Chapter 1334: War Clouds Gather

ur husband."Dugu Cheng reminded her repeatedly, he's been very busy these days and was worried about neglecting Xi'er and something like that happening again."Understood. Is there anything else If not...Lu Nian took the prescription and went out. Feng Lingxi stood up, stretched her muscles, and continued to browse through ancient medical books.

News of the plague outbreak in Tuwu Town soon reached the imperial palace. Upon hearing this, Emperor Yuanzhao looked at the civil and military officials with great anger.

In the court, all officials and ministers held their breath, not daring to make a sound.

"Speak up then, don't tell me you all are unaware of this."

The Prime Minister, seeing Emperor Yuan Zhao's anger, glanced at Dugu Yu beside him and said, "This old minister remembers that His Highness Wang Yuyu has a close relationship with General Zhen Guo, and he also has a good relationship with His Highness King Chen. In this matter of Tumu Fort, wouldn't Prince Wang have received any news"

Dugu Yu stepped forward and bowed to Emperor Yuan Zhao, "Your Majesty, the State Minister's words are extremely reasonable. My younger brother also finds this matter too unbelievable. News has reached my younger brother that there is a plague in Tumuwzhen. My younger brother also received word that Liu Cheng of Liucheng in Tumuwzhen had submitted a memorial, but why this memorial never reached Your Majesty's hands My younger brother finds this strange as well."

After finishing his words, Dugu Yu looked at Xiangguo, “You should also know about this matter.”

All memorials submitted to the Emperor must go through the Grand Minister's hands. Why hasn't there been a memorial from Tumu Town This matter shouldn't be asked of the Grand Minister; what use would it be to ask him

"Your Highness, what do you mean by that This old minister has not received any reports from Tumu Town. I thought Your Highness was aware of this matter, after all, you have a close relationship with the Generalissimo and Prince Chen, and I assumed they had informed you."

Dugu Yu was unhappy. What kind of plan did this State Councillor have Don't think he didn't know.

This time, all the petitions from Tumo Town were intercepted by him. Now he even wants to pin this matter on him, it seems that this emperor is already planning to strike at him. What brotherly affection, it's all hypocrisy. This empire was conquered by his father, but now it's in the hands of Dugu Su. He didn't even think about his father's remaining sons, they are not allowed to exist.

From ancient times, emperors were known for their ruthlessness. Although he might have been discontent with his father's choices in the past, compared to Dugu Su, he was much more merciful.

"Alright, enough! You're giving me a headache."

Emperor Yuan Zhao watched them arguing, very displeased.

Dugu Yu spoke up, "Your Majesty, please calm your anger."

"Your Majesty, this old minister believes that Tumubao is a vital border town for our Great Yuan Dynasty and should be reinforced immediately."

I agree.

"I agree."

Those ministers who supported Xiangguo followed suit, agreeing with him. However, the ministers from King Yu's side began to refute. "Your Majesty," one minister said, "Prince Chen is currently in Linxi County, just over a hundred miles away from Tumuwzhen. Why not summon him to Tumuwzhen for support"

"I object. The plague in Tumu Town is an internal matter of the court. King Chen, who guards at Linxi County, would inevitably cause unrest among the countries bordering the West if he were to go to Tumu Town to treat the plague. They could take advantage of the situation to attack our cities. I believe this approach is unwise."

I agree.

The State Councillors all agreed, clearly holding the upper hand.

“I wonder if the Grand Minister and Lord Yu have any good suggestions for this matter. It's not appropriate to send Prince Chen away. Once Prince Chen leaves, if someone takes advantage of his absence to attack Linxi County, if the city falls, the border of the Great Yuan Dynasty will be breached. This matter is of great importance, and this approach is not feasible.”

Emperor Yuan Zhao spoke, he wasn't planning on moving against Dugu City now, naturally he wouldn't let him take risks.

"Your Majesty, I believe that this would be an opportune time to dispatch an official from the court. This would demonstrate Your Majesty's benevolence and..."

"My younger brother thinks it's better to just have the Grand Master of State run over there."

