Chapter Five Hundred Fifty-Nine: Understanding Him Completel

Qin Jingwen's radiant smile. 。From the moment Qin Jingwen came back, he felt inexplicably anxious. 。Having rushed to finish everything and caught the last flight back, all I wanted was to see if her...What he said to Luo Zhenghao, even Qiao Shunchen had never heard of it before, but today he couldn't help but say it in front of Luo Zhenghao. 。...because Qiao Shunchen had no heart to listen to her rambling, and Luo Zhenghao was willing to be a silent listener... 。This time she drank a glass of wine, for herself who had been through so much in the past. 。Then she continued in a low voice. 。These funds do not include compensation for the other party, nor do they include medical expenses for my mother and sister. 。"My parents and sister went to MG to hide from their debts. They got into a car accident on the way to the airport." 。...Father... Father died instantly, and Mother was critically injured and taken to the intensive care unit. 。"Sister…"

Qin Jingwen couldn't help but shed tears when she mentioned this. These memories were her lifelong pain, and no matter when she thought about them, she was heartbroken. 。Luo Zhenghao on one side sensed Qin Jingwen's discomfort, but he didn't say anything, just took out a tissue and handed it to Qin Jingwen. 。He didn't say anything not because he was heartless, not because he was enjoying the spectacle, but because he wanted Qin Jingwen to say everything and release herself. 。If she kept this up, she'd really go insane. 。Qin Jingwen took the tissue and wiped away her tears, a little embarrassed to speak. 。"I've made you laugh, and I've also given your ears a hard time." 。"What are you saying, friend If you're not even willing to listen, what kind of friend are you" 。Wenwen, I'm actually grateful that you trust me enough to tell me about your home matters. 。Luo Zhenghao's words were like warm sunshine after the rain to Qin Jingwen's ears, making her feel comfortable. 。Then you'll need a strong heart, my pressure has only just started to release. 。“ Qin Jingwen, amidst her bitterness, cracked a joke. It was the only way she could force herself to be strong.” 。This time, she poured herself a drink and downed it in one go. 。Back then, in order to raise money for my mother's medical expenses, I borrowed from all my relatives and friends. The only one who helped me was Dani, the rest all avoided our family 。" But I need too much money, and Danny can only help me to a limited extent. 。Since I can't do it myself, I found a surrogate. 。"Qin Jingwen said that she was indeed frightened when she heard about surrogacy. " 。He thought of many reasons why Qin Jing and Qiao Shunchen would be together, he even thought that Qin Jing might be with Qiao Shunchen for money, not pursuing fame like this. But he never thought of the possibility of surrogacy. 。Qin Jingwen continued speaking. 。"It was because of surrogacy that I met Qiao Shunchen, and my two children were also born through surrogacy." 。I never expected to meet Qiao Shunchen again, nor did I expect to be entangled with the Qiao family. 。" Qiao Shunchen's grandfather was very domineering, I couldn't go against him, so I could only agree to stay by Qiao Shunchen's side in this capacity to take care of the two children. 。"Actually, I don't blame Joe Shunchen for these things, nor do I blame his grandfather. " 。I willingly stay by Qiao Shunchen's side because of the two children. I don't want them to grow up in an environment without a mother. 。Qin Jingwen's tears had stopped, but the more she spoke, the more her heart ached. 。This time she didn't pour the wine into a glass, but picked up the bottle and drank directly from it. If Luo Zhenghao hadn't snatched the bottle away, she might have finished the whole bottle in one go. 。"Let you drink, but not like this" 。You've had too much to drink, how can you possibly release it 。“ Warm warm, drink slowly and speak slowly 。To say it out loud makes your heart feel lighter, and you'll have the courage to face the future. 。Luo Zhenghao had to give some advice, saying that if Qin Jingwen drank like this, she probably wouldn't be able to work for several days. This kind of release wouldn't achieve its original purpose. 。OK, I'll do that. 。Sip slowly and speak slowly. 。" Qiao Shunchen started going on blind dates, preparing to marry another woman and build a family. " 。I didn't utter a word of opposition from beginning to end, my only request was that you don't harm the child. 。But he, he just doesn't care. He keeps making a huge fuss over and over again. It's just a love affair, does he have to make the whole country know about it

"He may not consider my feelings, but he can't ignore the child, can he" 。She hadn't thought about how heartbroken and disappointed the children would be if they saw these.

