Chapter 956: Song Weilong's Sword

ang likes Wenwen and that the two of them were previously a couple. 。"Dani, I've actually always had a question about this, but I couldn't figure it out. It's something that keeps bothering me..." 。X...For the past two days, Song Wei has been blinded by hatred. He thinks that because he is old and has a murder on his record, he will die sooner or later anyway, so he doesn't care about anything.

Song Wei will die sooner or later, but he can't die in vain. He must die with value and meaning. 。To avenge my daughter before I die, and make her life happier. 。Before I die, avenge the company that I lost and find some peace of mind. 。But before making these plans, he had to make sure there was an escape route for the rest of his family. 。This back door can only be opened by Qiao Bin. 。So I mustered up the courage to borrow a phone outside and called Qiao Bin. 。After receiving the call, Qiao Bin rushed over in a hurry, and his first words were to ask >>> 。"Where did you make that phone call You're getting bolder and bolder, don't you know you could get exposed" 。It's not you who's exposed, I'm done for too. 。“ Qiao Bin was furious, enraged by Song Wei's audacity and recklessness. 。"I have something to ask you, so I had to call." 。Don't worry, as long as I'm fine, you'll be fine. If something happens to me, then who knows 。Song Wei didn't care about Qiao Bin's questions or his attitude. 。As long as Song Wei could get the money today, half of his plan would be successful. 。"What do you mean by that Are you threatening me"Joe Bin heard something wasn't right in Song Wei's words. 。"No, just a hint, not a threat." 。Song Wei maintained his composure, and within that composure there was a sinister gleam. 。Since you're here, why don't we just cut to the chase 。"Song Wei didn't have time to waste either, because he still had important matters to attend to. 。"Qiao Bin, to be frank with you, I want to borrow some money from you. 。"My daughter-in-law's life is vastly different from what it used to be. Before I die, I must ensure they have a safety net to secure their lives." 。“ Song Wei’s words are indeed direct. His idea is that it's all about money. 。Qiao Bin's brows furrowed when he heard Song Wei's words, and his heart skipped a beat. 。Given Song Wei's attitude today, this sum of money shouldn't be a small amount. 。“They’ve got you, don't worry. You don't have to die.” 。If the police find you and you didn't directly participate in anything, there won't be a death penalty. 。I'm smoothing things over for you outside. You can still live well. 。 Qiao Bin held his breath and comforted Song Wei, unsure how much money Song Wei would want. 。"No...even if I wasn't afraid of death penalty, I don't want to live in prison." 。After I die, no one will take care of my family. 。"One hundred million, that's all I want, one hundred million." 。< >It's nothing to you.< > 。" Song Wei didn't give Qiao Bin a chance to bargain, directly affirming Qiao Bin's strength. " 。"Song Wei, given our relationship, even if you were gone, I would still take care of your family..." 。There's no need to talk about money, it makes our relationship sound distant. 。"Joe Bin was still trying to find a way to prevaricate. A hundred million wasn't much to him, but why should he give it to Song Wei" 。"No need to trouble yourself, if you gave me a hundred million I would kill for you. I could even kill Qiao Shunchen and his child." 。Song Wei had made up his mind to get this money. Seeing Qiao Bin unwilling to give it, he directly stated it. 。This would be enough to attract Joe Bin, enough to make him willingly part with the money. 。 Qiao Bin really didn't expect Song Wei to say that. After hearing it, he was stunned. 。For a long while 。"Song Wei, you can't say that and you can't do that." 。No matter what, we are a family. 。I've never thought of it like that, and you shouldn't do anything for me. 。" Though Qiao Bin said this, deep down he hoped Song Wei would do something." 。 A while ago, Song Eon also made such a promise, but until now, there has been no result. 。Song Enyi's chances aren't very good, after all, she's a woman with cancer. Where could she possibly have the strength to compete with Qiao Shunchen 。But Song Wei was different. He was now a fugitive, and he would even sacrifice his life for another person's life. 。What you're thinking can't be said directly, only because if Song Wei is caught, he will be exposed. 。Song Wei sarcastically laughed. 。" Qiao Bin, you can hide your thoughts from others but not from me. 。You can't say that you don't have that thought. You should say that you already had it. 。"If you don't like that way of saying it, I'll change it. " 。“

Song Wei’s smile shifted from sarcasm to something sinister, and his voice turned cold.

"Back then, when you wanted to run over Qiao Shunchen, I kept the evidence. If you're willing to give me one hundred million, I can destroy it." 。" Song WeI saw Qiao Bin playing with him and didn't want to take out the money, so he simply drew his sword. 。This move came out and saw him Qiao Bin still saying what. 。A fierce look flashed in Qiao Bin's eyes, like a wolf's, but he held it back, daring not to release it. 。He knew everything about Song Wei's past, but he didn't expect that Song Wei still had evidence in hand. 。It seems that Song Wei was destined to get this, and not giving him the money would reveal everything. 。"Ok, I'll get you a bank card tomorrow." 。“ Qiao Bin had no choice but to agree temporarily. 。He needs time to think about how to handle this, and also to seriously consider whether Song Wei is someone worth keeping. 。“Today, I give you my account number. You can transfer the money soon.” 。At this time, Song Wei didn't believe Qiao Bin at all. 。His bank account was subsequently frozen. 。"Song Wei, you..." "The faster the better, otherwise I might change my mind." 。"

