Chapter 147: I Like Rebellious Women

ews and saw one for a sales director. An idea sparked in her mind."Was the Sales Director's second interview conducted by Mr. Shi personally""Yes, confirm his schedule with his secretary this morning...As expected, after hearing the answer, Zhuo Yu'an's face froze, looking incredibly surprised: "Is it considered 'being a scoundrel' if..." 。"But I like female hooligans, you continue " 。He said, supporting her waist with both hands, shifted positions so he was lying beneath her, his back against the grass. Shulinglan was held against him by his grip on her waist. 。He sighed: “It’s really wet.” 。"Do you think he did it on purpose He definitely did... He's the real old scoundrel." 。Shu Tinglan, enraged and embarrassed, punched him. Then, she pushed herself up off the grass, trying to regain control. 。He sneered: "What are you thinking I'm talking about the meadow. Why is a little girl's mind always filled with unhealthy thoughts" 。I believed your ghosts, she was about to spit in his face. 。Seeing her genuinely angry, and with the grass being quite damp, he held her for a short while before standing up. 。But the mouth is still sassy:

“Still more comfortable in bed” 。"

Be quiet" 。She scolded 。

"You started this" 。He was not to be outdone. 。

The two of them walked home, each refusing to give up and arguing about these pointless topics. 。The playful banter between a young couple is hardly even an argument. Once they get home, the moment the door shuts, they become inseparable. It's hard to tell what day it is when they are so engrossed in each other. 。Shu Tinglan, on the second day, started to complain that he had been badly treated by her. In summer, clothes were thin and cool, so his neck and collarbone area were practically exposed. 。This wasn't really Zhuo Y uan's fault; he had tried his best to control his strength. But her skin was so white and delicate, like it had been soaked in milk, that even a gentle kiss left a red mark. 。Shutinglan threw a pillow at him.

"Is that gentle Is that nibbling!"

Even when he was normally restrained, when he lost control, his strength was uncontrollable. 。When she was struggling to decide what to wear, people were genuinely helpful. They went into the closet and found a short-sleeved white silk shirt for her, along with a scarf, and when paired together, it wasn't bad at all – professional yet concealing. 。

"If we don't leave now, we'll be late."> 。He urged her. 。Then Shū Tīnglan calmed down and went out. 。

Today, I'm going to hear a report on the project progress from Whale Finance. When I arrived at their company's parking garage downstairs, I glanced down at the front mirror of the driver's seat, touched up my lipstick, and carefully adjusted my scarf again. Not a hint of nervousness was visible before I got out of the car and took the elevator upstairs in high heels. 。Her report was to Mr. Xiao, the project manager. Mr. Xiao's assistant knew her well and couldn't help but compliment her: "Lawyer Shu, have you had some good news lately You look so happy." 。When I first saw her, she was smiling, but it was a smile born out of courtesy and decorum. Her whole being seemed dull and lifeless. Yes, she had put on makeup and dressed carefully, but there was still an air of grayness about her. 。And now if you look at her, you can only describe her as radiant. 。"Well, thanks to you, the project is going smoothly." 。She was still as polite to her assistant as ever. 。The assistant only then remembered that Lawyer Shu had a run-in with Zuo Yuan Technology, and it was probably due to the hypnosis that she wasn't feeling her best back then. 。I wanted to ask her how she was doing now, but since I'd already reached Mr. Xiao's office door, I had to give up. 。Come in, Mr. Xiao is waiting for you. 。"

Xiao always couldn't figure out the relationship between Shu lawyer and Lu Kuai, the eldest son of Lu. He only knew that their relationship was close, and naturally didn't dare to neglect them. " 。Although he was the client, he acted like the contractor. When she arrived, he offered her his seat and served her tea. 。You're very welcome.

"There's no need for Mr. Shu to make the trip himself, you're meticulous and your reports are very thorough. Our legal team was very impressed after reviewing them." 。They can communicate via phone or email if they have any questions. 。。The legal counsel in charge of the acquisition for Listening Whale Finance is indeed praising her. The original words are: “I originally thought that the lawyer pushed in by Young Master Lu would be as out of touch as him, but unexpectedly, this Lawyer Shu is a truly dedicated person.” 。 finally accomplished a serious matter. 。"He's not really clueless, Lu Shao is just pretending to be. He knows exactly what's going on." 。If it's really out of touch, it's probably that little princess, Lu Yaoyao. 。This acquisition by Hwa Hwa Entertainment Co. has just begun, and every day I'm eager to catch up on the progress. 。Mr. Xiao has many projects on hand, and sometimes he is really impatient dealing with this little princess, but what can he do The Lu family is small, with only one daughter, so they can't afford to neglect her. 。As he was thinking, the little princess sashayed into his office and gave Mr. Shu another round of nonsensical instructions. 。“Come on, I'm telling you, your lawyers are way too slow. How long has it been You haven't finished the investigation yet”

“What do you want us to investigate We heard Whale Finance is willing to buy, they’re willing to sell, a done deal. All you need to do is go through the motions, write up a report and that's it. Is this really so difficult”

Shu Tinglan muttered to herself, "The innocent know nothing," If it were just as simple as writing a report, why would they need their M&A lawyers in the first place >>> 。The report needs her signature, and if there are many risks that haven't been flagged in advance, then it will be her responsibility.Director Xiao had told her during the initial training that she needed to take responsibility for her signature. Even if the client or target company explicitly said it was just a formality and she could write anything, she absolutely couldn't slack off. 。Ultimately, the only one responsible for your signature is you. 。However, she was unwilling to spend the effort explaining to the little princess, so she just said, "Ms. Lu is right, we will speed up the process." 。"Her tone was sincere, but there was an unavoidable air of dismissiveness. Lu Yaoyao could see right through it and said with displeasure, "Don't think that because you know my brother, you can act so entitled." 。Let me tell you, my brother has helped hundreds of women, you're just one out of a hundred. He'll forget who you are the moment he turns around. 。"Oh, I see. Then I'll have a good talk with him later. The remaining ninety-nine percent are..." 。" " Let me know if you have any other text you'd like translated! 。Lu YaoYao looked at her and thought she was shameless, thinking that speaking to her would lower her status. 。After Shu Tinglan finished reporting to Xiao Zong, she was about to go to Huahua La when she met the little princess in the elevator. Standing tall, she asked unceremoniously:

"Where's your car Take me to Zhuo Yuan Technology >>>" 。"Seeing that it was on his way, Shu Tinglan readily agreed to give her a ride." 。

Just seeing Shu Tinglan's car, the little princess was instantly happy. 。"My brother would give you this kind of car It's not even worth a meal he could buy you. " 。"Your brother eats gold" She scoffed, a meal worth 200,000

"Hmph, clueless" 。Lu Yaoyao decided not to argue with her. Her brother was even more powerful than a glutton, let alone one meal, even a bottle of wine was more expensive than this price. 。In contrast, Zhuo Y uan is much more low-key. 。Thinking of Zhuo YUAN, the little princess whom Shu Tinglan had just been too lazy to pay attention to, suddenly became interested. 。"But you, at least, have something to be commended for. 。Oh Tell me more. 。"He is not afraid of power. Last time, he messed up Zhu Yunan's company so badly that it went bankrupt and he was called in for questioning." 。His parents jumped at the chance to scold him. 。”Zhao each had one portion. Then the mother and son took a bath, told stories, and went to sleep.Han Zhaoyi was unusually well-behaved, even before bed, she proactively requested to go to kindergarten...