Chapter 1099: Ghost Saint Kingdom 60

led Feng Ling Xi into his arms and held her tightly, whispering softly, "Seeing you makes me feel warm."Slick-tongued.Feng Ling Xi placed the file back on the table and gently stroked Du Gu Cheng's fu...Why

Autumn watched Wind Ling, her eyes narrowed slightly, "She has a deep blood feud with you."

"I treated her like my own sister back then, but for the position of貴妃, she pushed me down into an abyss. To be precise, I've died twice."

"That woman is a runaway. I've seen her a few times."

Autumn spoke, "He's difficult to deal with. He's very secretive, his martial arts skills are not weak, he's good at changing identities, and he's similar to Xin Shui. Be careful."

Feng Lingxi was a little surprised, but also touched when Qiu'er told her these things.

It wasn't for nothing that she saved her, able to give her this much information.

"Is Luoli good to her"

"Just a pawn, that's all."

Autumn gazed at Feng Lingxi, "The Yao clan people have no true affection, only pawns and masters."

"Are you a pawn too"

Autumn nodded, lowering her head to continue filling in the unfinished parts of her painting. Feng Lingxi could tell Autumn was no longer willing to speak. Autumn was a pawn, but who was her master The Grand Elder or Luo Li

Although curious, Feng Lingxi did not press for an answer. Qiu'er also fell silent, as if she hadn't spoken at all just moments before.

After finishing, Qiu'er handed the painting to Feng Lingxi.

"Be careful when you look her up."

Feng Lingxi cautioned, “Her martial arts are not weak, she is skilled at concealing her identity and disguises herself expertly.”

獨孤城 nodded, put the painting away, and looked at Shangguan Huan and Qiuer, "You two stay here, if there's anything, just tell Xi'er."

Shangguan Huan looked at Qiuer, seeing her nod, he himself followed suit.

His purpose was simple, he would be wherever Qiu'er was.

After the meal, Dugu City instructed Feng Lingxi a few words and returned to the military camp.

He has to distribute the paintings, let them search. If they can find their ideal, they might be able to trace back to the ghost saint country that came with it. At least, see if these people have any problems.

Feng Lingxi and Shangguan Huan discussed Qinghe's disappearance and made an agreement to go out tomorrow to look for clues and see if they could find out what happened to Qinghe. Qiu'er, on the other hand, found an excuse to stay at the mansion and refused to go out.

Feng Lingxi knew she wasn't in a good mood. Just as Feng Lingxi had saved her life, she had felt the desire for revenge, which was suppressed, angry, yet she had to endure it.

"Shàngguān Huàn, do you know about Qiū'er and Xīn shuǐ's relationship"

This heart of water is chasing after me, it will eventually meet. I hope Qiu'er can succeed in her revenge, but looking at Qiu'er's current situation, it seems this Heart of Water is not easy to deal with.

"I don't know, Qiu'er doesn't want to say, and I didn't ask."

Shangguan Huan looked at Feng Lingxi, "She hasn't told me as much as she has you. You can also see that she seems very indifferent to me."

“She just doesn’t want you to worry, and you shouldn't take it to heart. The hatred in her heart is too deep. When she opens up, she’ll be fine. Actually, she still likes you very much.” If Qiu’er was ruthless towards Shangguan Huan, she could tell him to help her seek revenge. With Shangguan Huan’s martial arts skills, the chances of success would be high.

"I hope so."

Shangguan Huan's requirements were not high, as long as Qiuer was happy, he didn't care how.

"As for Qing He's matter, continue to help me investigate. I owe you a favor for this. If there's anything I can do to help you in the future, I will definitely do so." She was afraid that her investigation into Qing He's affairs would attract attention, and Shangguan Huan's unfamiliar identity made it easier for him to investigate than her.

"Your Highness, please do not be so polite. You saved Qiu'er, and this kindness I will never forget. If there is anything you need, just give the order."

Shangguan Huan bowed respectfully, his attitude very reverent.

Feng Lingxi nodded and spoke to Shangguan Huan for a while. Shangguan Huan nodded, tidied up, and then left.

