Chapter 686: The Song of First Love 17

lite, but his politeness was excessive, creating an even more oppressive feeling.Xiao Xin sat next to him in the back seat, trying to move closer to the window. Her mind was a jumble; the atmosphere w...Lu Kuo was looking for them everywhere. When he saw the two of them run back, he immediately noticed the swelling on Cheng Chen's forehead and asked with concern:

"What's wrong with your forehead"

"I just got hit by a ball accidentally."

"Does it hurt I'll take you to the infirmary." Saying that, she pulled Cheng Chen along to find a doctor.

Today, because of the school sports meet, there are not only doctors from the infirmary but also two doctors invited from outside hospitals on standby at the field.

Cheng Chen waved his hand casually: "It's nothing, my long jump competition is about to start."

"Can we still compete" Lu Kuo was a bit unconvinced.


After Cheng Chen finished speaking, he went to the competition venue to wait. Tinglan also went with him. Her 800-meter race was the last one, so she wasn't in a hurry.

Lu Kuo then went to the infirmary and got a bag of ice. He ran over and gave it to Cheng Chen, asking her to apply it first.

It wasn't really a big deal, just a little redness and swelling. It didn't even hurt if you didn't think about it. But since the other person had put so much effort into it, Cheng Chen still accepted it and applied it to his forehead.

Having listened to Lan and seeing Lu Kuò's carefulness, she forgave him for signing her up for the competition.

The long jump competition hadn't started yet, but a whistle blew on the track, signaling the start of the men's 1000-meter race.

As soon as the whistle blew, the students cheering along the track immediately shouted encouragement, their voices deafening and mostly female.

The girls' cheers were very neat: Zhuo Yu'an, come on! Zhuo Yu'an, come on!

Tinglan also followed the sound and looked towards the track on the playground. It turned out that Zhuo Yu'an had also signed up for the competition.

Then I saw him on the track, he was far ahead like a black horse, leading the pack. His long legs made his running look effortless and even graceful.

Free and unrestrained.

Listening's gaze was also involuntarily drawn to him.

I thought he would start so fast and then tire out, getting overtaken later on. But that didn't happen, he kept a four or five meter distance from the other students the whole time, really standing out. Even in the last lap, he sped up and started to sprint.

His amazing stamina and explosive power made him a blur on the final lap. The girls cheering along the track were beside themselves with excitement, and even Tinglan couldn't help but feel her heart race as she followed his figure with her eyes until he reached the finish line and took first place.

He had a fine sheen of sweat on his forehead and was panting slightly. Several girls immediately rushed over to offer him water, but he waved them off and walked toward where Tinglan and Lu Kuo were sitting by himself.

Ting Lan hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to look at him again.

Lu Kuo saw him coming and casually tossed a bottle of mineral water to him. He caught it, twisted it open, and gulped down several large mouthfuls. After just running, his hair across his forehead was slightly wet, and his whole body radiated a raw, vibrant energy.

He finished his water, tightened the cap, and glanced at Tinglan without meaning to.

Tinglan also felt a little dry-mouthed at this time. He took his mineral water and wanted to unscrew the bottle cap for a sip, but suddenly when he saw him, his hand trembled a little and he didn't unscrew it.

Zhuo Yu'an smiled: "I'll help you."

He immediately unscrewed the bottle of mineral water from her hand and handed it to her.

"Thank you." Tinglan also quickly drank a few more sips of water, trying to calm her racing heart.

After Zhu Yunan finished his competition, he didn't return to his class area. He wasn't really interested in the school sports meet, nor did he have Lu Kuo's sense of pride for his class honor.

The teacher assigned him to participate in a competition, so he just signed up randomly.

At this time, several people were waiting there for Cheng Chen's long jump competition.

Zuo Yu'an noticed Ting Lan was wearing a pair of white canvas shoes and slightly furrowed his brows: "Don't you wear a pair of sneakers"

Aren't there also running races

Lu Kuo only realized it after the fact, seeing that Ting Lan was indeed wearing a pair of canvas shoes. He became angry and said, “You wouldn’t seriously be planning to just lie down and walk to the finish line, would you”

Tinglan gave him a look: "When you signed me up, didn't you say I could make it to the finish line"

She really thought that way before this morning, just running around casually until she reached the finish line.

Lu Kuai died: "Do you have any ambition You represent the honor of our Class 3!"

Tinglan nodded hard, then turned to Cheng Chen and shouted, "The honor of our Class 3 depends on you. Go for it!"

On the side, Zhuo Yu'an smiled faintly and said: "It's good to reach the end point. Don't force yourself to do things you're not good at, nor should you care about other people's opinions."

This deeply pleased Tinglan. The slight nervousness she had felt earlier inexplicably eased.

At this point, Cheng Chen's long jump competition also began, with the average of three jumps taken as the final score.

The long jump, her first attempt was 1.9 meters, an average performance.

The second time, with a bit more experience, I jumped 2.3 meters, which wasn't bad.

The third time, she erupted and jumped 2.5 meters.

Tinglan glanced at the scores of the other competitors. Most were fairly consistent, staying between 2 meters and 2.3 meters, but there was one girl who consistently jumped around 2.6 meters each time.

So Cheng Chen came in a solid second place, which is very good.

Cheng Chen sat on the ground after the competition.

Take off your own sneakers, shake out the sand inside, and hand them to Tinglan.

“Put my shoes on for me. I'm going for a run in a bit. Let's do our best, alright”

Lu Kuo smiled proudly at Zhuo Yu'an and Ting Lan, saying: "You two should learn from my Cheng Chen here."

Cheng Chen scooped up some sand from the ground and threw it at Lu Kuo: "Who is yours Shut your mouth!"

Ting Lan smiled and took off her canvas shoes, putting on Cheng Chen's running shoes instead. Thinking to herself, if she was really going to run, she would definitely give it her all.

Especially seeing Zhu Yunan's competition just now gave her a lot of motivation, and she was competing with Wen Jian. There is no such thing as winning without fighting.

But she was either unfit, inexperienced, or both. At the very start of the race, she went all out and even took the lead for the first 100 meters. However, by the time she reached 200 meters, which is one lap, her heart started racing, she couldn't breathe properly, and she was gradually overtaken by several other runners.

But what can we do, we can't really leave, just grit our teeth and carry on.

When she ran another lap to 400 meters, every breath felt like her lungs were being pricked by needles, it was very painful. And breathing became increasingly difficult, she could only gasp for air.

Cheng Chen was a good sister, running beside her and encouraging her.

Lu Kuo really didn't expect her to be so bad at running. She looked flushed and her eyes were red, he felt a little regretful for signing her up.

Listening Lan's running slowed, nearing a suffocating feeling. The wind in her ears and the shouts of encouragement from classmates along the track started to sound muffled, turning into a buzzing noise. Only one voice remained particularly clear and gentle, in her ear...

"He said, 'Reaching the finish line is victory. You've already done great by challenging yourself.' "

&ass=&am;am;quot;authorords&am;am;quot;author=&am;am;quot;Shan Gu Jun&am;am;quot;identityid=&am;am;quot;24308790555512155507923&am;am;quot;/&am;am;gt;

Author's Note: Zhuo Zhu never expected that even though he constantly tried to get closer, no one seemed to notice him. Instead, when he was simply himself, Lan noticed him.

If you blossom, the breeze will come. a symbolic amount of liquidated damages. 。This shooting project is the first collaboration after the contract termination. 。What troubled him was that when he boarded the plane just now, he saw Mr....