Chapter 766: Lightning Rod, Don't Look

glan also has this resilience. Birds of a feather flock together, as the saying goes. So they could become best friends, but Shu Tinglan lacks Lin Zifei's carefree spirit. 。Lin Zhihao was in a good mo...(Disclaimer, these chapters are purely to make friends who like Shih-Tzu happy. Those who like Fu Zong or like to find [something], please don't read, just keep the ending in your heart.)

Her relationship with Shi Yan was the only thing in her life she never had the courage to recall or face. She never mentioned it, so over the years, after moving to a new environment, no one knew except Ting Lan that she had once had a genuine and passionate love affair.

When she told Tinglan these words, Tinglan had already been drifting in her own emotional world for many years, no longer the "love idiot" she used to be.

Tinglan pierced straight to the point: "So all these years, you've been looking for Mr. Shi's substitute Following Mr. Shi's standards"

Lin Zhixuan: “No, I’ve always tried to break free from the influence my teachers had on me. I’ve also tried dating different types of guys. At first, when I dated Fu Shenyi, there was no trace of my teachers in him. He wasn’t a romantic or interesting person. Only after getting to know him deeply did I realize they shared some similarities.”

"So, because of these similarities, you decided to marry him If you're looking for his shadow, why not just go find him directly"

"I once looked for it."

Lin Zhixuan recalled the last phone call he had. He asked, "Zhixuan, are you okay"

He has been silently watching her.

After that phone call, she cried for a long time. She was impulsive and reckless, rushing back to find him, as if finding him, being by his side, could erase all her grievances and misunderstandings.

That was three years later, when she returned to this Palm Garden Estate, a place she knew well. But she didn't go straight to his house, nor did she contact him. At that time, she was gambling, or perhaps she wanted to follow fate's arrangement. She had some superstitious beliefs and just wanted to see if they could meet at the entrance of the estate, if they still had such a fate.

It seems like fate, she really saw him, just as she remembered him, gentle like the spring breeze.

But it wasn't really a lucky encounter, because Tang Su was standing beside him. They supported Teacher Qin together as they walked towards the entrance of the apartment complex. Teacher Qin wasn't wearing a wig or a headscarf; instead, he was wearing a hat that was much more appropriate than either.

They seem like a happy family of three, supporting each other, the picture is heartwarming.

Lin Zhiyao stared blankly at Shi Yan's back, wanting to call out "Teacher Shi," wanting him to turn around and look at her, but she didn't say anything in the end. What right did she have

In that silent farewell, they had already walked in different directions. She wanted to find the splendor of her life, he wanted stability, and now this was good.

Tang Su is very good. She has deep feelings for Shi Yan and sincere feelings for Teacher Qin. They have been together for many years, and there is no one more suitable for Shi Yan than her.

Lin Zhixuan said to Ting Lan: "Shushu, I know I missed something, but I have no regrets. As long as Teacher Shi is doing well, I feel good."

Is Shi Yan really doing okay

Shi Yan thought, it wasn't bad at all. After Lin Zhiyi moved out of his place, life didn't seem to change much, and instead, he had a lot more time for work because he didn't have to go on dates anymore.

At his age, he wouldn't be so emotionally invested anymore, neither to the point of despair nor listless. He remained composed and collected, going to work as usual, socializing as usual, and charming clients with ease.

The only time he lost his composure was once when he got drunk at a social gathering. He went home, opened the door, and habitually called out: "Honey, come here and give me a hug."

I really want to hug her.

But the room was cold and empty, the only response to him the faint echo in the high-ceilinged living room: "Hug me."

Realizing this house would never again be filled with the joyful leaps and hugs of someone waiting for him to get home, he simply smiled down. Then, as always, he went upstairs, showered, and went to sleep.

In the first year, Teacher Qin still urged him to get married and advised him to reconcile with Tang Su.

The following year, after realizing his reunion with Tang Su was hopeless, he asked Zhang Cheng to introduce him to potential partners. He went to each introduction very enthusiastically, trying his best to make a good impression, but every time, the woman would go to Teacher Qin and complain that he was indifferent.

In the third year, Teacher Qin advised: "If you still can't let go of Chuchu, then go chase after her. Live a happier life."

That year, he did plan to win her back, but Teacher Qin's illness relapsed, coming on fiercely. He took Teacher Qin to every renowned hospital across the country. At that time, he had lost all confidence that Teacher Qin could recover, so his own life fell into a quagmire. How could he possibly go after her and bring her back to be with him

At that time, the company was developing very well, but he suddenly felt very tired. He lost interest in his career, fame, fortune, and other material things. He felt they had no meaning in life, so he sold the company for a good price, enough to support him and Teacher Qin for several lifetimes without worrying about food and clothing.

He took Teacher Qin abroad for treatment, trying the most advanced treatments and some of the latest drugs that hadn't been fully put into clinical practice yet. Luckily, Teacher Qin's condition was controlled very well.

The call to Lin Zhixuan was made from a hospital abroad. Knowing she valued her online career and that she was being harassed and insulted for being labeled as a mistress, he felt sorry for her because he believed she wasn't that kind of person, so he called her.

It wasn't until after he was done that he realized it was all an excuse; he just really missed her.

For a while, he was worried sick about Teacher Qin's illness. Every day he lived in anxiety until her condition stabilized and she could return home. When the weight lifted, he couldn't help but think of her.

The next day they returned home, Tang Su took the initiative to pick them up and bought a nice hat for Teacher Qin by the way. When they arrived at the entrance of the community, Teacher Qin asked to get off and take a walk. Having been hospitalized for too long, she wanted to breathe some fresh air, so they got out of the car and accompanied Teacher Qin home.

That day, Tang Su didn't go into the house. He walked away after reaching the door. Before leaving, he saw a pair of pink slippers hanging on the shoe rack outside Qin's door and, taking advantage of Qin's inattention, sarcastically said: "I didn't expect you to be so infatuated."

Shi Yan only said, "Congratulations!"

"I'm getting married, you can finally relax." Although I found someone who satisfies me in life, seeing Shi Yan still feels a bit bittersweet. I just want to tease him a little.

"I sincerely wish you happiness."

Tang Su wanted to say that this was what he deserved, but she could never bring herself to speak harshly to him. He was a frustrating mix of lovable and infuriating.

After Qin Teacher's condition stabilized, Shi Yan gradually resumed work, providing solutions to some Internet of Things companies. Because he didn't need the money, he took these jobs just to pass the time. He was selective, only cooperating with high-quality clients and focusing on excellence. He quickly became a well-known consultant expert in the industry.

Once at a meeting at a client's company, I saw Lin Zhixuan from afar. Even standing in the crowd, her appearance and demeanor were particularly eye-catching. Through some roundabout inquiries from the client, I learned that the company's labor union was planning a social event and had invited Lin Zhixuan to be the host.

The customer laughed and said, “Mr. Shi, you’re welcome to join us if you’re interested.” really bewitching the men. Look at Mr. Zhu's eyes on her, he's so fond of herGuoran couldn't tell if she was envious or jealous, and she exchanged glances with Li Anna, wanting to gossip.But Li Anna...