Chapter 479: The Only Maternal Love Felt

there was only her and one part-time lawyer consultant who came once a month, which was essentially like not having one at all. Therefore, she felt that her experience was enough to stand on her own....The boy next to her, who she called her brother, they had only met a handful of times. He was tall and handsome with clear eyes and brows. He was still wearing the uniform of a food delivery rider.

He had one arm around her mother, comforting her, and the other hand was on his phone, sending a message. After a few seconds, Gu Ruanruan's phone showed a message from this so-called younger brother.

"Sis, don't be angry with Mom, she'll just calm down after a while. You don't have to worry, I won't take your money. I'll work hard and earn money to support both of our parents."

An unexpected text message forced her to take a second look at her younger brother, who was three years her junior. In her memory, every time her mother visited or called, it was either about her son getting into a fight, failing an exam, or being unemployed after graduating from vocational school, with no intention of finding a decent job. Now, he was coming to pressure their parents again, this time because he wanted to buy a house and get married.

There are always endless sorrows to speak of and grievances too numerous to contain.

So Gu Ruanruan's impression of this younger brother was that he was a mischievous and troublesome hoodlum. She didn't like him much, which was why she hadn't even looked at him properly since they walked in.

So it's no wonder she was suspicious. Seeing this text message, she even suspected that it was a duet between the mother and son, one playing the role of the red face, and the other the white face.

Was she soft-hearted Not necessarily.

Is your relationship with your mother deep Not necessarily.

Just those few years abroad, she often thought back to when she graduated from junior high and her grandfather passed away. Gu Ruandong wanted to send her overseas then. At the airport, no one from the Gu family came to see her off, only her mother came with her younger brother, holding her and crying so hard, her heart breaking, unwilling to let her go. In a moment of impulsiveness, she even said...

“Ruanruan, you should go home with Mommy. We won't leave the country. As long as Mommy has food to eat, you will too.”

Her younger brother was also holding onto her clothes at the time, unwilling for her to leave. They both thought that Gu's family was going to abandon her abroad to fend for herself.

This was probably the peak of Mom's maternal love, and it was also Gu Ruanruan's first truly genuine feeling of what maternal love was.

She asked, "Do you think he would agree to us going back with you"

Actually, by then she was quite realistic. She knew that going abroad was the only way to have a future. If she went home with her mother, her fate would probably just sink lower and lower, she wouldn't even be able to go to school.

Hearing her words, her mother's face slowly turned pale. She let go of her, but the little brother kept holding onto the corner of her clothes. Finally, her mother pried him loose bit by bit.

She walked away without looking back.

But the scene that day was one of the few warm and tender moments between mother and daughter.

At this time, her mother was still standing by her bedside, and after pouring out her woes, she said...

“Ruan Ruan, I’ve talked to your uncle. You’re too shy to ask Gu Ruandong for what your grandfather left you. We can go and ask for it ourselves, or we could hire some people to make a scene outside Gu Corporation. What do you think The Gu family cares about appearances. Making a scene wouldn't look good on them. This shop means nothing to the Gu family, they might just give it to us.”

Gu Ruanruan was actually feeling very unwell today. She had walked back to school alone from Lu Kuo's place last night and caught a little rain, probably coming down with a fever. She had a headache, and now that she heard her mother's suggestion, it felt like her head was splitting.

She said, "Fine, go find someone to stir up trouble. Just don't get yourselves sent to prison and make me have to bail you out."

Her mother cried again: "Then what do you say You're asked to go, but you won't. There's nothing we can do about it."

Gu Ruanruan lost control of her emotions for the first time and shouted, "How am I supposed to know what to do"

She sat on the bed, head bowed, hands covering her forehead. Her temples throbbed painfully, and her black hair fell loose on either side of her face, while her complexion was pale.

Her younger brother pulled on their mother's arm at the right moment: "Mom, let's go. Let sister have a good rest. Don't bother her today, it's the weekend."

After saying that, he dragged his mother away.

Gu Ruanruan tossed back onto the bed and fell into a deep sleep. Her body was weak, catching colds and fevers were commonplace for her. She slept until the afternoon, feeling slightly better, then ate some bread haphazardly to fill her stomach, took some cold medicine, and continued sleeping.

The headache didn't go away until evening.

There's only one message on my phone, it's a picture of an ad creative sent by a student. They're participating in this year's college advertising competition and they asked me to take a look at their work.

The work is "Pregnancy".

The student's drawing depicts a stone with a small infant at its center, symbolizing maternal love that is as hard and indestructible as stone.

The work has many commendable aspects. As a mentor, after carefully reviewing it, she replied: "The creativity is excellent. If the shape of the stones could be more gentle, the visual effect would be better. Think about it again."

The student quickly replied, “Okay, thank you, Teacher Gu.”

Then the phone fell silent. She looked at the group files in the student group. It was the weekend homework she had assigned on Friday, and many students had already completed it and uploaded it on Saturday. So she reviewed each piece of work one by one, giving feedback.

The group chat was originally quiet on weekends, but the moment she appeared, it instantly became lively.

Students are very lively.

"Looking at me with a chilling gaze all weekend, from Teacher Gu."

"Mr. Gu is too dedicated."

"What's going on, Teacher Gu didn't go on a date this weekend" A student saw Teacher Gu driving away from school in a luxury car Friday evening.

"Huh Does Teacher Gu have a boyfriend"

She was already free, so she finished grading the students' assignments ahead of time. Unexpectedly, this sparked some teasing from the students.

"Let me tell you a secret, our Teacher Gu is a good friend of the famous star Lu Yaoyao. Teacher Gu came to report that day, and it was Lu Yaoyao who personally sent her."

"You're probably the last one to know the secret," a classmate sneered.

Mr. Gu, could you give us a signed photo

"I heard that Lu Yaoyao's campus drama was filmed partly at our school. Teacher Gu, could you apply for special privileges to go watch it then"

Gu Ruanruan quietly watched the lively chat in the group. Student days were truly wonderful. Even late at night, students were still chatting in the group, probably forgetting that Teacher Gu was also there.

"This group is not a chat group. Students who continue to chat will have to submit two more works next week!!!"

This time, I want to give them a sense of pressure, so I hit three exclamation marks heavily.

As soon as she spoke, the chat group fell silent.

Only one boy replied: "Good night, Teacher Gu."

Then neat and tidy, below 20 more: Teacher Gu, good night.

She exited the classroom page and sent a message to Lu Yaoyao.

"Your campus drama is going to be filmed at Sen University"

"Yeah, I applied for it specially. However, Sen D only allows a few scenes to be filmed, so there aren't many."

"Okay, I'll treat you to the school cafeteria then."

"Looking forward to it! I'm busy reading the script with the team first. "

"Aren't you working late"

Saying that Ruanruan is a illegitimate daughter must have come from pirated novels that people read before.

Ruan Ruan's father and Gu Ruan Dong's father are brothers, from the same grandfather.

After her father passed away, her mother remarried. Because her stepfather didn't want to raise her, she was sent back to her grandparents' home and raised by her grandfather since she was young.area. Moreover, judging from his expression, it wasn't a good memory either. 。"On the third day, you finally answered the phone, yelling at me, probably thinking I was being a nuisance, driving you cr...