Chapter 72: Innate Talent Unbeknownst to Oneself

up's default on its debt isn't just about them running into trouble, it's also about them retaliating against Su He!He sent him an invitation and specially invited Bai Yihuan to perform on the ship, w...“Let me and my little sister tell you!” Shen Rufeng pushed the wheelchair to Su He’s face and took the initiative to suggest.

Gu Qingcheng was just about to speak when Shen Zhaolin lightly bumped her arm,搶先說道:“That's good. Nannan, if you have something to say, tell your big brother directly. We are family!”

Seeing Shen Zhaolin take Gu Qingcheng away, Shen Niannian followed behind them, while Shen Xingfan kept looking back every few steps, unwilling to leave. Su He remembered what Shen Yueze had said again.

Believe your parents, believe in them.

Shen Rucheng looked at Su He with guilt: "Little sister, I'm sorry!"

"Without waiting for Su He to ask, he proactively said: 'I know you suspected Bai Yihuan before and asked Lao Er to investigate her. It wasn't that Lao Er didn't find anything; it was me who kept the investigation results hidden.'"

Su He didn't expect Shen Ruifeng to bring this up on his own.

She believed in Shen Xingfan, so she asked him to help her investigate.

When she pressed for the results of the investigation, Shen Xingfan kept it hidden.

Upon learning that Shen Rufeng and Shen Xinfan had colluded to deceive her, besides being shocked and angry, she also felt disappointment and sadness towards them.

Seeing her expression, Shen Rufeng immediately confirmed that Su He had overheard his conversation with Shen Xingfan.

"Little sister, I told you, I won't let anyone who has hurt you get away with it..."

"Knock, knock, knock—", the hurried knocking on the door suddenly interrupted Shen Ruifeng.

The person knocking on the door is Shen Yueze.

Seeing Shen Yueze enter the room again, Su He nervously looked at his hands. Seeing that he had empty hands, she secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Even if he really used her hair for a paternity test, it wouldn't come back this quickly.

So, what is he doing here now

While Su He was confused, Shen YueZe directly stated his intention: "Big brother, I need to borrow a favor from my little sister."

Until she donned surgical scrubs after the sterilization, Su He realized the purpose of Shen Yueze's summons.

Ho Chenxi's condition worsened, and Shen Yueze, as the chief surgeon, decided to have Su He assist with the surgery.

Looking at the sterilized silver needles prepared in advance, Su He dared not reach out to take them.

Seeing this, Shen Yueze immediately pushed her into the operating room without hesitation.

On the operating table, Huo Chenxi lay there unconscious, like a lifeless puppet, with only the instruments connected to him emitting intermittent short and sharp beeps.

Su He's Huo Chen Xi in her heart, strong, confident, and decisive, has always been ruthless and decisive. No matter how powerful the opponent is, he will be defeated by him.

She had never imagined that he would appear before her, so frail and vulnerable, breathing barely audibly.

She knew that he, who had always been accustomed to being in control, hated this feeling of helplessness the most.

Although Shen Rúfēng hadn't had time to explain the identities of those in black, she had already guessed they were after her from what she overheard her older brothers say earlier.

Ho Chen Xi was implicated by her and suffered such an unwarranted disaster.

Looking at Huo Chenxi, who was so different from the past, Su He only felt that her heart seemed to be held in someone's hand, radiating pain silently spreading.

"Be ready to help stop the bleeding at any time!" Shen Yueze gave Su He a deep look, then turned and stood behind the operating table.

Under the harsh glare of the surgical lamp, he took the scalpel from the assistant's hand.

A cold light flashed.

The quiet operating room, with figures moving and instruments beeping incessantly.

Su He gathered her courage, holding the silver needle and standing beside Shen Yueze, her nerves on edge. Her eyes were fixed only on Huo Chenxi's pale face, everything else around her seemed to disappear.


"Beep beep beep—" The alarm sounded sharply from the instrument.

Su He almost instinctively rushed forward, and at the same time, she heard Shen Yueze's reminder: "Su He, quickly administer the acupuncture!"

Shen Yueze insisted on taking Su He to the surgery despite facing opposition.

Everyone at the hospital was against him bringing a young girl who should have been a patient. More importantly, they had no idea who she was.

Given Huo Shenxi's status and position, if something were to happen to him in the hospital, the consequences would be unimaginable. I fear that everyone in the hospital would be implicated.

"If any accidents happen during the operation, I will take full responsibility."

Shen Yueze, with his own strength, resisted all opposition and insisted that Su He participate in the surgery.

But in his brief moment of lucidity, Huo Chenxi learned about Shen Yueze's arrangements and simply said, "Good."

When the patient personally nodded in agreement, the renowned surgeon promised to take responsibility, only then was Su He given the opportunity to enter the operating room.

The doctors and assistants assisting Shen Yueze in surgery were shocked to see Huo Chenxi's condition deteriorating faster than anticipated. Even Shen Yueze, whose nimble hands moved with a speed that defied belief, was struggling to keep up. The tension was palpable, beads of sweat forming on their brows despite the cold operating room.

The next second, their eyes widened in astonishment.

Shen Yueze insisted on bringing Su He into the operating room. With both hands holding silver needles, he simultaneously worked at lightning speed, visible even to the naked eye, planting silver needles all over Huo Chenxi's head, limbs, and body.

With the last silver needle inserted, Huo Chenxi's blood loss finally slowed down.

"Control the bleeding, keep going!" Shen Yueze quickly ordered, rushing forward.

Racing against time, robbing death.

An instrument for monitoring heart rate and blood pressure emitted an alarm sound.

Looking at Shen Yueze's increasingly solemn expression, Su He felt a strong sense of unease in her heart, as if something very important was about to leave her.

She finally couldn't help herself, and stepped forward to grab Huo Chen Xi's hand.

" Huo Chen Xi, you hate to admit defeat the most, so you'll definitely persevere, right"

"Would you like to eat the meal I made When you're better, I'll definitely cook a big feast for you. This time, I won't get the seasoning wrong again."

"Huo Chenxi, do you still remember that you promised Grandma to take care of me Does it still count now"


At first, she was just blurting out her thoughts. Shen Yueze noticed Huo Chenxi reacted, and immediately said to Su He, "He reacts to your voice, keep talking, anything is fine."

Su He spoke with blurry eyes, recounting their story as Shen Yueze had instructed. She began from the moment they first met, detailing how they were forced into marriage under their grandmother's arrangement and sharing how she shamelessly clung to him after the wedding.

Those past events she thought she had abandoned, one by one as she spoke them out, were still vivid in her memory.

“I know you don't like me. But I already gave you your freedom, why do you keep clinging to me” Su He had tears on her face, but a self-deprecating smile played at the corner of her lips. “I’m starting to wonder if you actually like me. Do you want to explain yourself”

As soon as the last stitch was sewn, Shen Yueze finally finished.

Looking at Su He, who was crying her heart out, Shen Yueze secretly sighed.

For this little sister he had finally found, he couldn't say he particularly liked her. After all, she was a snotty kid when he was young, with bubbles coming out of her nose.

Unexpectedly, the girl he considered useless possessed a natural and unparalleled talent without even realizing it.

If she hadn't been lost back then, if her growth environment hadn't restricted her horizons and made her feel inferior and insecure, she would surely be no worse than him today!en Yueze.What other outstanding qualities might his daughter have that he hasn't noticed"Achoo!"After successfully escaping the pursuit of fans by disguising herself as a woman, Shen Muyin was sent on...