Chapter 582: Zhuo Yu'an is Caught in the Crossfire

t the past." 。I know 。Shu Tinglan said softly, her right hand still clasped in Zhuo Yu'an's left. There were many things between them that didn't need to be spoken at all. 。Zuo Yu'an originally want...Gu Ruantong remained noncommittal. If his mother and daughter truly encountered difficulties and required assistance, they would rely on the Gu family and leverage his father's influence. However, he personally would no longer intervene. The assistance provided yesterday came at a hefty price.

It's possible he was just too quiet, so Father Gu asked:

"What's wrong"

Although they didn't have a deep father-son bond, nor did they have any animosity towards each other. They simply had an ordinary, average father-son relationship. That's why when Mr. Gu saw his son acting out of character, he asked with concern.

He seemed a little out of sorts, though he sat upright in his chair. He looked as if he'd been broken, with no presence about him at all. It wasn't like him.

"No." Gu Ruandong answered.

When he came out of the study, his mother greeted him again and said, "Why did you let Zhaozhao leave Quickly ask Xiao Cai to bring her back. You don't come home often."

Gu Ruandong acted as if he hadn't heard, and walked straight out.

His mother followed up: "Once the Xu family falls, Zhaozhao will have a hard time in the future. You should help her out more."

Both of the parents are fond of Xu Zhao, first out of gratitude towards the Xu family and second because they watched her grow up. She's a beautiful and graceful girl who is a perfect match for their son. So even if something happened to the Xu family, they don't mind Xu Zhao's identity; after all, they don't mix in those circles, so status isn't that important to them.

Unfortunately, their son is used to playing around and isn't sure if this time will be a turning point. Let's see if there is an opportunity here.

Gu Ruandong had already left, but upon hearing his mother's words, he stopped and turned back, saying coldly, "Am I close to her What she does has nothing to do with me. It's your business if you want to take care of her."

Mother Gu was taken aback and said, "You're not a young boy anymore, it's time to settle down..."

He can spend all day carousing and partying, even worse than your father when he was young. You're the one who goes after those women, just for a fling. Do you really think you want to spend your life with them Listen to me, I wouldn't look twice at any of those women. They aren't even worth comparing to Zhao Zhao's little toe. Only Zhao Zhao has the heart to accept you, so be content with that.

It's not that she wants to talk about her own son, but she can't stand seeing him wasting his time with games and being so dissolute all day. She just wishes he would settle down, marry a good woman, and have two grandsons.

Mrs. Gu didn't have a good first half of her life. Her husband had someone else outside the marriage and didn't treat her well, so she disliked that kind of behavior in men, even from her own son.

Luckily, after that incident with Gu's father, he was no longer involved in the officialdom and, fearing his son, gradually returned to family life and lived a quiet life.

Gu Ruandong didn't reply and left straight away for the Gu family's company in Beijing. Xiao Cai, after sending off Xu Zhao, also returned to the company directly.

Yesterday's real estate conference has ended, and the previous upheaval at Gu Shi has stabilized. The intense work from this period is nearing completion, so he actually has a lot of free time afterwards.

This leftover free time just has no use for it.

Xiaocai knocked on the door and came in to report.

“Just now, someone from Senzhou called. The game company we're cooperating with on the project with Mr. Zhuo ran into some trouble.”

"What's going on"

"Someone exposed that the game company you collaborated with and Mr. Zhu, on the surface develops games, but in fact, is a way for Mr. Zhu and you to launder money for your respective companies."

Gu Ruandong frowned slightly, without needing to ask, he knew that Zhuo Yu'an had been implicated.

This is a sensitive matter when it comes out.

Zuo Yu'an

Zhu Hong, Guo Ruan's father, was appointed to thoroughly investigate the Xu family, and Guo Ruan's relationship with the Xu family is not explicitly stated.

At this time, someone deliberately exposed the cooperation between Zhuo Y uan and Gu Ruandong. The most important purpose was to drag Zhu Hong down as well so that he couldn't investigate the Xu family case.

This kind of trickery, Zhuo Hong had seen too many times.

But I can't ignore this either, so I asked Zhuo Yunan: "Are you really collaborating with Gu Ruandong to use this game company for money laundering"

The father and son's relationship has eased a lot in the past two years, and they can communicate normally now.

Zhuo Yu'an replied briefly, "Collaborating with Gu Ruandong is true, but money laundering is false."

With his answer, Zhuo Hong felt reassured. He figured Zhuo Yu'an wouldn't do such a thing; there was no need for it.

"Zhu Hong asked again, “Are you sure about Gu Ruandong”

Zuo Yu'an still denied it unequivocally: "Even if Gu Ruandong wanted to launder money, he would use other industries and wouldn't risk this game company."

Gu Ruandong isn't a fool, and besides, he's only an investor. Zhu Yu'an is in charge of the specific operations.

"Alright, I understand." Zhu Hong felt confident and ready to get things done.


"In the future, you should also have less contact with Gu Ruandong to avoid getting involved. This time, it was precisely because of your dealings with Gu Ruandong that someone wanted to shift the blame onto Zhuo Hong, attempting to make him unable to protect himself and thus preventing him from investigating the Xu family."

Zhuo Yu'an: "I know what I'm doing."

He has the ability to tell right from wrong, knows who to associate with and who not to, and is clear-headed about it.

Although the accusation that he laundered money through a gaming company was unfounded, Zhuoyuan Technology still found itself embroiled in this scandal.

When Gu Ruandong came to apologize in person, it was a coincidence that...

Tinglan and Lu Kuo are also here.

Lu Kuo saw him and held back his anger: "You don't have to be my bodyguard today, do you"

He was talking about Xu Zhao. The reason he endured it was because he had called Lu Yaoyao to ask about the situation, and Lu Yaoyao said everything was fine. So she didn't care, and he could only endure it as well. Besides, he didn't want to make a scene in front of Zhuo Yu'an and Ting Lan, it wouldn't look good.

He was being sarcastic, but Gu Ruandong remained serious, explaining, “I have nothing to do with Xu Zhao. I just happened to be there to help her out.”

He explained too formally, so Lu Kuo had nothing to say.

Gu Ruandong came over today, firstly to apologize and secondly to resolve the issue, taking responsibility for what he should.

Zhuo Yu'an said, "There's no need for that, this has nothing to do with you."

Some people are trying to implicate his father, Zhu Hong, in the matter, while also taking this opportunity to take advantage of the situation.

In business, being splashed with dirty water and criticized is normal. They are upright and have nothing to fear from the shadows.

To be honest, this game company is making a lot of money. Their daily revenue has jumped to the top of the charts, and their newly released game has also achieved remarkable results. As a result, there is malicious competition, with people reporting false information everywhere. Zhuo Yu'an has long been accustomed to this kind of thing.

This game company is not related to Zhuoyuan Technology. It's a collaboration between Zhuo Yunan and Gu Ruandong, so if you really investigate, the accounts are simple and easy to check.

Here, one has to admire Zhu YUAN's foresight. If the cooperation had been led by Zhuyuan Technology at the beginning, it would have been very troublesome to investigate and clear their name now. They would have to check Zhuyuan Technology's accounts.

Shu Tinglan also said from the side: "I will handle this as soon as possible. I have already sent a lawyer's letter to the person who spread rumors, "

After the audit is completed, we will publish our financial data for public scrutiny. Let the facts speak for themselves.'t even say goodbye when he left.""Why did it end early Wasn't there supposed to be a candlelit dinner tonight for the shoot"Although Haojie wasn't present on set, she knew everything about the footag...