Part 3, Chapter 2

show off their children. At that moment, he was at home having dinner with his grandfather. Lu YaoYao's crew had just finished filming and happened to be at home too. Seeing Lu Kuo typing with a murde...Song Jingye heard this and waited for her to continue. 。"Uncle, please don't contact my family." 。“

Actually, in a strict sense, she doesn't quite count as a complete family member. She grew up with her uncle and aunt from a young age, and being able to afford her high school education was already stretching their capabilities to the limit.” 。During the summer vacation, my aunt said: "Ninghui, you know our family's situation. It's very difficult to afford your brother's university tuition." 。“My cousin is in the same graduating class as her and also got into university this year.” 。Don't blame your aunt for being heartless, our family is really struggling. Your uncle hasn't slept well for days because of this. If there was any way, we would let you go to school too. 。"When you girls graduate from high school, there are many paths open to you for working." 。Unlike your brother, if you only read until high school graduation, you won't be able to find a job when you go out. 。Chen Ling looked down and said, “Auntie, I know.” 。"Uncle and aunt have always been very kind to her. Even one night, she heard her uncle sighing and saying, "Maybe we should borrow money for her education. Not letting her go to school makes me feel guilty towards my elder brother and sister-in-law." 。"Exit the transcoding page, please download the latest chapters of a Love Reading Novel." 。Aunt also sighed: "Do you know how much it costs to support a college student for four years And where do you borrow so much money from Even if you can borrow it, if she has a conscience and helps pay it back, that's fine. If she doesn't help pay it back, isn't this money still going to be paid back by our son" 。Chen Ling didn't blame her uncle and aunt. She knew she had to study outside to change her fate, so through her high school homeroom teacher, she learned about university student loans. For living expenses, she could also earn money by working during the summer. 。I just didn't expect to encounter such a huge change when reporting to university. 。She didn't want to contact her uncle and aunt for now. She had already escaped, so contacting them would be pointless. Besides, she didn't want to burden them psychologically. 。

To Song Jingye, this sentence naturally meant that she might have been sold to the deep mountains by her family, so she didn't want to contact them. 。He has worked here for several years and is well-known. 。"What are you planning to do next" Song Jingye asked as his phone received the details he had just investigated about her. 。

The name is real, and so is the ID card. 。

Really 18 years old

Looks like he's only 15 or 16.

I want to go back to school. 。She missed the reporting deadline for the university she was admitted to by two months without a valid reason and has now lost her admission. 。Song Jingye's gaze lingered on a few words in the information: no parents, living with his uncle. 。Then I thought about what she just said: "Can you please not contact my family" 。He intends to be a good person all the way. 。Finding her a good high school in this city and restoring her student status wouldn't be difficult for him. 。So the next day, I sent her to school. As we were leaving, I slipped her two thousand dollars and two phone numbers: "You can contact me anytime if anything happens. If you can't get through on my mobile, call this landline - someone will answer." 。Chen Ning clutched the money and phone number, her heart warming: "Thank you, Uncle. I'll pay you back." 。Song Jingye hummed in response and turned to leave. This was just a trivial matter for him, a small favor. 。Chen Ning watched him stride away at the corner of the hallway, silently. She clutched his phone number in her hand, and her heart felt much calmer. 。She was reborn. Fate pushed her to the bottom, then reached out and pulled her back up. She knew that every day from now on would be better, it couldn't get any worse than this. 。

Returning to campus life felt like a dream. While other students grumbled about the intense studying and endless coding, she remained cheerful and positive every day. 。。"Well, "

"You can also try that. With your grades, you should be able to get into a better university." 。Yes, she wants to go to a better university. 。So she had to work very hard, living a life of two points: the dormitory, the classroom, the dormitory, and the classroom. 。The only way I relax is by watching the traffic go by across the street from the school gate every evening. 。

There would be two military trucks passing by every day. In the co-pilot seat of the first truck, there was always that uncle. Even though he wore sunglasses and they were a bit far away, she could recognize him at a glance. 。No one has his charisma. Even from afar, behind those sunglasses, she could sense that the eyes beneath them were resolute and strong, giving her a sense of security. 。Besides Chen Linghui, quite a few students stopped to watch. Everyone had a kind of inexplicable awe and curiosity towards the soldiers, especially those riding in the truck that passed by the school gate every day. 。

A boy curiously asked: "Is this going to execute a mission I pass by here every day." 。"

A girl sighed: "That soldier in the co-pilot seat is so handsome! I've been watching, he's the handsomest and probably their leader." 。Chen Ning blushed and felt her heart beat faster for some reason when she heard others praise her, even feeling a sense of pride. 。Just as her heart was pounding, a classmate beside her whispered, "Oh my god, he's getting out of the car and walking towards us." 。"He's actually this tall" Chen Ling looked up to see Song Jingye walking toward her. Her whole brain went blank, wondering if he was coming to find her or just passing by for something else. 。Since they sent her to school, they hadn't contacted her again. 。Chen Ling's nails were dug into her palms, her anxiety so palpable that she felt the weight of a towering figure looming over her. 。"Uncle, uncle" 。Even her voice was a little bit stammering. 。She was a little bit heavier than when she had first escaped from the mountains. She wore clean school uniform and sneakers, finally having the vigor of a girl her age. 。Song Jingye saw that she was relieved and said, “Wait for me here at this time tomorrow. I have something for you.” 。After saying that, he turned around and strode towards the truck across the street, leaving Chen Ning with a pounding heart. 。

Today, the driver who was driving was Zheng Ke. He also glanced at Chen Ling opposite him and said, “Is this the girl you rescued in the mountains last time”

“Hmm” 。"

The little girl has changed a lot, I almost didn't recognize her. " 。This is like saving a life, which is greater than building seven stupas. 。"

Song Jingye snorted coldly and ignored him" 。Here Chen Ling was still in shock, the classmates beside her looked at her: "Do you know him"

"My uncle" 。She answered shyly, her heart still beating fast, even with a hint of excitement. She had no idea what he was going to give her; she felt like she already had everything. 。The next afternoon, as soon as she got out of school, she went straight to the school gate without even eating dinner, afraid of missing his car. 。The school gate was bustling with activity, the sound of the broadcast from the playground echoing everywhere. Even the sunset today was exceptionally beautiful, casting a pinkish hue over everyone on the street. 。She stood quietly at the school gate, watching cars pass by on the opposite side of the road. The two trucks that usually appeared by now were nowhere to be seen today. 。aking their official debut, you must go and show your support."Apart from Lu Yaoyao, the rest of the company are third-rate or even fourth-rate small stars. Sister Hao is eager to cultivate new people...