Chapter 719: Youth. Protect Your Heart

uan Technology's intelligent devices, what's even more important is that they want to collaborate with Zhuyuan Technology and obtain its research and development funds.But Zhuoyuan Technology has stri...Shi Yan rolled down his car window and looked at them, but he didn't make a statement or invite anyone to get in his car.

Of course, no one in the Human Resources department would dare to take the boss's car. And because Ting Lan had been listening to Lin Zhixiao ramble about her tumultuous emotions all day, she also refrained from sitting with Mr. Shi, giving her some space to be alone.

Lin Zhiyao wasn't being shy anymore. Such a good opportunity, she would be foolish to refuse it, so she happily said...

“Then I’ll take the teacher’s car when I leave, see you in a bit.”

After finishing his sentence, he walked toward Shi Yan's car.

Shi Yan leaned in, using his height advantage to directly open the passenger door from inside and let her sit in.

When Lin Zhixuan first came into such close contact with Shi Yan, the mature man's unique temperament captivated her, leaving her dazed and overwhelmed. All her boldness seemed to vanish, powerless in the face of his presence.

Shi Yan didn't say anything, and he didn't even glance at her. He kept his eyes straight ahead and drove seriously. Lin Zhifei sat in the passenger seat, feeling a surge of emotions. She desperately needed an outlet for her feelings, so she took out her phone again and posted something on social media.

"Help, my heart is about to beat out of my chest, I love him so much."

She is unrestrained and passionate online.

But in reality, he restrained himself. After finishing his outburst, he placed his hands neatly on his knees, looking rather composed and serious.

A person's true nature always shows through. No matter how serious they try to act, they can't hide it for long.

I couldn't help but steal glances at Shi Yan, who was driving next to me.

The interior was dim, only the buttons on the center console flickering with a faint light. Outside, it was a neon-lit world. His profile was clearly defined, his entire figure bathed in the interplay of light and shadow, radiating a gentle warmth.

He wasn't hungry at all. Lin Zhifan didn't want to eat, didn't even want to reach the restaurant. He just wanted to sit in his car and drive forever.

Probably because her gaze was too ardent, Shi Yan turned his head to glance at her, smiled, and without saying a word, continued to drive straight ahead.

"Did I bother you by getting in the car" Lin Zhixuan finally mustered up the courage to say the first thing after getting into the car.

She didn't play hard to get for more than a few seconds. She wasn't interested in playing games like feigning disinterest or keeping someone on edge, and she knew that she was young and couldn't outsmart Shi Yan. So, she decided to be straightforward and honest.

"A little bit," Shi Yan glanced at her, then nodded gently.

"Then I'll keep my distance from you. Will that disturb you" Lin Zhichao leaned towards the passenger window, his back pressed against the door, deliberately creating space between them.

She was a little farther away, but her posture faced Shi Yan, so she could look at him more openly.

Shi Yan didn't look at her or speak again, just smiled faintly, very calmly. He saw through the little girl's tricks and indulged her.

The car pulled into the restaurant's parking lot. Lin Zhifei wasn't as shrewd as she would be later, not as cunning as a fox. Back then, she still had the naivete of a young girl. The car stopped, and she stared blankly at Shi Yan getting out, lost in her own thoughts. A tinge of regret washed over her. In that confined space just now, they hadn't said much.

Just as she was thinking, the car door behind her suddenly opened. She gasped and went backwards, only to be caught by a pair of strong hands.

Shi Yan opened the car door, Shi Yan held her.

"Haven't you gotten off yet" His warm voice sounded in her ear.

Lin Zhiyao went insane, with his back and ears suffering double "Lingchi" torture by fire.

Because of the weightlessness, she reached out to grab something to steady herself before getting out. But Shi Yan had already supported her shoulders, steadying her to the ground, and then quickly let go.

"Make sure you close the car door on your way over." He instructed as he walked ahead.

Lin Zhiyao was still in shock from the just-happened contact, taking a while to recover. She slammed the car door shut. The sound of the car door slamming also brought her back to her senses.

This isn't like her, she's not mentally sound like this and letting herself be manipulated so easily. That's definitely not her.

Even if I like you, this is too much. My heart is all over the place.

Gathering her composure, she hurried forward to catch up with Shi Yan.

Listening and the HR staff were already seated in the private room. This restaurant was their company's annual year-end party or regular team building gathering place, so the boss and waiters knew them well. When they saw Yi’an arrive, they hurriedly came out to greet him.

Shi Yan, this person, is always polite and respectful to everyone he interacts with. He stood at the door and chatted with the boss for a few moments before coming in.

Lin Zhixuan entered the room before him and sat next to Tinglan.

When Shi Yan came in, he sat directly opposite her, looking down at his phone. He seemed to have seen something funny, a fleeting smile passing through his eyes.

Lin Zhifan stealthily glanced at the screen of his phone. Was he browsing Moments

Is this so boring

Lin Zhiyong subconsciously took out his phone to glance at his Moments, and then was struck by lightning.

She just posted: "Help, my heart is going to explode. I really like him."

I sent it wrong, I didn't post it on her social media, but to my circle of friends.

Didn't he see don't want people who are not truly interested in this article to find it through search.Those who can persevere to this chapter must be true love, welcome everyone to play: Mountain-Lynn, you can al...