Part 2: *Eastern Land's Big Sugar* Chapter 57: Wouldn&a

t amusing. This Tinglan was so different from the one he had in his mind. This Tinglan carried a hint of streetwise charm, but also felt more vibrant and alive.Out of the blue, that day when she got o...Go sit over there, farther away from the wind. 。He said, then took off his coat and draped it over her shoulders. He found a spot farthest from the wind outlet for her to sit, and he prepared to check out their exact location. 。As soon as he turned around, Lu Yaoyao grabbed the corner of his clothes and motioned for him to sit there too. She seemed cold, or maybe scared, looking a little pitiful. Song Jingye's heart softened, and he sat down with her in that corner. 。

Actually, he has a good physique and is very resistant to cold. When he used to do training, he would lie still in the snow for an entire night without moving. The snow beneath him would melt into a puddle, and his clothes would freeze into a solid block. Even though he was hypothermic, he was fine. So this cold storage room isn't a big deal to him. 。But Lü Yaoyao was pampered and her physique was delicate. After staying for a while, she started shivering uncontrollably from the cold. He looked distressed and hurriedly wrapped her tightly in his coat, squatting in front of her to shield her from all the cold wind. At this time, they still maintained the distinction between men and women, without any physical contact. 。He shielded her from the cold wind while observing and listening to the sounds around them. 。But the place the other party was looking for was airtight and eerily quiet, impossible for him to find any flaws. Trying to conquer it from within seemed almost impossible. 。After a round of assessment, he stopped struggling needlessly, conserving his energy to deal with what might happen next, adapting to change with constancy. 。

The first half of the night was alright, Lu Yaoyao just shivered from the cold, but she was very awake. 。But by the middle of the night, she was so cold that her lips had turned blue. She huddled up in a ball. 。

"Yaoyao, get up and move around" 。Song Jingye saw that she couldn't go on like this, wanting to pull her up and get her moving. 。Lu Yaya was both cold and hungry, almost to the point of fainting, she didn't have the strength to move at all. 。She didn't want to cry, but tears kept welling up and streaming down her face. It wasn't just physical discomfort; a sudden memory flashed through her mind of the heavy snowfall when she had driven alone to the northwest. Her car broke down halfway there, leaving her to trudge through the snowstorm. Back then, she was cold and miserable too, but her heart held onto hope. She imagined seeing Gu Ruandong soon, and even the biting cold couldn't deter her. 。Now I miss him too, missing him like he would suddenly descend from the sky and take her away from this cold place. Thinking of him, tears well up. 。Song Jingye saw that she was trembling from the cold, her face pale and her lips slightly purple. He was afraid that if this went on, Yao would suffer from hypothermia and shock. So he didn't care about anything else, he hugged her whole body into his arms, holding her tightly to transfer some warmth to her. 。Compared to the coldness around him, there was still a faint warmth on his chest. Lu Yaoyao had been frozen and dazed, instinctively hugging him tightly, pressing against him, seeking out that bit of warmth. 。She was wearing his jacket, loose and oversized. He took it from her and wrapped them both in it, so his body heat could warm her better. 。He was able to withstand the cold, but by the middle of the night, perhaps because the temperature outside had dropped further, the entire cold storage room felt a few degrees cooler than before. A layer of white frost began to appear around the edges, and he himself felt a sharp chill pierce through him. He couldn't even imagine how cold it must be for her. 。

“Yaoyao, don't sleep” 。He held her tightly, rubbing his hands over her back to warm her, but it was no use. She had no heat left in her body. 。"Yaoyao, just hold on a little longer" 。He pressed his face against hers, even bowing his head to kiss her icy forehead with his lips, just to give her a little bit of warmth. 。"Brother," she trembled in his arms, clinging to him tightly, her face nuzzling against his chest. 。。She had cried herself out, and every word she spoke trembled in her teeth. 。No, no 。Song Jingye had no experience comforting girls, nor did he have any experience holding such a soft body. 。There are also some excellent female soldiers in the unit, but just like male soldiers, they train in wind and rain. Those who are weak and cry easily wouldn't have a chance to appear before him. 。

At this moment, comforting her clumsily was like steel tempered a thousand times becoming as soft as silk. 。Lu Yaoyao was frozen to the point of confusion, seeking any warmth she could find. She saw Song Jingye in front of her and mistook him for Gu Ruandong. 。He not only held her tightly, but his broad and strong hands were also rubbing up and down her back. 。Song Jingye was not driven by any desires, he simply feared she would get cold and wanted her to be warm. 。They remained tightly embraced, leaning against the wall corner. Especially Lu Yaoyao, her entire body was wrapped around him, motionless. Even though she had already fainted and was unconscious, she didn't let go. 。So when Gu Ruandong led his men in, that was the scene he saw. But at this moment, Gu Ruandong had no time to pay attention to anything else, he only cared about her condition. 。

"Yayay" 。He rushed forward, wanting to carry her away, but found he couldn't break free from her grip. Her hands were wrapped around Song Jingye, stiff and cold. 。Song Jingye hugged the person up: “Let’s send them to the hospital first.” 。Gu Ruandong had a light stubble on his chin. He was fair-skinned, and the blue tinge stood out, making him look particularly haggard. At this moment, YaoYao's safety was paramount. There was nothing he could do but watch helplessly as Song Jingye ran with her all the way to the ambulance. 。

Even on the ambulance, she still held onto Song Jingye tightly. Song Jingye could only lie down with her on the stretcher bed. He was actually just holding on to his last bit of consciousness, having been frozen until he couldn't feel anything. The doctor quickly got a heated blanket and covered them both, then while administering intravenous fluids to replenish their energy, he also took some warm sugar water and tried to feed it to her. 。Gu Ruandong didn't know if it was worry or seeing Yaoyao completely relying on another man's embrace, his eyes darkened, making the temperature of the entire ambulance drop a few degrees. 。He didn't speak, he took the warm sugar water from the doctor's hand and carefully spoon-fed it into Yaoyao's mouth. 。It seems the electric blanket or warm sugar water worked, as Yaoyao's pale gray face gradually regained some color. 。Gu Ruandong reached out and touched her face and forehead. Finally, there was warmth. The worry he had carried all night finally eased, and then he shifted his gaze to the hand she still held onto Song Jingye's. 。Song Jingye felt the deathly stare and now he felt much more comfortable, so he slightly sat up, wanting to leave the hospital bed. The bed was too small, with Yao Yao practically taking up half his body lying on him. 。But the moment he moved, Yaoyao immediately leaned against him, her hand still around his waist, completely reliant. He really couldn't bear to pull her hand away. 。But it wasn't really appropriate, so she gave Gu Ruandong a look to signal him to take her away. 。Lu YaoYao's body was no longer cold, but her temperature was rising, especially on her cheeks, which were visibly reddening. It seemed like her body had lost the ability to regulate its own temperature and she suddenly developed a fever. 。She felt hazy, but knew that Gu Ruandong had come. He even hugged her, and she suddenly felt wronged, burrowing into his arms. She wouldn't let anyone take her away from Gu Ruandong. 。precisely because of this, he felt even more heartache. He wouldn't dare to do anything that would make her feel uncomfortable even a little bit.So this time he opened up and said, “Our family went th...