Qin Jingwen's tears, which had just stopped flowing, welled up again. She didn't want to cry because it was self-inflicted, and no one would feel sorry for her. 。But she just couldn't help it, her tears wouldn't listen and kept running down her face. 。Luo Zhenghao felt both heartache and helplessness listening to this. 。He handed Qin Jingwen a tissue and then had to open his mouth to persuade her for a few words. 。“Winn, I want to say something...” 。Joe must have had his reasons. 。I can see that he cares about you a lot, and loves you. 。If he didn't have a reason, I don't think he would do this. 。“ Qin Jingwen suddenly burst into tears and laughed, laughing so hard that her heart bled before she finally stopped. ” 。"I understand his plight, I understand everything he's going through." 。I consider everything from his point of view. 。“Do you know, since I've been with him, I haven't asked him to do anything for me, nor have I spent a single penny of his.” 。I've been staying at his place, and I even buy groceries for myself. I'm afraid I might take advantage of his generosity. 。"I never demanded anything from him, and I never dared to have any expectations about our emotional side." 。The only, the only thing is to make sure he doesn't hurt the child, not to put pressure on such a young child, and not to distort the child's growth process. 。" Isn't this too much of a request Is it too hard for him to do He isn't my own child, he's his child too. " 。If he thinks even these small requests of mine are too much, then there's nothing I can do. 。At this point, Qin Jingwen was clearly intoxicated. It was because of the alcohol that she could say such spiteful things to Qiao Shunchen. 。She knew she was an ordinary person, and it was impossible to always endure in silence. There had to be a limit. Now she had reached the extreme, to the point where if she didn't vent her anger, she would collapse. 。"I'm telling you, with his ability, I could have easily asked him to do this. " 。 。"Hmph... two hot spots a day, he's already in the limelight enough. Why does he have to make such a show of it" 。I… I want to understand, but I really can't. 。Qin Jingwen had never poured out so much bitterness before. She truly wished she could tell her loved one all this, letting him know that she wasn't easy either. 。But there was simply no chance for such an equal opportunity to communicate between her and Joe Shunshen. 。If these words were to be spoken to Qiao Shunchen without reservation, that day might very well be the day they ended their relationship completely, the day she reached her breaking point and collapsed. 。Qin Jingwen said on the surface that she was taking her time drinking and chatting, but when it came to sad topics, she could only drink heavily to ease the heartache. 。"Does all this sound really tiring You relax for a bit, and listen to me sing a song. You release some stress too." 。Qin Jingwen said, then got up and walked to the center of the stage at the bar. She ordered a song for herself, an appropriate one. 。Qin Jingwen was supporting herself on one leg as she sat in front of the microphone. She held the microphone in one hand and a stand in the other. 。 。I don't know what kind of song Qin Jingwen wants to sing, just seeing her sad look at this time makes Luo Zhenghao feel distressed. 。However, coincidentally, the moment Qin Jingwen stepped onto the stage, she was spotted by Ye Wen in another corner. 。Ye Wen was also in a bad mood because she saw Qiao Shunchen's one after another scandals, and ran out to drink alone. 。Yet, I never expected to meet Qin Jingwen. 。As the music started, Qin Jingwen gradually entered her state. Ye Wen, however, secretly changed her position to one where she could look directly at Qin Jingwen. She faced away from Qin Jingwen but took out her phone and switched it to selfie mode. 。Ye Wen had just adjusted the angle when Qin Jingwen's melodious voice began to fill the air. 。How much longer will we have to walk How many more dunes are there This darkness is almost consuming me. 。My tears have turned into a river, melancholy like fallen leaves drifting... This is a very sad and helpless song. Qin Jingwen sings it very well and earnestly. Listening to it hurts Luo Zhenghao's heart. 。Although we don't know everything about Qin Jingwen's experiences yet, just from what she said, Luo Zhenghao already understands how much Qin Jingwen has suffered. 。As the lyrics say, a woman doesn't really ask for much, but Qin Jingwen hasn't gotten anything. 。Lou Zhenghao continued to listen attentively, listening to the similarities between Qin Jing's gentle song and this one. He listened to Qin Jing's voice, which was slightly nasal because of her crying. 。Qin Jingwen's wholehearted dedication was not to prove how good her singing skills were, but because this song resonated deeply with her emotions. 。When she sang the line, "Do you know that I love you like a moth drawn to fire, why don't you understand a woman's fragility," tears once again flowed out of her eyes like a burst dam. 。This song must have been written for her, right Was the author also tortured by love like her 。She is the moth in reality, she flutters towards that flame, which is Qiao Shunchen. 。 。Qin Jingwen's tears streamed until the song ended. When the applause began, she finally came out of the song. 。Ye Wen quietly returned to her own position, silently observing Qin Jingwen. 。Only then did I realize that Qin Jing and Luo Zhenghao had come together. 。She could feel that Qin Jingwen was also so heartbroken because of Qiao Shunchen's matter, then wasn't Qin Jingwen already aware that her position was in jeopardy Wasn't she already aware that Li Mo and Qiao Shunchen were a foregone conclusion 。Watching, thinking, and secretly taking pictures at the same time. 。Suddenly, Ye Wen felt this was a good opportunity to get back at Qin Jingwen. 。Regardless of how Li Mo came to be, she still needs to seize the opportunity and deal with Qin Jingwen first. 。She remembered Song Yien telling her that creating misunderstandings wasn't about making Qin Jingwen unilaterally misunderstand Qiao Shunchen, but about Qiao Shunchen misunderstanding Qin Jingwen that was fatal. 。Qin Jingwen has always been very disciplined, Ye Wen couldn't find any place where she could give people a misunderstanding. 。Now the opportunity has arrived. 。If Qiao Shunchen misunderstands Qin Jingwen, then things will be easy. 。Thinking of this, Ye Wen began to feel smug, proud of her own cleverness and intelligence. 。She first sent Qiao Shunchen a video of Qin Jingwen singing, then she sent Qiao Shunchen some photos of Qin Jingwen and Luo Zhenghao. 。After she had finished filming everything, she continued her clandestine photography. 。After secretly filming for a while, she felt it was wrong. Sending only videos and photos over would make Qiao Shunchen the most suspicious of her intentions. 。Then Ye Wen sent two more sentences to clarify herself. 。't you come with me" 。"Song Yien negotiated softly, her voice gentle as she spoke. She had always held onto hope for Qiao Shunchen and never considered giving up." 。She believed she had the ability to...