Chapter 141: Patience Is His Required Course

riend. You are destined to live a lonely life."Zhuo Yu'an looked down at her, and after a long silence, he finally spoke."If there are no principles, can you still chase after it"He asked very serious...Shu Tinglan took the car keys and got in, stepping directly on the gas pedal to go home. All the way, his heart felt like it was broken in half.

For a lofty technological future, he was willing to let everyone harm her, condone Wen Jian's actions, and tolerate his public relations department smearing her name.

She kept driving home, the more she thought about it, the angrier she got. What use was a man like that Before she could even call him, he called her first, his tone unpleasant.

“Shu Tinglan, where did you go Why aren't you home”

"What's it to you" she snapped, furious. How dare he call her after treating her like this

When she got angry, Zhuo Yu'an didn't get angry instead, he teased:

"You've left home, haven't you" It was almost a statement. She must have gone back to her place.

Shu Tinglan hung up the phone angrily, not wanting to speak to him.

Her life was monotonous. Going home was just changing locations to continue working. It was probably about half an hour, when the doorbell rang twice, followed by the sound of the lock turning.

Is Zhuo Yu'an here

She slammed her laptop down on the living room table, her stomach still churning with resentment and hurt. But when she saw him, words failed her. The man before her, though he seemed to have just showered and changed into a fresh set of clothes, looked utterly exhausted. His eyes were bloodshot as if he hadn't slept in days, and there was a light stubble on his chin – a far cry from his usual arrogant demeanor.

Seeing Shu Tinglan at home, the tension he had been carrying finally relaxed. He came over and just gently pinched her face.

“I'm going to take a nap.”

I was so tired, I didn't care if she agreed or not. I just went straight to her room and went to sleep.

What else could Shu Tinglan do He couldn't utter a single word of complaint or grievance. With resignation, he took a thin blanket from the side and covered him.

Perhaps because she was very relaxed at home, she barely moved and slept soundly. Shu Tinglan was busy until the middle of the night and got tired too. The small bedroom had been dusty because no one lived there for a while, and she didn't want to clean it up, so she lay down on her own bed, which was also Zhuo Yu'an's side.

As soon as she came up, the person who had been asleep all along reflexively reached out with his long arm to pull her into his embrace. Even in his sleep, he was domineering, refusing to let go even as she struggled.

After struggling for a while, he couldn't match his strength. Whatever, he fell asleep on his own.

By the time she woke up again, Zhuo Yu'an was gone. If it weren't for the breakfast he had made sitting on the table, she would have thought last night had been a hallucination.

There are two of his comments in WeChat.

"I'll be busy lately, I'll come pick you up when I'm done."

"Eat well, you're too skinny, it's uncomfortable to hold you."

Is this the time to focus on this Shu Tinglan directly deleted the dialog box without replying.

After that, the two of them went their separate ways and rarely contacted each other.

Shutinglan knew that Zhu Yuyan didn't say anything on the surface, but she had opinions about her. After all, it was she who pushed Zhuyuan Technology to the forefront of public opinion.

She was busy with due diligence for Huahua Entertainment Company while also having to deal with the lawsuit from Wen Jian. The lawsuit was handled entirely by Director Xiao and Lawyer Zhou, whom she trusted completely and wasn't worried about at all. Even if Wen Jian hired the best lawyer, what difference would it make

Xiao Zhuan and Zhou Ming's only concern was ...

"Although Zhuoyuan Tech knows about Wen Jian's actions, they will inevitably protect him to save themselves because they are in the same boat. As a result, Zhuoyuan Tech will definitely hire the most powerful legal team to defend Wen Jian, and your evidence is still too thin."

This is what's called David vs. Goliath, no wonder Wen Jian confidently said last time they met that it wasn't certain who would destroy whom in the end.

"Tinglan, you don't have to worry. I've also spoken with Director Xiao and we've secured a top lawyer with extensive experience in this area. We will do everything in our power to help you." Zhou Ming comforted.

"Thank you."

The lawsuit is ongoing. Lin Zhiyi on the internet is not to be outdone either, whenever she implies something about Shu Tinglan, she uses her large account with millions of followers to fight back. order to hear the sound of his voice, he did not hesitate to expose his true identity in real life. ...

Online, there are now two factions. One believes that Shu Tinglan is telling the truth, of course, it's also possible that competitors of Zhuoyuan Technology are controlling the comments, they finally got a chance and want to take advantage of the situation to destroy Zhuoyuan. The other faction believes that this is a self-directed and self-acted play by Shu Tinglan, otherwise, Zhuoyuan Technology, including Wen Jian, would not have to destroy themselves for an unknown person.

As the event unfolded, there were increasingly more voices, at least not as one-sidedly condemning Zhuoyuan Technology as when it first emerged.

...while Zuo Yuan Technology's stock has gradually begun to rebound. ...

Just as the matter gradually faded from public view, Zhuoyuan Technology suddenly issued an official statement. This was their second official statement.

"With the assistance of relevant departments, after nearly a week of investigation, it has been confirmed that the issues exposed by the netizen "Pinfengqi" online do exist. The insertion of hypnosis systems into "Pinfengqi"'s home system was the personal act of our chief technology officer, Ms. Wen Jian. This investigation revealed that this action was a retaliatory act against the netizen "Pinfengqi" due to personal grievances and did not involve other products or users."

But the company has zero tolerance for personal vendettas and behaviors that use company products to harm customers. Our company has handed Ms. Wen Jian over to the judicial authorities, and we will fully cooperate with the investigation as always, continuing to provide the safest and highest quality service. Please supervise us all together.

The statement is simple, but it carries a lot of information.

...completely beyond the comprehension of Shu Tinglan, or Director Xiao, or Zhou Ming. ...

"Is Zhurong Technology actually admitting its mistakes so honestly"

"How could Zhuoyuan Technology fail to protect Wen Jian"

"Is Zhu always crazy Zhuyuan Technology's matters had finally faded from public view, and it could have been completely ignored. Just do a few more charity events later, and there would be no problem at all."

Shu Tinglan also read the statement several times. The statement almost defined the incident, and her lawsuit would be much easier to win afterwards.

At the same time, Director Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but praise...

"Mr. Zhu still has the responsibility of a large entrepreneur, he is responsible and dares to admit his mistakes. Although this statement appears to be admitting fault and putting duty before personal feelings on the surface, in fact, it brings very positive influence, allowing users to have great trust in him. He has been very successful in rebuilding customer confidence."

As Mr. Xiao said, on the internet, Zhuo Yuan's image has once again become towering.

While outsiders were showering praise, things inside Zhuoyuan Technology were far from rosy. The public relations department and Lawyer Zhang were forced by Zhuo Yu'an to issue the statement. No one knew what the impact would be before it was released. If it turned out to be entirely negative, Zhuoyuan Technology could very well be facing an insurmountable crisis.

But Zhuo Yu'an insisted, and Lawyer Zhang and the public relations department had to obey.roller coaster, from anticipation to anxiety and now slowly cooling down. He thinks, perhaps this is her answer. For three years, she has never looked at him... 。But he refused to give up. He wouldn't...