Chapter 1214: War Clouds Gather 25

rd the princess coughing and hurried forward, wringing out a towel and placing it on her forehead. With a concerned expression, she said, "You suddenly developed a high fever and talked nonsense all d..."Is there a mine around here"

Where are there any mines

Zhou Mu's eyes flickered when Feng Ling Xi mentioned the mine. Feng Ling Xi gave him a white look.

"I said we're from the same place, so naturally you'd know. Besides, coal mines already exist in this era, and I believe Your Highness can see that too."

Dugu Cheng responded. When he came in, he saw traces of coal dust on the ground, but they weren't severe. It seemed like the mining had been completed.

This coal mine's excavation requires permission from the imperial court; unauthorized mining is a serious offense.

"I'm so annoyed with you, just move these things out! Why do you ask so many questions Aren't you getting tired of it"

Zhou Mu's tone was full of impatience, "If this coal mine were really that easy to find, I wouldn't be here. These are just coal scraps, there's no vein at all. If there was, I could swear allegiance to you."

When it comes to coal mines, Zhou Mu feels deeply aggrieved. This mine is completely useless and there's no actual coal at all. Otherwise, if he had mined coal, his iron smelting business would have been prosperous long ago.

"Take these away and seal the mountain."

Feng Lingxi looked at Zhou Mu, "I know I've said a lot, but I still hope you let go and seal this place."

Dugu Cheng looked at Zhou Mu's eyes filled with reluctance, "Since coal slag appeared here, it can be confirmed that there must be ore veins around. You don't have the ability to mine. If the surrounding countries knew about this, they would covet it."

Zhou Mu fell into deep thought, nodding only after a long while.

Then, seal it.

Thank you.

Dugu City ordered his soldiers to move everything from Zhou Mu's place. Looking at the increasingly empty cave, he said, "Xi'er, find a way to seal this place."

"It's collapsed."

Zhou Mu gave Dugu Cheng a glance. "It's not as difficult as you imagine."

Once everything was emptied, Zhou Mu took out the bomb hanging from his waist, planted it carefully, lit it, and quickly retreated. A deafening boom echoed as the ground trembled and the cave collapsed, turning into a pile of dust. The power of one bomb brought down an entire mountain, its destructive force surpassing gunpowder.

This was the first time Dugu City had seen this kind of power, and he secretly marveled at its might. However, he was lucky that Xi'er had tamed Zhou Mu. If not, if they had actually fought, with two armies clashing, it would have been a devastating battle to capture this mountain fort, likely resulting in heavy casualties.

"Your Highness, everything is packed and ready."

"Your Highness, all the villagers have been found and escorted down the mountain."

The soldier reported. Duguo City looked at Zhou Mu who was staring at the cave, "Let's go too, it's getting dark."

Zhou Mu reluctantly withdrew her gaze, sighing deeply.

"I don't know if I was right or wrong to trust you this time. How could you have destroyed all my two years of hard work"

This is our choice.

Feng Lingxi soothed, "In this world, such a powerful weapon cannot exist. I don't want you to become a sinner through the ages, nor do I want to know about it and allow it."

Mind your own business.

Zhou Mu took the lead and walked away, Dugu Cheng and Feng Lingxi followed suit and went down the mountain together.

"Zhou Mu is now stationed at the Chen Wangfu, and I have agreed to take him under my command."

Feng Ling opened her mouth, “He is even more excellent than Xiao Mi. When we go back, I will tell you what is scary about a person like him.”

"Actually, you didn't have to say anything. This King already saw it." With just one bomb, this entire mountain could be destroyed. The collapsed cave, the hollowed-out mountain... all of these were Zhou Mu's doing. I ask you, how many people in this world possess such extraordinary ability

Feng Lingxi nodded, "If you understand that's enough, actually I think you pretty much understood what I wanted to say."

She had told Dugu City about her era before, and he had a general understanding of it. Moreover, Zhou Mu's actions today and the situation in the cottage, Dugu City must also know why she was wary of Zhou Mu's abilities.

If Zhou Mu was used for her own purposes, she could keep him. But if he had rebellious intentions and ambition to ignite the fires of war across the land, she would be the first to stop him.

Upon returning to Linxi County, the sky had already darkened.

Zhou Mu followed Feng Lingxi back to Chen Wangfu. Zhou Mu couldn't stop praising the grandeur of this Chen Wangfu estate.

"I didn't expect the Crown Prince to have a palace on the border. However, this palace seems a bit too cold and austere compared to what I imagined."

In his memory, this royal manor should have been magnificent, with high walls and a large courtyard. However, this Chen Wangfu was smaller than he had imagined.

"Do you still remember what this palace should look like It seems your memory hasn't completely faded, but rather, you've forgotten what happened to yourself."


Zhou Mu followed Feng Lingxi into the courtyard. Tian Xiaomi, who had come running after hearing the sound, arrived with Wan'er. Wan'er's soft voice caught Zhou Mu's eye.


"Wǎn'er, come to Mama for a hug."

Feng Lingxi knelt down and picked up Wan'er. Tian Xiaomi looked at Zhou Mu, her eyes full of confusion.

"Your Highness, this is..."

"Zhou Mu, our fellow villager, but, he has forgotten about the past, so he doesn't know."

Tian Xiaomi's face was full of shock. She looked at Zhou Mu staring at her, his scrutinizing gaze made her very uncomfortable.

"A master armsmith, isn't he Wouldn't you like to go back" He might want to. "


Feng Lingxi's words made Tian Xiaomi suddenly realize, "So the princess brought him back"

"To help him recover his memory, as for whether he stays or leaves, it's his own choice."

"That's true, this really is a gathering of folks from the same hometown."

Wind Ling frowned, "She didn't feel any joy at all being surrounded by fellow villagers. For some reason, she found the frequency to be terrifyingly high. How could so many people from her future end up around her"

Although Feng Lingxi was full of doubts, she still cherished her fellow villager who came from the same hometown.

"Zhou Mu, she is Tian Xiaomi. The three of us are all from the same place. In the future, if I'm not around and you have something to do, just find her."

Zhou Mu nodded and extended her hand toward Tian Xiaomi. "Hello, I'm Zhou Mu."

Tian Xiaomi looked at his outstretched hand, feeling very embarrassed. This wasn't their era, and she was already married. Zhou Mu's gaze towards her was too intense, making Tian Xiaomi feel overwhelmed.

"Zhou Mu, just a greeting. It's not proper for men and women to be too familiar here, so it's best to keep some distance. Xiao Mi is my younger sister."

"Chen Wangfei, do you have any sisters Introduce me to one, so we can be family."

Zhou Mu hastily asked, Feng Ling Xi was actually amused by his words.

"I have several sisters, but they're all married and I haven't had the chance to meet them."

"My cousin can too."

Feng Lingxi looked at Zhou Mu, "I don't have any uncles or aunts. I don't know who my biological father is, and I don't know where my biological mother is now, Zhou Mu, if you want to start a family and build a career, there are many good girls in this world, there must be one that you like."

Zhou Mu frowned, half a moment shrugging and nodding.

"That's true, I'm not even that old. If I got married and had kids this quickly, I'd be tied down and wouldn't be able to move around freely."n, stuffing it all in at once. Lu Nian watched her take such a large bite, couldn't help but think that she lacked any of the modesty one would expect from a girl."You take small bites, so you won't c...