Chapter 729: Youth. Guest of Honor

s eager to tell her in person and surprise her, so he only sent a "wait" symbol. Later, these things happened, leading to these two WeChat messages as if she had made a unilateral confession without a...In the quiet conference room, only two people sat. Shi Yan remained gentle, as if patiently coaxing, continuing to say:

"You're still young, you really don't have to label yourself so quickly. You can try out a few different jobs. But I hope these attempts and choices are because you like them, not because of anyone, including me. Understand"


Lin Zhi nodded.

She hasn't graduated from university yet, and many of her thoughts are still in their nascent stages. Even her worldview isn't fully formed. While Shi Yan is gradually teaching her a lesson: to be herself, and for every action she takes, the starting point should always be herself, not for anyone else.

He's really so kind, and he treats her as an equal when talking to her.

Lin Zhixuan "tearfully" shook his head, then saw Shi Yan leave.

Because it was lunchtime, many colleagues were waiting for the elevator downstairs. Although there were six elevators on each floor, when they reached the 16th floor, almost every elevator was packed with people and they could only squeeze in.

Lin Zhixuan and Tinglan didn't want to crowd, so they stood aside and waited for several trips. Anyway, they weren't in a hurry.

After more than ten minutes, most of the colleagues in the elevator had left. Then Shi Yan and his secretary came out of the company. The secretary was carrying a computer bag, as if they were going to meet clients outside.

Seeing them, the secretary naturally pretended not to see them. There were so many employees in the company, besides a few executives, she wouldn't bother talking to these low-level employees.

Shi Yan didn't speak either, he lowered his head and was sending messages on his phone.

A few seconds later, Lin Zhi's phone received a message from him. It was the address of a restaurant near them that he shared, along with the words: "This restaurant is less crowded. Just tell them my phone number when you check out."

Lin Zhixie was looking at his phone and kept grinning: Thank you, Teacher Shi.

It's so considerate of her, knowing that every restaurant in this commercial district would be packed at lunchtime and require waiting in line. So I recommended a place with fewer people.

The restaurant he recommended was definitely less crowded. After she and Tinglan sat down, they were dumbfounded when they saw the menu – a plain beef noodle soup cost 128 yuan.

Teacher Shi betrayed me!!!

She and Tinglan gritted their teeth and ordered two bowls of the simplest beef noodles.

Although it's so delicious that I want to cry, it also hurts my wallet.

Tinglan's mindset was much better than hers. She accepted whatever came, and enjoyed the food with peace of mind.

After she finished eating, she went to pay the bill. She didn't plan on calling Shi Yan back, not wanting to take advantage of him.

But when it came time to pay, the boss asked:

"Are you Ms. Lin and Ms. Shu"

Mr. Shi just greeted him and said that it would be deducted from his account.

The boss has already paid, so they don't need to check out.

Lin Zhiyao is so touched, she must have saved the galaxy in her past life to meet such a godly man.

She was just about to send a message saying thank you.

Shi Yan's information got to her before hers: No thanks needed!

She boasted to Tinglan, “This must be what they call ‘minds in sync’!”

Tinglan calmly and seriously replied, "Mr. Shi should have received the deduction notification, right"

Lin Zhihao said angrily, "Shushu, you're really a master at ruining the atmosphere. You won't find a boyfriend like this."

Tinglan smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I was wrong. Thank Mr. Shi for me."

The two chatted as they walked back to the company, right on time for work.

As soon as Tinglan sat down, he was called away by the marketing director.

Tinglan, for this exhibition we're hosting, many clients from that coding company will be attending. You must ensure all our activities are legal and compliant.

"Okay, I'll confirm again."

She is a quick learner and meticulous in her work. In just over a week, she has already gained a good understanding of the company's core business and related legal risks.

Even if she is called upon to help out the marketing department, she can still do her own job.

Carefully review the exhibition hall's venue lease contract, carefully checking each promotional page and every label for exaggerated or false content.

She would carefully look over even the smallest details that others might overlook.

She'll get it done without needing anyone to chase her.

The hired legal consultant, after meeting her once, exclaimed, “It seems that Mrs. Shi has found the right person this time. I'm about to lose this client.”

Her leadership skills seem to have been strong from her very first job.

The marketing department sent over the customer data for attendees, and as she was flipping through it, she suddenly came across a name that seemed familiar.

Zuo Yuan Technology Zuo Yu An

I remembered seeing this company's advertisement and product introductions on the elevator screen before.

Will he be attending himself too

Of course Tinglan remembered him, but the memory was a little blurry.

Without thinking too much, I continued to flip to the next page of information.

One afternoon passed quickly, and it was time to get off work. There was still half a stack of documents that hadn't been processed, so I had to stay late. Fortunately, there were no tutoring classes today, so I could go back to school after finishing the sorting.

Lin Zhixuan came over to wait for her to go back to school together. Bored, she leaned against Tinglan's desk, scrolling through her phone and interacting with fans, as well as chatting with her teacher Shi.

She is not someone who prioritizes romantic relationships over friendships. She wouldn't abandon Tinglan just for Shiyan. After all, if she didn't return to school, the entire dormitory would be left with only Tinglan.

My roommate Gao moved back home after his senior year, and the other roommate moved out to live with her boyfriend. Today's forecast is for sunny skies.e didn't refuse, he had seriously looked at those photos a few days ago. His mother had put a lot of effort into it, she had all kinds, but...he always felt something was missing.He thought the others...