Chapter 6

about the origins of oracle bone script is also a mystery.Both the ancient Yue and Shu kingdoms were prehistoric civilizations. Aside from the occasional discovery of scattered patterns, there are fe..."Yun Feng, find a good spot to pile it up first. Don't be foolish and put it in someone else's land."

"Don't worry, second brother, I know. "

The loess earth wasn't a lot, I took out seven or eight small bags from my backpack, dividing them bit by bit and piling them together.


At this moment, Sun Lao Er was in the pit, his whirlwind shovel suddenly stopped.

"Lao Er, what's wrong" He asked, tilting his head.

"Look at the ground," he said, reaching out and grabbing some soil. "The deeper you go, the wetter it gets. That's not a good sign. There could be water pooling at the bottom of this pit."

Wang frowned and said, "A puddle You wouldn't be so unlucky... Try digging another twenty centimeters down."

Sun Lao Er nodded and began digging downward again.

"Second brother, we can't go down! This is the burial path, there's 100% water below!" Sun Laosan shouted urgently.

"The burial passage is flooded. Even if we continue to fight, the tunnel will be flooded and collapse! It won't stand at all!"

I couldn't help but swear: "Damn it, I didn't expect this. The second and third brothers came first and went straight to the water hole, leaving us with insufficient time.


The Sun brothers first threw up a whirlwind shovel, then stretched their legs and crawled up the thief's hole.

"With my head, I dare to bet that if we dig down another 1.5 meters, we'll definitely reach the roof!"

Guanting refers to the stone tomb cap. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, brick tomb caps were called Juan ding.

Sun Lao Er lit a cigarette, he looked at the tunnel he had dug and squinted, "Come on, we've come this far, do we want to give it a shot"

"What do you mean, Second"

He flicked his cigarette ash and said coldly, "Get someone to bring over a compressed water pump and a small generator."


Wang immediately shook his head and said, "Pumping out water The risk is too high. It's not raining right now, and based on the temperature here in Shun De, the pit definitely won't freeze over. If we can't pump out all the water in two hours, by daybreak, we'll be finished, all our efforts will be for nothing."

"Brother, I also agree with the head's opinion. Right now, it's certain that there's water accumulated in the tomb passage. If there's too much water, a single water pump won't be able to drain it all."

Sun Lao San frowned and expressed his thoughts.

"What the hell are we gonna do, a pot full of fat that you can't even eat!"

Wang stroked his chin, considering for a moment. He suddenly turned to me and asked, "Yunfeng, what do you think Should we go down the mountain or continue"

Both brothers also turned their heads to look at me.


I was squatting down dividing soil when he suddenly asked me something.

After thinking for a moment, I blurted out.

"I need to make money."

” Let me know if you'd like to translate anything else!

"Brilliant!" Sun Lao'er laughed heartily: "Kill the brave and starve the timid. This little kid isn't afraid, so why should we be"

The walkie-talkie's red light flashed, and Eye turned to his men immediately and said: "Contact One Dot. Have her bring the goods here within an hour. If she's even a minute late, we cut her share by one point."

Speed is the most important factor in warfare.

This is the first time I've seen the logistical capabilities of the logistics department. In less than an hour, a pump and a small generator were delivered to us on time.

As soon as the pump started, Lao Er Sun rolled up his pants and went down into the tunnel with a shovel. Then, more and more soil was thrown up from below, getting wetter and wetter.

Minutes later, only to hear Sun Laodi's roar from the pit.

"Holy crap! It's flooding!"

He had just arrived, and most of the water in the tunnel had already receded.

Having received the generator and pipes, Wang directly threw the pump into the stolen tunnel.

Water gurgles underneath and the top continuously pumps out water.

At that time, we were also lucky enough. The water pump had just been running for a short while when the water level went down, and it didn't collapse the newly dug well.

"Eyes the head back, after the pump said: "Second brother, go straight to the point, pierce the crown chakra!"

"A 'needle' is a specialized tool with a diamond-tipped head used in tomb robbery. It is designed to pierce through ceilings, and it is incredibly powerful."

The sound of hammering stones echoed from the tunnel below.

Sun Lao Er's voice followed, "Head! Through!"

Eyes lit up, a smile spread across his face. He glanced at the time and said, "The water pump took quite a while. Yunfeng, you go down too. The more hands we have, the better. Let's make the most of our time and take as much as we can."


I was taken aback and asked him, "Running with your head exposed, wouldn't you catch a cold What if there's no air up there"

"Heh heh, Yun Feng, you think about it, if the tomb was sealed properly, could so much water get in"

Don't worry, the air circulation downstairs is fine.


After that, I took a headlamp and went down the thief's cave for the first time in my life.

The top of the vault was broken open by Sun Lao Er, I stretched my legs along both sides of the hole and slowly lowered myself down.

The top of the coffin was two or three meters above the entrance to the tomb. When I saw how high it was, I got scared and didn't dare jump down.

There was still some water in the burial path, enough to submerge a person's lower legs. Both brothers of the Sun family stood knee-deep in the water.

"Jump, Yunfeng, it's not very high! Just wait for us to pull you up!" Lao Er, with his headlamp on, looked up at me and called out.

Instantly, I muttered a prayer to heaven and jumped. As a result, I didn't land properly and fell flat on my face, taking a big mouthful of the stagnant water in the tomb passage.

"Yun Feng, you have to practice more in the future. Look at your skinny arms and legs, are you alright" Sun Lao Er laughed as he helped me up.

This tomb passage is shaped like a cross. We are now in the center, and there are turns to our left and right, leading to the east and west chambers respectively. Straight ahead is the main burial chamber.

Sun Laoer smirked and said, "We're lucky, the passage isn't collapsed. Judging by the structure, this is from the early Western Zhou period of a feudal lord. This level would definitely have a sealing stone at the entrance to the main tomb chamber. If it was going to collapse, we wouldn't need to waste effort. Even if the sealing stone is still there, Lao San has a way to deal with things like this."

"Right, Lao San"

"Second brother, you flatter me," Sun Lao San said, staring at the darkness ahead. "As long as there's no self-sealing stone inside, I can still crack open a gate under three tons."


First, we were going to explore the main burial chamber, and then the east and west annexes. That was our plan at the time.

We waded forward through the water.

At that moment, something red floated over the surface of the water ahead.

"This...what is this" Sun Lao San pulled this thing out of the water.

Upon closer inspection, what had rushed past from the former main tomb chamber turned out to be a pink bath towel used by modern people.... And the towel even had a brand logo on it.

Upon seeing this towel, the Sun brothers' faces turned very grim.

When Sun Lao San raised his head, the headlamp illuminated the top of the well.

It's very clear. At the northwest corner of the tiangong, there's a small hole that goes straight through. The stones around the hole on the tiangong are all cracked, densely packed with cracks.

"Damn it!" Sun Lao Er threw the towel in his hand away.

He was looking at the small hole on top of the "This damn thing was drilled by an impact drill. There used to be explosives inside, these guys didn't have a diamond needle, they wanted to blow open the vault! This towel is plugging the hole to reduce the noise from the explosion!"

This Western Zhou tomb has been robbed!

"It must have been those people from the south who did this. We've worked so hard!"ng to the flirtatious female secretary named Yuanyuan from just now. Li Zheng's sudden remark caught me completely off guard.Seeing my surprise, Li Zheng smiled. He clapped his hands, and the female s...