Chapter 1275: War Smoke Rises

tary camp, she began training alongside the soldiers, a fact witnessed by all. There was no reason for her to doubt their loyalty."Tomorrow, I'm going to Liu Xi County with the King. You stay here and...The village chief fell to his knees before them, pleading, "Please, spare me! I truly don't know what she wants."

"It seems the village head wants everyone in the village to bury you. These people are truly pitiful, becoming like this without even knowing it's all because of you, this selfish village head. But, it doesn't matter, I have plenty of time. I can wait slowly until the village head is willing to hand over what they have."

Feng Lingxi and Dugu Cheng looked at each other inside the house. Could the master these people were talking about be Xinshui

What does this village head have that makes someone like Xin Shui so obsessed with him

"Village head, don't you think about the villagers At least think about your wife and children. You're fifty now, your wife and children are beautiful and lovely. If they all die like this, wouldn't that be a pity"

"Please let me go, I really don't know what you want."

The village head wept and begged for mercy, while his wife huddled with their child, trembling.

"It seems the village head thinks we wouldn't dare lay a hand on your children. Well then..."


The village head stood in front of his wife and children, "Give me some time, I need to think this over carefully."

That woman curled her lips, a triumphant gleam in her eye as she swept over the village head's trembling form.

"I'll give you half an hour. If you hand it over, we'll leave you be. If not, after today, this village will cease to exist."

The village head rose. “Please wait here a moment, I’ll go into the house and get something.”

Dugu City pulled Feng Lingxi behind him, watching the village chief walk in. He hurriedly motioned for him not to speak. The village chief walked into the room, and Dugu City and Feng Lingxi followed him in. The village chief looked at them, “Since you all heard it, I won’t hide it from you anymore.”

"What do they want with you"

The village head took out a box from his old chest and handed it to Feng Lingxi, "This is what they want. Please, Madam, help us. This thing mustn't fall into their hands. I don't mind dying, but this thing has been guarded by our village for generations. It should be passed on to the Holy Lord of the Yao Clan."

"Yao Clan Holy Master Are you from the Yao Clan"

Feng Lingxi looked at the village head, seeing him nod, her face full of disbelief.

"How could the Yao people live in seclusion here What's inside this box"

The village chief shook his head, “I don’t know, it has been guarded for generations, and it has been here for a thousand years by the time it reached me. Please convey it to the Holy Master of the Yao clan.”

"Village head, do you recognize this"

Feng Lingxi took out the Zi Xing from her bosom. When the village head saw the Zi Xing, he was stunned and looked at Feng Lingxi in disbelief, "You are the Saint Lord of Yao Clan"


The village head knelt down with a thud, tears streaming down his face instantly. Feng Lingxi hurriedly helped him up.

"Wake up, village head. Don't let the outside world find out."

"I never thought in my lifetime I would be able to see the Lord again. Giving this to the Lord, even if I die, I can rest easy."

"Let's not talk about that for now. Once we've dealt with the few people outside, we can talk."

Feng Lingxi looked at Dugu City, "Get them all done."

Dugu City and Ye Xi looked at each other, then they went out. After a while, the sound of fighting came from outside, and it soon stopped.

Feng Lingxi looked at the village chief peering outside and said, "Go out, it's done."

The village head came out with Feng Lingxi, and sure enough, there were several corpses on the ground, not a single living one.

"Why leave any alive"

Dugu Cheng frowned, “Keeping him wouldn’t make him speak anyway. It’s better to just ask him.”

The village head looked at Du Guncheng and said, seeing his wife and children trembling with fear, this was the first time they had seen such a scene. To suddenly have so many people killed in front of them, it's no wonder they were frightened.

"Ye Xi, Xiao Li, dispose of the body."

Dugu Cheng looked at the village head, "Let her in, and make your words clear."

Yexi and Xiaoli went to deal with the corpse, and the ever-silent Sancai hurriedly stepped forward to help, feeling that he was still somewhat useful in front of them.

"Chief, now you can tell me, why was this given to the Yao Clan's Holy Master instead of the Yao Clan's Chief"

Feng Ling held the box given to her by the village head, but she never opened it to see what was inside.

She knew that this thing was extraordinary, having been guarded for a thousand years. It falling into her hands was fate, but also a responsibility.

“I don't know either. My father said when he gave it to me that it could only belong to the Saint Master of the Yao Clan, and they need to present the Purple Star for verification. This Purple Star only recognizes the Saint Master of the Yao Clan; it doesn't recognize anyone else. It has been passed down through generations.”

"You even know this"

Wind Ling instinctively touched the purple star on her neck. When her mother gave it to her, she had passed down a bloodline inheritance.

The village head looked at Feng Lingxi, “Holy Lord, the villagers here don’t know their identities. Their ancestors have lived here for a thousand years. To outsiders, we are just a village in an idyllic paradise. They’ve grown accustomed to it and haven’t thought about leaving. I just didn’t expect that we would still be discovered.”

"Do you know who they are"

The village head shook his head. "When they came to the village, I thought it was strange, but I didn't think much of it, until their mistress, the woman in red, spoke about the Yao people before us, then I knew who they were."

So how did she know you were from the Yao people

The village head shook his head, “I don’t know either. That woman didn’t reveal her identity at first. She stayed here for a day and only the next day did she come to me, inquiring about the Yao people. I didn’t say anything, nor did I admit it. But somehow, she knew my identity and insisted that I hand over what our ancestors had preserved.”

"She is the granddaughter of Yaozu's Great Elder from Gui Sheng Country. Didn't she tell you"

"I know she's from the Yao clan, but she doesn't have the Purple Star. I don't care where her Yao clan is from, or what her status is, without the Purple Star, this item cannot be given to her."

The village chief looked at Feng Lingxi, “I never thought that in my generation, I would complete the task of guarding for a thousand years in this way, successfully handing it over to the Saint Lord. Even if I die now, I am content.”

"Village head, don't you want to know what's installed here"

When Feng Lingxi heard the village head's words, her heart sank. These ancient people were truly loyal and righteous. For generations, they had guarded their family's duty, staying in these mountains for millennia all because of this box.

“No need to know, Lord Saint take it well. Things return to their owners, this is yours.”

Feng Lingxi placed the box on a stool and opened it. Inside was a scroll made of sheepskin. She picked it up. The surface of this scroll was identical to the one she had found at the general's residence before, and it was only as big as her palm, with only a few dots on it.

"Just this piece of parchment"

The village head looked at what he had guarded for a thousand years, utterly shocked. He hurriedly asked, "Lord Saint, do you see if this is real Could someone have switched it"and then, Shutai bestowed a few more words of advice on her before she left.As the wedding day drew nearer, Dugu Yan tried every trick she could think of to probe Feng Lingxi, but all her attempts fai...