Song Wei threatened Qiao Bin again. He said his change of heart meant he might want more money, or he might not take anything at all and just expose the secret. " 。 Qiao Bin gnashed his teeth in hatred but was powerless. All he could do now was quickly give the money to Song Wei. 。He never thought that there would be such a day, being taken by surprise and even manipulated by Song Wei to an amount of one hundred million. 。He held a grudge, and if Song Wei couldn't kill the people he wanted to kill, he would die at Qiao Bin's hands. 。Half an hour after Qiao Bin left, Song Wei dared to go out and make a phone call again. 。After confirming that the money had been received, he called Song Yiren who was still in the hospital and then went out to prepare. 。Song Yien knew that the money was from her father, and she couldn't keep it. She had to give it to whoever it belonged to. 。Just hung up the phone with my father, Tao Chen walked in from outside. 。“I was delayed, that’s why I came so late.” 。I'll go through the discharge procedures right now and I should be able to go home soon. 。"As Tao Chen was speaking, he looked for Song Yien's ID card. Suddenly, Song Yien came up with an idea." 。"Tao Chen, I think I want to stay in the hospital for a few more days. I want my condition to be more stable." 。"Song Yiren didn't want to leave the hospital, not because of her condition. It was simply more convenient to communicate with her father here, as she could avoid being overheard and monitored by the police. 。"Oh... since you're willing to stay in the hospital, then we won't discharge you." 。"

Tao Chen was a little surprised. The person who had been clamoring to be discharged from the hospital just a few days ago didn't want to leave today anymore >>> 。What's the reason Tao Chen said he couldn't say. 。"Tao Chen, I know you've been running back and forth too much..." 。Could you help me find a reliable caregiver to look after me I don't need someone who takes me to the hospital all the time, just someone who can come over and keep me company when they have free time. 。Song Yi'en did feel that she had caused trouble for Tao Chen, but more importantly, Tao Chen was not as convenient as her father's talent. 。"Okay, then I'll find you a caregiver." 。I'll come over if I have time. 。Without much thought, Tao Chen agreed. 。He has been really busy lately and hasn't had much time for Song Yi En. 。Tao Chen didn't say a few words before Song Yiren sent her away because she had called her brother, sisters, and aunt before Tao Chen arrived to have them all come over. 。After Tao Chen walked for a while, these people arrived. 。The three people who walked into the ward all had gloomy faces, especially Song Yien's aunt, who glared at Song Yien with hatred, wishing she could kill her right now. 。"What do you still want us to do You've ruined this house and you still have the nerve to see us" 。"You said you should die, you're just like your mother, a jinx that ruined our family. Are you happy now" 。"

If you're happy, so what You deserve it! Why didn't you die sooner If you had died earlier, wouldn't your father have been spared " 。The old woman immediately started berating her, letting out all the resentment she had been holding in for so long. 。She hates Song Yien and her daughter. If it weren't for them, their family wouldn't be in this state. 。However, unexpectedly, Song Yiren remained silent throughout the entire ordeal, allowing the old woman to rant and rave as she pleased. 。She was truly indebted to this family, so letting her scold and vent was not excessive. 。 "Are you finished When you are finished, I will speak." 。" Since Song Yi'en saw that the old woman wasn't going to stop yelling, she finally spoke up. " 。She took out her bank card directly and handed it to the old woman. 。 “This is my bank card, there's a hundred million inside” 。Auntie, please take some back and share it with them. Keep the rest for your retirement. 。"

Song Yien's hand was raised in mid-air, no one went to take it. Only the three of them, mother and son, looked at her and that bank card in disbelief. " 。“Take this, it’s compensation for you.” 。Song Yiren couldn't tell about her father's affairs, she could only say that this money was from her. 。Saying it would be detrimental to the father, so the older siblings and aunt became accomplices who knew but did not report it. 。The old woman took two steps forward and then received the bank card. 。No matter where the money comes from, she has decided that she must accept it. 。This is what Song Eon owes them, and it's far from all of it. 。"I'll transfer the money out of this card once we leave the hospital. Don't keep it on this card." 。"And, I will make a will. After my death, all my money and villa will be given to you " 。With this money and villas, you can live well. 。Song Yien had said these words to her older brother and sister before, this time Grandma felt it necessary to repeat them again. 。The mother and her two sons looked at each other, they couldn't believe Song Yiren's attitude today was so sincere. 。"Song Yi-eun, are you insane or have you suddenly had a change of heart" 。With so much money and a villa, you're leaving it all to us I can't help but feel like you're setting a trap... or maybe even letting us take the fall for something. 。"Aren't you up to something Even as you're about to die, you still want to cause us trouble, don't you" 。The old woman was scared by Song Yien, and suddenly realized that all this money and the will were problematic. So she started scolding Song Yien again and threw the bank card she had just received onto Song Yien's face. 。Song Yiren just closed her eyes and didn't say anything. 。No one can give her anything, it can only be left to the Song family, although these people don't treat her as family, they all share the surname Song, which is something that cannot be changed. 。The ward fell silent for a moment. 。“Have you ever met my father” The old woman suddenly asked, but Song Yiren didn't know how to answer. 。Another silence fell. 。The less you know about him, the better. It'll implicate you. 。"Take your bank card back, the password is XXXXXX" 。You go back now and live your lives well. 。"

Song Yiren opened her mouth to bid farewell, afraid that if she continued talking, she would reveal everything about her father. "> 。It's best to keep father's affairs under wraps. 。d everything else. 。For example, Qiao Shunchen's heroic deeds, the things she told Luo Zhenghao, even vomiting halfway and receiving Qin Jingyi's call, she remembered them all. 。Although I still rem...