"This old minister would like to, but I'm afraid this old body couldn't bear such a long journey. Your Highness, please don't jest with this old minister." The State Minister never intended to go to Tumult Town in the first place. This plague wasn't a joke; it was fatal if one came into contact with it.

"I wonder, Your Majesty, who in court would be most suitable for this position To be honest, I wouldn't want to part with this marble statue."

As soon as Du Guyu said this, he stopped Xiangguo's thoughts of sending him for support. If they truly sent Du Guyu there, wouldn't it make people think that he wanted to take over the position of Dali Temple Qing

"Does anyone among you esteemed officials have a suitable candidate for this matter"

"As for me, I have a person in mind."

The Grand Tutor stepped forward and, seeing Emperor Yuan Zhao nod, said, "This man is Feng Yu Mo, the youngest son of General Zhen Guo. This old minister has heard that despite his young age, this son of General Zhen Guo, serving under King Chen, is brave and skilled in battle. If he were sent, it would be a good choice."

“Your Majesty, this cannot be done. This humble servant knows Wind Feather a little. The Princess Consort treats him like her own brother. Although he serves under the King of Chen, he has no official position, merely a low-ranking soldier. Sending such an unknown soldier to Tumuwu Town would be pointless.”

Du Gyu's words successfully stopped the prime minister's plot. Seeing Emperor Yuan Zhao's furrowed brows, Du Gyu continued, "Your Majesty, this humble servant believes that Princess Chen is the most suitable candidate. She possesses superb medical skills. Back when our father was alive, he praised her highly. Now with the severe plague in Tumu Town, wouldn't it be beneficial to send her there to treat the afflicted"


Emperor Yuan Zhao hesitated. He knew Feng Lingxi's medical skills, but to send Feng Lingxi to Tu Mu Town, he would have to issue an imperial decree. Wouldn't that be tantamount to giving Feng Lingxi an official position This was something Emperor Yuan Zhao was very reluctant to do.

"Your Majesty, it's possible that the Crown Princess of Chen has already gone to Tumuw Town. Last time when Tumuw Town was in trouble, both the Crown Prince and Crown Princess went there personally. This time, even if the Crown Prince wasn't needed, sending the Crown Princess to heal the sick would be unavoidable, after all, her medical skills are superb, and the people trust her."

"Your Majesty, I believe the King of Merit's suggestion is feasible. As Princess Consort Chen has already had experience traveling to Tumu Town for treatment, a second visit, this time under Imperial decree to save lives, would not be met with objection from King Chen."

The Grand Minister agreed, saying, "This was the suggestion of King Yu. If it angers King Chen later, then blame can be shifted to King Yu. If we cannot deal with King Yu, then we can settle with King Chen instead. This will also deepen King Chen's resentment towards King Yu, a truly advantageous move."

"Since both the Grand Minister and Duke Yi think this method is feasible, do any of you other esteemed officials have any other suggestions"

"We have no objections."

Dugu Yu looked at these officials, all of whom were Xiangguo's people. He sent Feng Lingxi here this time, and although this King Chen was certainly angry, he could understand the reason for his actions this time. He wanted to take away his position as Dali Temple Qing, don't even think about it.

"Let's write it down."

Emperor Yuan Zhao spoke, "Allocate some silver from the national treasury and send it to the mansion of Prince Chen."

"The old minister obeys your command."

All the ministers had paid their respects and retreated. After everyone else was gone, Emperor Yuan Zhao kept Dugu Yu behind. The two of them went to the Imperial Garden, where King Yu meticulously served him.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say to you."

Emperor Yuan Zhao spoke, his tone laced with a hint of resignation.

"As you can see, the situation in the palace now is quite dire. Big or small matters, the Xiangguo involves himself in everything. I am living more and more like a puppet emperor."

When Dugu Yu heard this, he quickly said, "Your Majesty, please don't think so. The Prime Minister is also trying to relieve Your Majesty's worries."rise, ChiefLoli is the clan leader She's, too young, rightLuo Li opened her eyes, but she didn't feel like getting up.Come in.The carriage moved again. Feng Lingxi watched Luoli, “Is the Chieftain thi...