Part Two: East Soil Big Sugar Chapter 294 - Never Married, N

e of emergency. The mother extended her arm behind the doctor's back, pleading desperately for them to draw her blood to transfuse their child. Her arm was pale and so thin that one could see the blui...Han Li asked him, “What are you thinking about”

"Once, a friend of mine had my fortune told. They said I would die alone."

"Do you believe this"

"I only believe what she says; she's accurate. My mother really liked her and trusted her back then. Because she knew her own destiny, she made all the arrangements in advance."

"Oh When can I get her to calculate for me too, whether or not I'll end up lonely forever" Han Li said faintly.

"You won't."

"If you will, I shall too." Han Li seemed to say it casually, but in fact, there was a great deal of promise in his words.

If you live a solitary life to the end, I will too.

Jiang Mu turned his head to look at her, his eyes filled with a deep light. He reached out and took her hand, changing the subject:

"Did you have any social engagements today Did you see Mr. Zhao"

"Well." she didn't shy away.

So, you're in a bad mood because of him

"There are factors on his side, and at social gatherings, those people make fun of you and me. They think it's unfair to you because of me, that I dragged you down to their level."

In her heart, Jiang Mu was like a shining and upright figure. To have him mentioned by someone like Zhang Zong felt like sullying his image.

"Jiang Mu didn't mind, and smiled: "You forgot what I do I sell cars. What kind of customers haven't I seen It's common for me to be scolded in the face by customers."

He dedicates one day each month to working at the store as a salesperson. He believes that only by going into the market can he truly understand customer needs, so every management policy he implements is practical and grounded in reality rather than theoretical.

Hàn Lì listened and laughed, "That's true. As long as you're serious about your work, no one is exempt from getting angry, no matter how big a boss they are."

Originally, Han Li's mood was a bit gloomy. But after this casual chat, the topic changed, and his mood became much more relaxed and tranquil.

But when they are not lacking in material things, the most rare thing is to have someone who can watch the stars and the moon with you, and talk to you about your heart.

The next morning, the two of them sent Han Zhaoyi to kindergarten together and then parted ways at the kindergarten gate, each going their separate ways.

Adult love is often like this, calm and peaceful. During the day, they each walk their own paths, and in the evening, they converge at a single point.

Before, Hanli thought love was a particularly draining affair, leaving her exhausted and on the verge of withering. However, now she feels that love is like nourishment hidden in the soil—unremarkable but sustaining her.

Han Li had few friends, and Jiang Mu didn't have many either. The only person they both considered a friend was Cheng Shao Fan, so when the two occasionally wanted to have a meal with friends, they could only invite Cheng Shao Fan. Han Zhao Yi and Cheng Shao Fan were also good friends, so it was often the case of three adults taking out one child, and the scene was quite harmonious.

Han Zhaoyi was surrounded by love from a young age. He could be very mischievous when he wanted to be, but also very well-behaved. He had two fathers, Cheng Dad and Jiang Dad, both of whom were wonderful. Because after family gatherings, both dads would buy him gifts on the way home.

Chen Shaofan then asked: "Do you like Dad Chen more or Dad Jiang more"

"Everyone likes it."

"No, you have to choose one."

"You lot are all so childish." Han Zhaoyi wouldn't answer such an insulting remark.

Even if he didn't answer, Cheng Shaofan understood: "You little brat, you really have no conscience. You've called me 'Dad' since you were little, and you've only called him 'Dad' for a few days"

"Why aren't you someone your mother likes"

Cheng Shao Fan was a bit envious of Jiang Mu, and blurted out: "So among our brothers, Jiang Mu is the most enviable. He's always advocated for not getting married or having children, and now he has a lovely Han Zhao Yi."

Childfree by choice

Han Li remained composed, a faint smile playing on his lips as he glanced at the two men before him. It seemed Jiang Mu didn't deny the statement either.

She and Jiang Mu seem to have never talked about this issue. Both cherish and enjoy their present interactions, seemingly not thinking too far into the future.

But when she heard from others that he was an unmarried and childless man, there was still a strange feeling in her heart, she couldn't tell whether it was more relief or more loss.

Jiang Mu quickly changed the subject in front of Cheng Shaofan, talking about something else. But with his sharp observation skills, he should have felt Han Li's momentary confusion just now. So after dinner and when Han Zhao Yi fell asleep, he took the initiative to bring up the topic.

"This is my own psychological issue. I grew up in an environment where my mother single-handedly managed the entire family. My father had his own homes in several cities, so the modern marriage model seems meaningless to me, and I don't think my genes need to be passed on."

He saw through everything while also exuding a sense of pessimism, "I'm sorry, I didn't discuss this with you before."

He admitted, and Han Li also said: "When I learned from Cheng Shaofan that you were an unmarried and childless person, I have to admit, I felt a little uncomfortable because we met through an arranged date, and the purpose of an arranged date is to get married. But immediately after, I felt very relieved. In essence, we are the same kind of people. Actually, marriage doesn't bring me any benefits, let alone having children. Even if you want a child, I might not be able to do it either, so I didn't fully confess to you."

Jiang Mu laughed: "So we're the most compatible couple in the vast sea of people. But there's one thing you got wrong, I went on a blind date because it was with you, not for the sake of going on a blind date."

If he wasn't familiar with her WeChat avatar, he wouldn't have agreed to add her as a friend, let alone anything else.

Over the years, he had dated several girlfriends on and off. The more genuinely they loved him, the less they cared about his wealth, the more they desired to be Mrs. Jiang. As a result, none of these relationships lasted. Only Han Li was someone who could truly resonate with him on a spiritual level. Although they hadn't been together for very long, many things didn't require much explanation between them. A single glance was enough to understand each other, which was rare and precious.

So this little incident had no effect on their relationship, but rather brought them closer together.

When Han Li mentioned this to Yiwu after work, Yiwu fell silent for a while and then suddenly said, "I don't know if it was right or wrong to introduce him to you. At the time, I just wanted you to get over Zhao Ting's shadow as soon as possible and meet other men, so I introduced all the decent men I knew to you. Now, I have a little regret."

"What are you regretting"

“I’m worried you might be jumping from one fire pit to another. Is what he said about not getting married or having children because he's trying to protect himself, protecting us from your financial gain Is he afraid his assets will be divided amongst you” Ivy wasn't so romantic; she considered things from a very realistic perspective.

"Han Li said, 'Jiang Mu isn't that kind of person, otherwise he wouldn't have come to me. Besides, even if he were like that, it doesn't matter. I don't want to get married and have children anyway.'"ck, I see he's changed a lot, more mature than before."Cheng Zhimin gradually calmed down."I'm calmer than before. Spending a few hundred million to please me I'll give that some serious thought.""Tea...