Part Three Chapter 48 Pursuit Five

taxi whisked them to the hotel, passing countless familiar streets and buildings. A wave of bittersweet nostalgia washed over her, especially when they passed the iconic landmark building in the city..."I'm sorry." After saying that, she hung up the call again.

After that evening, Chen Ling didn't see Song Jingye for a while. She only occasionally saw his name in work documents at the unit, knowing he had taken on another identity and held a position on the national defense side.

Although they are two independent units, there is a need for cooperation between the two units in some external work, and there are occasional intersections. However, Chen Ning's position is relatively low and does not involve this level, so it is not easy to encounter each other in the workplace.

After returning from X country, her work also underwent significant changes. Teacher Zhang openly expressed her admiration for her, and many activities directly involved her. Therefore, besides her original translation work, she now also had many diplomatic duties.

This made her colleagues who joined at the same time envious, and they joked privately: "If we had known that going to X country for two months would allow us to return so soon, we should have been as proactive as Ning in submitting our applications. Being promoted by Teacher Zhang means a bright future ahead."

Opportunities never say, “I told you so.” They are always given to those who are prepared.

Tao Kaiyan rarely participated in these discussions. After Chen Ling returned, she didn't talk to her much either. She was similar to how she was in school, preferring to bury herself in work.

Tao Kaiyan is strong in business ability and personality, among the colleagues who joined at the same time, she belongs to the outstanding ones, not inferior to Chen Ning.

Compared to Chen Ling, Yi Hui is more down-to-earth and has better interpersonal relationships.

Chen Ning has been busy with an international event these days. Representatives from nearly 10 African countries came to China to attend a conference, with the aim of maintaining peace.

Because Lao Zhang

The teacher has rich experience working in Africa, and most of the attendees are his old acquaintances. Therefore, he presided over this meeting.

Time is tight and the tasks are heavy, all members of the reception team were personally selected by Teacher Zhang from various departments.

Chen Ling's main work is divided into two parts. One part is the arrangement of translators, which is also her primary responsibility. The other part is to cooperate with the protocol department in preparing for the banquet.

Chapter teacher entrusted her with important responsibilities, and she wholeheartedly assured that she would definitely complete the task.

On this side, she carefully noted down the Chinese participants in order to pair them with appropriate translators based on their usual language habits.

Flipping to the first page, I immediately saw Song Jingye's name. Given that the meeting's subject was war and peace, his attendance was understandable.

Looking at the meeting agenda again, he's scheduled to speak, and quite a bit too.

Actually, Chen Ning had studied his speaking habits at work before. If an interpreter were arranged, she would be the most suitable.

But, after careful consideration, she needed to coordinate the work arrangements for all the translators and also cooperate with the protocol department in preparing the banquet. She was afraid she wouldn't have time to do the translation herself, so she could only arrange for someone else to do it.

She was certainly not arranging things for personal reasons.

This time, from the department's selection, Tao Kaiyan was the most suitable for Song Jingye's style. When she sent Song Jingye's speech materials to Tao Kaiyan, Tao Kaiyan flashed a moment of surprise, "Me"

"Right, you'll be his translator. Mainly for simultaneous interpretation during the conference speeches, and also at the banquet afterwards, ready to assist whenever needed."

"Good." Tao Kaiyan took the materials and went to prepare.

Chen Ling hurried to the reception area without stopping.

On the side, she needed to translate the menu into three languages, and also arrange the tables. Seeing that previous waiters used numbers 123 to indicate table numbers, she went to find the service staff again to remove these numbers.

Because there are 10 delegations, a total of 10 tables, using numbers to display the table number might be misunderstood by the other side as differentiating treatment and showing hierarchy.

To avoid this situation, Chen Ning immediately decided to replace the numbers with Chinese-style flower names such as "peony" and "water lily".

Having done that, they also asked the waiter to change the tablecloth and other linens to brighter colors which they preferred.

Just then, Teacher Zhang came over and saw her communicating with the waiter about these tasks. She praised: "Not bad."

Chen Ling replied with a touch of embarrassment: "This is all accumulated experience from my seniors. I just followed their lead and copied them."

Chapter teacher nodded: "Work done early back to rest, recharge one's batteries, tomorrow is the real battlefield."

"Okay, Teacher Zhang, you should get some rest early too."

Chen Ning didn't leave, she went over her work again and again, making sure everything was perfect before heading home to rest.

The next day arrived soon, and everything began as scheduled. The Chinese delegation arrived at the meeting venue first, followed by members of the Non-Aligned Movement delegation.

As a member of the pre-meeting preparation team, she actually didn't have much to do on the day of the meeting itself, just standing by ready for anything.

As soon as she arrived, she spotted Song Jingye from afar. He was in military uniform, and even among the tall Africans present, he stood out with his impressive height. In that crowd, he was the most noticeable person, impossible to ignore.

But Chen Ning could only watch from afar.

Her eyes followed them, but when they drew closer, she forced herself to look away.

And Song Jingye didn't look at her from beginning to end. Standing behind him was the translator Tao Kaiyan, who greeted everyone after them and then walked straight towards the conference hall.

As the meeting was about to begin, just as Chen Ling had allowed herself a moment of relief, she saw a translator clutching his stomach and looking pale, heading towards the conference hall. He was in charge of translating for another military leader.

Chen Ling quickly rushed to stop him: "What's wrong with you"

"My stomach hurts, I might have appendicitis." After saying that, he was about to continue towards the conference hall. The meeting was about to start, and their professional duty was that as long as they were still breathing, they couldn't back out at the last minute.

But Chen Ling looked back at him, her face pale with pain. Afraid it would affect his work, she hurriedly said, "Give me the documents, and you go back to rest."

"How about it"

"Yes." Chen Ling replied resolutely.

As the person in charge of deployment, she had already gone over everyone's speeches from the meeting a few days ago, and memorized them as well, just in case any special situations arose, she could step in at any time.

"Thank you."

Chen Ning turned and strode towards the meeting hall, sitting behind that leader. She happened to be next to Song Jingye, her position giving her a clear view of his profile.

He seemed to glance at her almost imperceptibly, as if because he had heard a noise behind him.

She lowered her head and carefully flipped through the documents, not daring to be distracted in any way.

The meeting began, the scene was quiet. Teacher Zhang spoke first on stage, followed by representatives from various delegations who expressed their opinions on how to avoid war and maintain peace, promote the economy, etc.

Chen Ling listened very attentively.

Song Jingye's

He sat at the end, appearing majestic and still. But after a long string of speeches from all sides, he found himself bored. This level of exchange wasn't really worth his hand. 。"What are you talking about with them" he was very curious. 。I'm helping you find a new secretary, otherwise you'll be tied up with Xiao Cai all day and my little Shan Shan will almost break...