Part 2: East Earth Big Sugar Chapter 16: Nightfall

aw this, he grabbed her collar and dragged her out of Lin Zhixuan's office like garbage, dragging her all the way without any mercy."Zuo, let go of me! I'm not done looking yet," Lu Yaoyao cried out a...To be honest, I lied. This has nothing to do with her job; it's on our end that there was a problem. He just checked the crew's surveillance footage and couldn't find any clues. Only people on our side have the experience to pull something off so seamlessly. 。That malice, that cruelty that he hadn't felt in a long time, began to resurface. It seeped out of him, growing stronger with each passing moment. He craved it, taking from her again and again, attempting to use her light to soothe the darkness within. 。"Brother, I can't go on."

"Lu Yaoyao was really crying this time, begging for mercy, and then he stopped, but he still kept kissing her." 。

"Yaoyao, I love you" 。“This statement, like his faith, can dispel all the darkness that grows wild in his heart.” 。

"I love you too" 。"Lu Yaoyao responded, then fell asleep from exhaustion," 。She fell asleep against him, her brow relaxed, sleeping soundly and feeling secure. 。Gu Ruandong got up from bed and went to the balcony after a long time, lit a cigarette, and the smoke that came out of his mouth disappeared quickly in the silent night. 。He is the cheetah of the night, able to acutely smell that this car accident is just the beginning of tearing open the darkness. All past experiences are deeply imprinted on every inch of him. 。When he was smoking his second cigarette, a soft and warm body pressed against him from behind, encircling him with its arms. The voice sounded thick with sleepiness: "I can't fall asleep without my brother around." 。Without even fully opening her eyes, she came barefoot and pressed against his back. 。Gu Ruandong's heart softened, he extinguished his cigarette, turned around and hugged her back to the room. She held onto his neck, burying her face against his chest, fast asleep. 。Gu Ruandong couldn't help but laugh, was this a dream or was he awake

Lu Yaoyao was half asleep and half awake, noticing that there was no one beside her, she instinctively went to find him. 。The next day, when she woke up and went downstairs, she unexpectedly saw Gu Ruandong at home instead of going to work. He seemed to have just returned from the garage, with his driver following behind him. 。Your nanny car is in for repair, drive my car from now on. 。He gave his car keys to her driver. 。"Good "

Lu Yaoyao agreed nonchalantly, she didn't care about the car anyway. All of her cars were good cars; it didn't matter which one she drove. 。She doesn't know much about cars; she couldn't tell the difference between that car and the one she usually drives. 。Her driver didn't say anything, just sighed in his heart. This Young Master Gu was truly no ordinary person. The driver was a veteran; he had been driving during his time in the military and had driven all kinds of vehicles. 。Gu Ruandong's car was meticulously modified. All the windows were made of multi-layered armored bulletproof glass, and the interior was also equipped with all-round armor protection. It had a complete safety system, including a rescue system and an escape system. The body was built with high-strength steel. 。In short, it's a heavily modified car that is practically impenetrable. 。The driver has seen a lot and knows that this kind of car with such a high safety factor would only be used on the front lines of the military. 。In an ordinary household, the presence of such a vehicle suggests either an ardent military enthusiast or someone living on the run from the law. 。The driver also worked as a bodyguard. Because of the car accident, Gu Ruandong had secretly sent someone else to protect her in addition to him. Even so, the driver didn't dare to be careless. After sending her to the film set, he stayed nearby and didn't dare to leave. 。This modern short play was relatively easy to shoot, quite a coincidence actually. Today's scene also involved a car accident, with the female lead standing on the roadside narrowly avoiding being hit by a car, and the male lead running over to pull her away. 。This kind of scene looks extremely dangerous on TV, but in reality, it's all achieved through camera lens displacement techniques. It's very safe. 。Lu Yaya saw the same girl who was so cool and confident on the street yesterday. She seemed to be a new crew member, responsible for moving vehicles and transporting all kinds of equipment. She looked very efficient at her work. 。。The director had everything ready. Lu Yao stood by the roadside, waiting for the car to drive towards her. The actor playing the male lead was also waiting nearby. 。The one driving was that girl. She got into the car and when she shut the door, she glanced at Lu YaoYao. For some reason, at that glance, Lu YaoYao's heart suddenly sank. 。As the director shouted "action", Lu Yaoyao took a step towards the opposite side of the road, at the same time, that car was driving towards her. 。It was designed that way, the car was supposed to be going very slow. We were planning on adding more footage and editing it later, so nobody on set knew why the car suddenly sped up like it was really going to hit Lu Yaoyao. 。Perhaps it was that look that gave Lu Yao Yao a slightly uncomfortable feeling, so when she walked across the street, she slowed her pace a little. 。The director shouted: Stop, stop!

The screech of brakes screamed, and the car stopped just in front of Lu Yaoyao. Another few centimeters and it would have hit her. 。She stood there, shaken to her core. Beside her, the director and crew were berating the female driver who had caused the accident. 。Lu Yao looked through the windshield at the girl inside. The girl was also looking at her, a slight smile playing on her lips. 。Lu YaoYao suspected she was seeing things. When she looked again, the girl got out of the car in a decisive manner, slammed the door shut, and without looking back, walked in the opposite direction, leaving them with a cool silhouette. 。"Who is this guy" "He's not from the crew, is he"The director was furious: "What the hell are you doing How can a stranger just walk in here!" 。Other staff hurried to chase after them, but where could they find anyone

Lu Yao Yao's driver and Shan Shan had already rushed to her side to protect her. 。

Shan Shan muttered: “Have you encountered something dirty these past few days Why are you always having car trouble” 。Should we ask Hao Jie to go to the temple and pray for good luck and safety 。"

Lu Yaoyao said lightly: Don't be superstitious" 。Actually, the other party didn't really want to hit her. If they had wanted to hit her, they could have just pressed the gas pedal a little harder and run her over. But the other party had calculated it in advance, braking beforehand and stopping in front of her. 。It wasn't that he wanted to hit her, it was more like he wanted to frighten her. 。It seems like Gu Ruandong was right, it must have been a competitor. She'll have to ask Hao Jie to investigate this properly. 。It turned out to be a false alarm. After the crew reported it, filming resumed in an orderly fashion. 。What was strange to Lu Yaoyao was that, by the time work ended today, Gu Ruandong hadn't contacted her at all, which was rather unusual. 。She took the initiative to send a message saying: "I'm off work now" 。He replied very quickly: "Okay, I'll be home late today." 。He usually says he'll be home late if there are unavoidable social engagements, and she didn't mind going home first. 。Gu Ruandong had not been to Baili Club for a long time, except for the last time he invited everyone over. 。Especially when he walked in alone, the waiter ahead was taken aback and hurried over

: “Mr. Gu” 。“

I wanted to lead him to his private room, but seeing his impassive expression and long strides, he marched in ahead of me. He was tall with long legs, walking so fast that the waiter couldn't keep up.” 。nt where she no longer recognizes herself, so this isn't the kind of love she's looking for.This time, I'm truly being calm. Take your time to feel things through and make a decision. Don't be impulsi...