Chapter 1072 Ghost Saint Country 33

he fainted. Dugu Yu rushed forward, looking extremely anxious. Feng Lingxi calmly said, "Third Prince, don't worry. I only gave her a needle to make her sleep soundly."Dugu Yu looked at Feng Lingxi, "...The Grand Elder looked at Luo Li in surprise, "Are you sure you want to keep her"

Feng Lingxi seeing the situation, hurriedly agreed, "Elder Master, since this Wan'er is the future heir of the Yao clan, she naturally needs to stay and receive a good education. Besides, being able to be taught by all of you elders is Wan'er's fortune, isn't it, Wan'er"

Wan'er looked at Feng Lingxi, then at the Great Elder, and revealed a sweet smile. "I'm willing."

The elder couldn't help but shiver. Wan'er's smile made him involuntarily cross his legs, with a sharp pain in his groin.

"Grand Elder, you wouldn't go back on your word, would you This is settled."

"Leaving, she looked at Feng Lingxi, "With a mother like you, who knows what kind of person your child will turn out to be."

"What's wrong with me How did she become like this Who did she learn this from I never said it was your fault, and yet you're bringing me, her mother, into this."

Feng Lingxi and Luo Li argued, last night Luo Li told her that if she wanted Wan'er to return, she had to do things her way. Also, last night Wan'er and Luo Li talked for a long time, and I don't know what the master and apprentice said, but eight or nine times out of ten, today Wan'er's actions are all taught by Luo Li.

Otherwise, how could a one-and-a-half-year-old child be so rude and do such a thing.

The High Elder looked at Wan'er's radiant smile and began to hesitate.

"This matter is of great importance and needs to be discussed with the other elders. The chieftain and the saint maiden should take Wan'er back to the Holy Temple. We elders will discuss it." The Great Elder got up and hurriedly left.

"Grand Elder, please let the other Elders keep Wan'er. I will make her behave."

Feng Lingxi did not forget to shout loudly. The Great Elder's spine turned cold, his feet were filled with wind, and he ran away without a trace.

"He runs pretty fast."

Feng Lingxi turned around and saw that Wan'er and Luoli were looking at her. The smile on her face disappeared instantly. She opened her hands, Wan'er gave her a white look, "Bad stepmother."

"No, I..."

Isn't this just a play they put on together How did she end up being the bad one

Feng Lingxi curled her lips, if she didn't act, this would be another time someone criticized her. Being a human is just too difficult.

Suddenly, she felt a strong longing for Dugu City. If he were here, he would surely understand her painstaking efforts.

In the inn, Dugu Cheng sneezed. Xi'er had been up the mountain for three days, and he received news from the Great Yuan Dynasty. Recently, Dugu Xiu had inexplicably stopped attending court and stayed in the palace all day. He delegated all matters of state to Dugu Su. However, on his way to court, Dugu Su was attacked and seriously injured. He was recuperating at home, and the affairs of state were then handed over to Dugu Yu. Now, the factions loyal to King Su and Dugu Yu are clashing in court, forming two major power blocs.

"Master, if there's still no news from the Princess and Madam, should we return ahead of schedule"

Ye Xi was worried. She had just received another letter, and she didn't want to tell the King, lest it distract him.

"Agreeing to wait for ten days, how can you leave"


Yèxī hesitated for a moment, then handed him the letter in her hand. "This is just from Tiānxiānglóu to my subordinate."

Dugu City opened his eyes and glanced, "It's fine. Leave the matters in the court to them. We go back, there's nothing we can do about it anyway."

If I don't stir up Xicun County, I won't hear about it or ask about it.

I just wonder about my mother's well-being. Has she recovered from her illness, and has her memory returned

Thinking of this, Dugulang's heart felt uneasy. He ordered his men to protect his mother closely, hoping that nothing unexpected would happen.

"I wonder how the Princess is doing. I hope the Chieftain doesn't hurt her."

Xiaoli clenched her fists, her eyes filled with worry.

These days, she couldn't eat or sleep well. Her mind was filled with the Princess's life in the Yao clan. These people didn't even let her in, they didn't treat her as a member of the Yao clan at all. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

"She's fine."

A figure walked in. Shangguan Huan looked at the person who came, his eyes lit up, and he quickly stepped forward, "Qi'er."

Autumn's face was slightly pale, Shangguan Huan supported her, and as soon as she leaned against him, her whole body softened and collapsed into his arms.


She was injured.

Du Gu Cheng keenly noticed something was wrong with Qiu'er, and hurriedly sent Ye Xi to call a doctor. He asked Shang Guan Huan to carry her back to the room. Shortly after, the doctor arrived and treated Qiu'er. Her injuries weren't too serious, just excessive blood loss coupled with prolonged lack of rest that caused her to faint.

"You're back."

Shenguan Huan grasped Qiu'er's hand, "This time, I won't let you go into danger again."

She is from the Yao ethnic group.

Dugu Cheng's tone was affirmative, looking at Shangguan Huan's surprised gaze, "Your Highness, what do you mean Qiu'er she..."

"She just said that Xi'er is fine, which means she has seen Xi'er. Since she was injured, it must be related to the Yao Clan. If it wasn't someone from the Yao Clan, how could they have gone there"

Du Gu Cheng's words shocked Shangguan Huan, "You said Qiu'er is the Yao Clan of Gui Sheng Guo"

"Well, as for how she got hurt, we'll just have to wait until she wakes up to find out."

獨孤城 now felt very calm. Hearing that Xi'er was safe, he felt at ease.

This Qiu'er was originally a member of the Yao tribe. The question is whether she would be willing to reveal the location of the Yao tribe after waking up.

Inside the Temple

Feng Lingxi sat there, watching Wan'er and Luoli playing and laughing out loud. Several times she wanted to join them, but was rejected. Her heart ached with frustration.

"Didn't you tell me to cooperate with you Now it's all my fault"

Feng Lingxi glared at Luo Li, "Did you intentionally make Wan'er dislike me so that you want to keep her here"

Luoli glanced at Bai, then continued playing with Wan'er.

Such an atmosphere lasted the whole day, and even the next day was like that. Feng Lingxi walked out of the temple boredly, wandering around aimlessly. What angered her most was that Wan'er and Luoli didn't stop her at all.


The Elder Three was just about to attend the meeting when he heard Feng Lingxi sigh, and hurried over.

Feng Lingxi saw the three elders and hurriedly shouted, "Three elders, where are you going"

For some reason, seeing Feng Lingxi's sudden smile made him feel a sense of unease, as if he were looking at Wan'er. He couldn't help but feel apprehensive.

"You are here to discuss matters, why aren't you with Wan'er"

She doesn't want me. I want to go down the mountain. When can you send me down I want to return to the Yuan Dynasty. This daughter, I'm giving her to you.

Feng Lingxi finished speaking and let out another sigh.

The Elder Three heard that she was going to leave Wan'er here, and couldn't help but shiver.

"You can't do this, she is your daughter! She's so young, are you serious"

“She doesn’t want me anyway. Besides, she’s having so much fun here, and you all like her. She’s going to inherit the chieftain position from the Yao tribe anyway, so why shouldn’t I let her be”

Feng Lingxi's words made the Third Elder even more uneasy. This Great Elder said he didn't quite believe Feng Lingxi didn't want to take Wan'er away. How could their mother-daughter relationship be on the verge of breaking down in just a few daysible. It's good for a woman's body to have children sooner.""At this age, it's not good for Xi'er's body to have a child."Shu Taifei thought about Feng Lingxi's age, “This concubine remembers that whe...