da turned and looked at us.

"All follow behind me, and speak up immediately if you notice anything unusual.


" Let me know if you have any other text you'd like translated!

I'll go in and take a look at me: "You goddamn know how long I've been stuck here! For God's sake, was it easy to catch a fish!"I couldn't have predicted it; as he spoke, he suddenly crouched down and started crying.I took...