Chapter 5: Let me try

r whole person to the inside position. He was domineering and savage; Lu Yaoyao didn't even react before she was sitting in the inside position. He sat outside, unable to leave even if he wanted to.Xu...At first, she had tried to persuade Director Xiao to assign her to a fixed lawyer in the team for project work.

She recalled that Director Xiao had only glanced at her, his tone cold and sharp as he launched into a series of accusations:

"Look down on delivery work"

"Who here didn't start out doing delivery work"

"Your experience as in-house counsel at a firm doesn't matter here. Whether you've worked for three years or ten years, remember, you're a new person here, starting from scratch, understand"

"If you don't even have the patience to last this long, get out of here."

Shu Tinglan was scolded head-on, her face flushed red. She opened her mouth several times but couldn't utter a rebuttal. She had been a bit too hasty, even without understanding Director Xiao's temperament and preferences, she rashly came to vie for resources, which would only leave people with the impression that she was impetuous and unsteady.

From then on, she never mentioned joining the project again. She diligently followed the instructions of the mergers and acquisitions lawyers, honing her skills and waiting for an opportunity.

Director Xiao was speaking.

"Our biggest challenge at the moment is how to get in touch with Zhuoyuan Technology."

The lawyers present have no business dealings with Zhuoyuan Technology, nor do they know Zhuo Yu'an personally. They also did not receive a bidding invitation and went to bid out of thin air without even knowing who to submit the proposal to.

"From some media interviews, Zhu Yu'an seems not to be good at tackling tough problems. He can talk eloquently about technology and products, but when it comes to other aspects, he remains tight-lipped. There is also no mention of him having friends in the industry."

"Influenced by him, their legal department has also been very cautious and has yet to communicate with any law firms."

It is said that Zhuo YUAN himself prefers overseas law firms, after all, Zhuo Yuan Technology belongs to a foreign-funded company.

Shu Tinglan kept hearing Zhu Yuyan's name, her heart pounding. Before she could think too much, she acted faster than she thought, and when everyone was at a loss, she volunteered.

"Mr. Xiao, can I give it a try"

The entire conference room fell silent, everyone turned to look at her, their eyes filled with suspicion.

She explained, “Zhu Yuyan graduated from Qining High School, the same year as me. We might have some classmates in common.”

Actually, at dinner last night, under Cheng Chen's repeated requests, Zhuo Yu'an showed his WeChat code for everyone to add him. She added him out of politeness at the time.

"Okay." Director Xiao only replied with two simple words, which could be considered an allowance, but it was somewhat perfunctory, and he didn't believe at all that she could get in touch with Zhuo Yunan.

Other lawyers didn't take her words seriously either. Now that times are different, people aren't as close to each other anymore. It's not just high school classmates from the same year; even university classmates might not be willing to help you out.

Shu Tinglan actually regretted saying that afterwards, after all, the two of them had another layer of relationship last night. Although she was holding the mentality that they wouldn't meet again and would only meet once, she went to talk business with him today, making it seem like everything last night was planned and premeditated by her, even sacrificing her body for business.

But right now, she couldn't worry about that. She wanted to break through at the law firm and get involved in projects. There was something else she didn't want to say out loud: she desperately needed money. One of the main reasons she moved from the company's legal department to the law firm was financial, but she hadn't been involved in any projects for half a year, which made things tight.

She only made a voice call request to Zhuo Yu'an after she got home from work. The other party answered very quickly, just...

"Mr. Zhuo is in a meeting, may I ask who you are" A pleasant female voice came.g my skirt, I sat back down in the walkway area.Throughout the entire awards ceremony, she pretended to look straight ahead at the stage program, even when Xu Zhao went up to receive the award and giv...