Chapter 341: Custody Case 2

t the airport parking lot the other night when I returned from a business trip. I didn't dare to say hello because he was on the phone at the time, and I missed the opportunity to meet him. I think h...Shu Tinglan: "Is it up to parents or the child to decide whether a child is ordinary or not From what they said, it's clear that the other person is a parent with excessive control over their child, which is not conducive to the child's growth."

She is also aggressive, latching onto a point and refusing to let go.

Continuing on, he said:

Moreover, please look at page 20 of the materials. This is the other party's work schedule for the next month. From the schedule, we can see that the other party has a packed schedule from 6 am to 12 pm every day. How could he possibly find time to take care of his children with such a heavy workload And please pay special attention to two items on the schedule: one is a meeting with his mother, which requires him to make an appointment with her secretary in advance and write it down. Since he needs to schedule a meeting with his own mother, doesn't that mean his child also needs to make an appointment to see him Isn't that absurd

She is killing two birds with one stone. She's not only stating that he has limited time and can't accompany his children, but she's also subtly implying that their family relationships are cold; even his mother needs to make an appointment to see him.

After she expressed her opinion, even Lu Kuo couldn't help but applaud her. Zhuo Yu'an glanced at her, and despite being hit on the mark, he didn't seem angry. He was just curious where she got such a detailed itinerary of his. Cui Jie's professional ethics would certainly not betray him.

Was that stolen from Sister Cui by Lin Zhixuan

Lin Zhi's in the audience rolled her eyes. It wasn't her.

Zuo Yu'an only then remembered, it must have been Ting Lan who took the photos in his office. Last time when he said he was investigating Sun Yueyue, he kept her in his office to accompany him for two days.

No wonder she was so obedient those two days, not resisting at all and accompanying him. She must have had other plans all along. Smartness backfired on her. But he wasn't angry at all, instead feeling happy for her because she was truly growing. Just like today's trial, she was aggressive and fearless, pushing him to stay on his toes.

From their family backgrounds and economic situations, it was a close call. You could say they were evenly matched. In the end, Tinglan only focused on one key point: the children's deep affection for her and the potential harm to their growth if they were abruptly moved to a different environment.

Zuo Yu'an's performance has been beyond her expectations. Throughout the entire trial, he has been courteous and polite, and all the materials he presented have been logical and reasonable. He hasn't made any attacks against her.

She revealed his itinerary, proving that even when he didn't have time to spend with the children, he could still make an effort to talk to her. After all, she had been traveling frequently for work these past few days, leaving the children in Liu Yi's care.

If he were to counter her on this point, she would not have the advantage over him.

He didn't attack her using her upbringing or past mental health struggles.

He didn't even bring up the fact that the children had been hospitalized due to illnesses as proof that she wasn't a good mother.

She has handled many cases for clients fighting over custody. If both sides are relatively equal, as long as she can prove that the other party is mentally unstable and the children frequently get sick, the judge will almost always award custody to the more stable parent.

So in her pre-trial preparation, she had already listed every point he could possibly attack her with.

But Zhuo YUAN did not. Although he appeared strong, he never attacked her. Instead, he powerfully demonstrated his ability to handle the role of a father.

He never denied, from beginning to end, that she was a qualified mother. When Shu Tinglan realized this, a ripple of emotion ran through her heart. At least on this point, she was grateful to him. He had never denied her. During the custody battle, he didn't push both sides into an unbearable situation, and he avoided the future scenario where the children would grow up seeing their parents attack each other for them.

The lawyer Sun and his wife naturally saw that Zhuo Yu'an's subordinates had left, even the wealthy Madame couldn't help but sigh again.

“Son, you getting access to Tinglan is purely taking advantage of a vulnerable situation.”

Yimu Yang's head was hurting. Mom, your real son, where did he go wrong He's just a step behind others.

Fu Tai continued in a low voice, "But Zhu Yu's thoughts are too deep. Look at him, from beginning to end he didn't say a single word against Ting Lan. This is called retreating to advance, making the judge feel pity for him. Ting Lan is really not his match. How did they break up in the first place Judging by how he loves Ting Lan, it's no less than you."

Not only does she not feel sorry for her own son, but she also gossips about it.orked for Zhuyuan before, she had strong professional skills and could handle things independently, so I have a deep impression of her.”Lawyer Zhang on the side couldn't help but smile. Look, Director...