Chapter 1223: Smoke and Fire Rises 34

said, "Xi'er has helped me adjust my body, and it's almost done. I'll handle the household affairs myself."Wind Ling Xi watched her mother take over, her brow furrowed slightly, feeling a bit uneasy."...Feng Ling Xi tugged at Dugu City's sleeve, "What did you promise him"

"Help him find his younger sister."

Lu Nian quickly nodded, "I apologize for my previous faux pas. Princess Chen is indeed the number one beauty of the Great Yuan Dynasty. Not only is she beautiful, but her heart is also kind. It's no wonder that Prince Chen dotes on you so much."

A series of compliments, Feng Lingxi was for the first time being praised in this way, looking at Dugu City, her eyes were full of doubt.

Are Lu Nian and they this close

"Xier, Lord Lu's family doesn't have a daughter. It seems he sees you as a younger sister."

Dugu Cheng looked at Lu Nian, seeing him nod in agreement, his face finally improved slightly.

"Mother is this beautiful I don't see it."

Wan'er, having eaten and drunk her fill, heard Lu Nian shower praise on her mother. She stared at her mother for a long time.

"I'm still the most handsome."

Feng Lingxi's lips twitched slightly, and Lu Nian only then realized the presence of Wan'er. He stared at Wan'er's rosy little face, excitedly stepped forward wanting to hug her, but Wan'er avoided him with a disgusted expression.

I don't know you well.

"Crown Prince, your daughter is truly beautiful."

If Mother knew he not only found his sister, but also such a lovely little granddaughter, she wouldn't know how happy she would be.

The Lu family must have burned so many incense sticks in their past lives to have such a cute niece.

"Thank you, Lord Lu, for your kind praise. Wan'er is still young and her words are inappropriate, making Lord Lu laugh."

Du Gucheng looked at Wan'er dodging Lu Nian and said, "Wan'er, you shouldn't be rude to Young Master Lu. Don't forget the rules, treat people with courtesy."

"It's alright, it's alright, she's a county princess after all."

Lunan's eyes were now fixed entirely on Wan'er, the joy on his face was undeniable, his gaze almost devouring her.

Feng Lingxi looked at Lu Nian's reaction and whispered, "Why is Lu Nian so particularly interested in me and Wan'er"

He has no daughters at home, so seeing you both like this, he probably thinks of you as his sister and Wan'er as his niece.

Du Gucheng couldn't stand this Lu Nian anymore. Though Xi'er was very likely his own sister, seeing her like this... anyone would think he was trying to please them. This forced smile made him look foolish.

"Lu Gongzi."

Feng Lingxi shouted, "We should go back."

Lu Nian looked at Wan'er, not hearing Feng Lingxi and him speaking. He took out a jade pendant from his waist and handed it to Wan'er. "Wan'er, I don't have much on me. This is my close-fitting jade pendant. Take it as a gift."

"I don't want this, I have a lot already."

Wan'er looked at the jade pendant with disdain. Feng Lingxi and Dugu City were both shocked by what Lu Nian took out. This jade pendant was made of top-grade mutton fat jade, priceless. Even the royal family might not be able to afford it.

What's the background of this Lu Nian

"What do you like"

"I'll get it for you, just tell me what you need."

"I don't know you well, so no."

Wan'er looked at Lu Nian with a wary expression. Lu Nian hurriedly said, "How could we not be familiar Why don't I give you this Yipinxiang as a gift"

Lu Nian finished speaking, frowned and shook her head, "You're all not in the capital. Sending this to you, the silver earned from business wouldn't reach you. It's not proper, too shabby. This meeting gift can't be so meager."

Otherwise, if he went back and his mother found out, she would certainly scold him severely, and who knows, Lu Ze and the others might even make fun of him.

Is this tavern so grand and yet run down

Wind Ling Xi looked at Lu Nian's eyes, they had changed. Who's prodigal son came out this time Is this even human language

Even without a daughter at home, one shouldn't treat others as if they were close sisters or nieces. A casual greeting should not involve extravagant gestures like gifting a banquet hall. Wind Ling Xi suddenly became interested in Lu Nian.

"Prince Chen, Princess Chen, Wan'er likes what I'll have someone find it for her."

"I like martial arts."

Wǎn'er looked at Lù Niàn, "I don't like you."


Lu Nian lowered his head and glanced at himself. He was handsome, had a good figure, and was suave and charming. What was wrong with him Why didn't she like him

"You want to steal my mother away from my father, I don't like you."

" "

Lu Nian looked at Feng Lingxi, awkwardly smiling. "Princess Consort Chen, there must be a misunderstanding here. I have no such intentions towards you, please don't overthink it." If his mother found out he had caused his sister to misunderstand him because of his excitement, he would be skinned alive.

Feng Lingxi was amused by Lu Nian's words.

"Master Lu, this young miss Wan'er is known for her bold words. The king told me that you only see me as a sister, which is why she reacted so passionately."

Lu Nian nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, that's right. I apologize to the Princess Consort for the misunderstanding. Our Lu family truly doesn't have a daughter. My mother has always said that if we had a sister, we would treat her like royalty."

"I see. You really had it rough."

Feng Lingxi rarely heard of families that favored sons over daughters. This Lu Nian's mother was also a likable woman.

"Qingyi, did I bring anything valuable this time"

"To my master, no."

Lü Nián's head ached. He took off the jade pendant from his waist and gave it to Wan'er, "Take this for now as a gift when we meet. When I find something better to give you, I'll exchange it back."

Waner was given a jade pendant, and Lu Nian got up.

“Your Highness, Your Highness the Princess Consort, I won’t disturb you any longer. I'll treat you to this meal, and you can come to Yipinxiang whenever you want to eat in the future. I’ll have someone reserve a private room for you. Oh, by the way, Your Highness, don't forget to keep your promise.”

Lu Nian bowed and turned to leave, even hearing him mutter in frustration as he went.

"Why didn't you bring anything valuable when you came"

Waner looked at the jade pendant in her hand, her lips pouting, and her face full of grievance.

Feng Lingxi took the jade pendant, looking at the word 'nian' engraved on it. It should represent Lu Nian's identity. He actually gave it to Wan'er like this Wouldn't he often change his waist card

"What is Lu Nian's identity, to be so generous"

Feng Lingxi asked Dugu City, looking at the equally puzzled Dugu City, she became even more curious.

This trip to Beijing, Lu Nian was considered the most unexpected gain in their itinerary.

"He is not from the Yuan Dynasty, he came here to look for relatives."

Dugu City told Feng Lingxi about Lu Nian and what he said. After hearing this, Feng Lingxi was astonished.

"No wonder he treats me like his sister. With so many similarities, it's no wonder he does."

獨孤城 Holding the jade pendant, he took a closer look. “Lu Nian’s identity is unusual. This jade pendant is made of priceless mutton fat jade. People who wear it have an identity that is no less than that of the royal family.”

"Maybe he really is my brother."

Feng Lingxi playfully said, "Put this jade pendant away safely. We'll return it to him next time. Such a precious item, we can't accept it. It would bring us trouble."days she had deliberately inquired, this Dugu City besides being good to Feng Lingxi, was indifferent to other women. She didn't want to be scolded for it."You are here, the king and Luo Li are togeth...