As night fell and a cool breeze blew, Feng Lingxi returned to her room after a busy day. She looked at Wan'er who was already asleep. Tiredly, she massaged her aching shoulders. Since Shutai Fei had stirred up so much trouble, they moved out, which was actually a relief. It saved them from having their ears worn thin by her constant nagging.

"My Lord, the young master has fallen asleep." Shi Si stepped forward to help Feng Ling Xi adjust her clothes, but was refused by Feng Ling Xi.

"Fourteenth, these past few days as you've been watching Wan'er, have you noticed any unusual behavior from her"

Lord, what is the meaning of this unusual behavior

Feng Lingxi looked at Wan'er, "She doesn't act like a child at all, in her words and actions."

Fourteen shook his head, "The young master and the housekeeper's daughter Yueyue were playing happily, just children playing house. There was nothing unusual about it."

Feng Lingxi nodded, perhaps she was overthinking it.

Wan'er did everything the Yao tribe of Guisheng Kingdom did out of sudden whims, after all, she was just a child, what could she possibly do.

"Get out."

Windling instructed, "Lie down, hold An'er, and look at her peaceful sleeping face. Kiss her on the cheek and fall asleep holding her."

"My Queen."

Just as she closed her eyes, she heard Ye Xi's voice at the door. Feng Lingxi frowned. What was Ye Xi doing here so late Could it be that Xiao Li wasn't feeling well

Feng Lingxi hurriedly got up, put on her clothes and walked to the door, "What's wrong"

"Little Li's wound is aching terribly, could you give her some ointment to apply"

Feng Lingxi frowned. It had been two days now. Although it wasn't getting better, it wasn't unbearable pain either.


Feng Lingxi shouted, "Fourteen, come in," "Your Majesty."

"I'll take care of Wan'er, I'm going to check on Xiao Li."

When fourteen heard this, the young girl Li lived in a room not far away. Ye Xi brought Feng Lingxi over. “Young Miss Li said her wound was very painful,” the subordinate reported, “I saw she was almost unable to bear it, so I came to bother Your Highness.”

As I pushed open the door, Xiaoli was lying on the bed, beads of sweat dripping from her forehead, her face pale and devoid of color.

"Didn't you apply the ointment I gave you"

Feng Lingxi swept across Xiaoli's buttocks, looking like it was inflamed.

"All clean."

"Ye Xi, go heat some water, I'll change her dressing."

Ye Xi responded and hurried out, closing the door.

Feng Lingxi examined the wound, looking at the redness and swelling, her brows furrowed slightly.

"Why don't you apply ointment"

"My lady, I have wiped it."

"Why don't you call on Fifteen for help if you can't wipe it yourself"

The area where she applied the ointment was naturally fine, but all the places that weren't treated were swollen and red. No wonder she said it hurt.

Wind Ling Xi applied ointment to her, looking at the beads of sweat on Xiao Li's forehead, "You wouldn't let them help you, so I'll help you. Your injury is quite serious. Do you want to be bedridden for a month"

Feng Lingxi's rebuke caused Xiaoli to blush and her eyes welled up with tears. "Your Highness, the servant knows she was wrong."

She was just embarrassed to let Yexi help her. Yexi had been watching over her the whole time, and she wanted to apply ointment, but it was awkward and hard to say.

Feng Lingxi treated her wounds and looked at her expression, "I think you should get married to Ye Xi sooner, so that you won't feel embarrassed."

"My Queen, please don't like this."

Xiaoli bit her lip, wincing in pain, "The slave girl doesn't want to marry."

Ye Xi stood at the door, holding water. He heard everything Xia Li said and felt a bit disappointed, but he quickly adjusted his mindset and prepared to knock on the door. Feng Lingxi looked at Xia Li, "She's so good to you, don't you consider it"

The prince is good to his wife, he hasn't even taken a bunch of other women."Dugu City looked at Ye Shuang, "Don't meddle in things you shouldn't."Yèshuāng got up and stumbled away from the county office. Fēng Língxī watched her leave and asked Dúl Gūchéng, "Do you really thi...