Chapter 763: Time Love

doesn't mean his grandfather and father didn't. The past of his family is something previous generations feared to bring up. If they were to truly come together, it would probably cause an uproar. But...When Teacher Qin was discharged from the hospital, she specially wore a wig bought by Lin Zhi'ao. It looked almost identical to real hair, especially fitting and beautiful. When she was discharged, her gait was light and brisk, and you couldn't tell that she had been ill at all. 。After spending a week at Shi Yan's house, she insisted on returning home to recuperate.

"I feel more comfortable and it's better for my recovery at home," 。"Mr. Qin is actually very measured and has a strong sense of boundaries. During the time he was hospitalized due to illness, he already messed up Shi Yan's life quite badly, so now he doesn't want to cause them any more trouble." 。Besides, the young couple are in the honeymoon phase, full of sweetness and romance. She would find it inconvenient for herself even if she wanted to... 。She insisted on returning home to recuperate, and Shi Yan had no choice but to hire the two nurses he had previously hired at the hospital again at a higher price to care for her. 。He would feel more at ease if the two caregivers could both compete with and supervise each other. 。On the way back home, Qin Teacher said to Shi Yan with some emotion: "When I went to Senzhou for treatment with you, I was very afraid that I wouldn't be able to come back." 。"Your situation is good, I haven't worried about it. " 。Shi Yan said 。After a moment of silence, Teacher Qin spoke again:

"At that time, I was particularly worried that I wouldn't be able to come back, so there were many things I wanted to tell you. But I was afraid of burdening you, so I held it in and didn't dare to speak." 。"My mother has always been honest and straightforward in her life, never feeling guilty towards anyone. The only person she feels indebted to is Tang Su. With this illness, I wonder if it's karma catching up with me." 。"

Shi Yan turned to look at Teacher Qin and said, “If there really is cause and effect retribution, it would be on me. What does it have to do with you”

Teacher Qin: “Psh psh, don’t talk nonsense. Don't blame me, why bring this up now It happened so long ago" >>> 。Mom wants to say today that after going through such a life-and-death experience, life is impermanent. You never know which day will be your last. 。So mom hopes to see you settle down soon. You're successful in your career now, and you're not young anymore, it's time to find someone to settle down with. 。"I know,

your name has been busy preparing for graduation thesis and defense recently. Let's talk when you're done with these." 。Shi Yan actually had a plan long ago, he really thought it through. 。Mr. Qin's illness was just a catalyst; what truly mattered was that he had come to accept the girl deep down in his heart. 。That's good. 。"Teacher Qin didn't say anything more. In fact, she wasn't optimistic about Shi Yan and Lin Zhixuan at all." 。She really liked Lin Zhifei. She was a warm and generous girl, free-spirited and open-minded. It was easy to get along with her. 。It can be seen that she loves Shiyan very much, but it's probably too early to ask her to enter marriage because of love. 。She could see the problem, Shi Yan was so smart, how could he not see it

So she had to push him a little, given his personality, he probably would just wait for the girl to grow up, mature and settle down.

But did he ever think, perhaps the predecessors planted the trees and the later generations enjoy the shade

When the girl matures and her heart settles, she may no longer choose him. What will he do then His age does not allow him to waste any more time. 。So this bad person, she's here to stir things up, to put pressure on them. Whether they stay together or break up, let's have a clear decision soon and not waste each other's time. 。

Teacher Qin didn't know that even without her, Shi Yan was planning to do this. But it wasn't because he was afraid of wasting time, but because of love, because he loved too much, so he wanted a commitment, a stability. 。Before this, the so-called promises and stability were like fairy tales to him. He had always firmly believed that humans are independent individuals who should retain their selfhood and freedom of movement in any relationship. Even now, he still believes this. 。。He suddenly understood Tang Su's behavior back then, and even when Qin teacher said retribution just now, he thought, perhaps it was his retribution. 。After seeing Teacher Qin safely back home, he rushed back to Senzhou that afternoon and went straight to Senzhou University to pick Lin Zhixuan up. 。She's making a last-minute dash, unlike Tinglan who has been preparing for her graduation thesis long ago. So she feels a bit lost and overwhelmed right now, having to start from scratch. 。Clutching a stack of papers, I got into Shi Yan's car and leaned against his shoulder, acting cute and complaining about being tired. 。"Will I not graduate because my final thesis defense doesn't go well" Shi Yan reached out and patted the face leaning on his shoulder, comforting him: "No, we are the smartest." 。What would you like to write about Perhaps I can help you find a teacher for guidance. 。The main theme is about relationships between genders. The specific content being considered is the importance of maintaining independent thought in a relationship. 。I'm not sure if this topic is suitable. I need to check with the teacher again. 。Since she became a relationship influencer, she receives many submissions every day. Many women are stuck in unfortunate love or marriage, struggling desperately. So she really wants to research the root causes of this pain and see if there are any solutions. 。Shi Yan was very surprised. She thought the problem had such depth, surprising him again and again. She was much more mature than many girls her age. 。Actually, the internet is a big cesspool. She can immerse herself in it while maintaining her own independent thoughts, which is truly valuable. 。He also deeply understood that in time, she was sure to bloom as brilliantly as a flower. By then, her eyes might not necessarily still hold the teacher named Shi.

He leaned down and kissed her forehead, his heart pounding. "Yoyo," he blurted out, "let's get married." 。Lin Zhixuan was startled. In her opinion, Shi Yan had a more carefree and unrestrained personality than her, so she thought that Shi Yan's words were just like saying "I love you". 。Shi Yan didn't say anything, just rubbed her hair and then stepped on the gas to drive home. 。That night, he was a bit ruthless. Lin Zhifei thought it was because Qin Teacher had gone back home and didn't have to worry anymore, so he acted with such unrestraint. 。Lin Zhiyao wasn't always so shrewd, sometimes she was also confused. It wasn't until many days later that she realized that Teacher Shi's words "let's get married" in the car that day weren't just casual remarks. 。She felt a little down and wanted to talk to Tinglan about it. 。Tinglan is a "romantic idiot," what does she know She just said, "Isn't that good You love him, he loves you, isn't it normal for you to get married""But Tinglan, our lives haven't truly begun. If someone else loved you very much and proposed to you right now, would you marry them" "Of course not... " 。"Tinglan's last word was soft, yet firm. She wouldn't marry; she had a deep fear of married life." 。So, it's not that I don't love Teacher Shi. It's just that I don't want to get married. 。But I feel like I might be losing my teacher. 。Speaking of this, her heart ached, she was very sad because she knew that Mr. Shi was serious. 。Author's Note: She ultimately chose to leave, only because of herself, not because of other people or things. This is her character. 。ood rest.""Alright, alright, I'll listen to you. You guys worked hard."There are three shows waiting to be aired, so it's a good time to take a proper rest. After that, just attend major events and ma...