Chapter 1351: Sparks of War Ignite

Nangong Huayun. Moreover, the court had sent people to assist him, who would arrive in a few days."Commander of the Protectorate, how is the situation in Tumuh"Dugu Cheng spoke first. Feng Aotien loo..."Can we go to the slums now"

Feng Lingxi hurriedly asked, "I haven't gone to check on things these past few days, so I don't know how the situation is. It's all Li Su and the others supporting things over there."

"Let's go."

Du Gucheng got up, Feng Lingxi hurriedly grabbed his hand and walked outside. Looking at the thousands of soldiers and horses outside, she subconsciously loosened Du Gucheng's hand, but he clasped it tightly in his palm.

"How many people did you bring this time"

"Not even a mosquito can get out."

Dugu Cheng took the lead and walked out. Feng Lingxi watched his departing figure and subconsciously looked at the thousands of soldiers behind her. This Tumu town wasn't very populated; he wouldn't bring a hundred thousand troops, would he

"Wait for me."

Wind Ling chased after Dugu City, grabbing his hand. "Later, you have to wear a mask and stay here. There can't be too many people here, otherwise, there won't be enough masks. Also, keep about a meter's distance from the patients, and be careful to avoid being splashed by blood or coughed on."

獨孤城 pursed his lips, listening to Feng Lingxi chatter in his ear. However, his eyes gradually softened, and the corners of his lips curled up more and more. It was still good to be with Xi'er. Listening to her nagging him like this, he didn't feel annoyed at all, but rather found it extremely pleasant.

"Did you hear that What are you laughing at"

Feng Ling Xi tugged at him, and Du Gu Cheng scooped her up into his arms, leaped onto his horse, and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Everything Princess Feng said has reached this King's heart, it is extremely pleasing. Continue."

Wind Lingxi shivered. What was wrong with this Dugu City Why had his speech become so sentimental today

"That's it."

Dugu Cheng lowered his head and glanced at her, "Then let's go."

Riding into the slums on horseback, Feng Lingxi felt like she was entering a military camp with the armed guards standing on both sides. Besides doctors and medical personnel, the patients were all obediently staying in their places, not daring to move around.

These soldiers stood quite far away, they just weren't wearing face masks.

"My lord, my lady, everyone has calmed down."

Ye Xi stepped forward, his face covered by a mask. It was needless to ask; everyone knew it was given to him by Xiao Li.

"Good job, keep the soldiers at a distance and stay safe."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Ye Xi immediately went down, Dugu City followed beside Feng Lingxi, but saw Feng Lingxi motion him to stop, "Wait for me here, I'll get you a mask."

"I'm the same as I was with you before."

Feng Lingxi stopped him, pointing to the three camps across from them. "Those over there are for light, medium, and severe patients. While this is a medical camp, they have been in contact with patients. It's not safe for you to go over there like that. Listen to me, I'll get you a mask."

Feng Lingxi walked over, and after a short while, she brought over a face mask and helped Dugu City put it on. Then she went to check on the patients' conditions. These patients saw Feng Lingxi coming, each one of them wanting to speak but hesitant. When they saw the man behind Feng Lingxi, they were all frightened and shrank back.

Feng Lingxi realized something was amiss, turning to look at Dugu Cheng, “Why are they so afraid of you”

"Do you have it"

Dugu Cheng looked at the patients in front of him. His eyes were not as gentle as when he looked at Feng Lingxi, they instantly became sharp, as if he wanted to see through their little thoughts. The invisible majesty made the patients shake their heads.

"They all said no, probably because they’ve never seen me before. It's unfamiliar to them."

Feng Lingxi seeing the patient in this state, thought to herself that he must have been scared by Dugu Cheng. She turned to Dugu Cheng and said, "You go over there and wait for me. With you here, the patient doesn't even dare to speak. How can I ask him anything"

"If I didn't follow you, could you withstand them if they made a move"

Dugu Cheng's sharp eyes swept across these patients. After this incident, he had to make them all clearly understand that only Xi'er could save them this time. Don't be misled and harm Xi'er again.

Besides, this plague is so contagious. If they wanted to deal with Xi'er, they could infect her with it. Then it wouldn't be a matter that could be solved just by punishment.

They won't do anything to me, besides, if you do this, how can they trust me

Feng Ling Xi looked at the patients before her. No one wanted to catch the plague, but since they had, they could only try to find a solution.

"Xier, this time I'm standing on his side. These patients no longer trust you, who knows if they might harm you We have to stay by your side. If they dare to lay a hand on you, we will..."

"Well, how are you"

Feng Lingxi looked at Lu Nian's angry eyes, "They have all become like this, who among them wants to die As long as I am willing to heal them, they would not be foolish enough to die with me. Besides, how do they know that contacting me will definitely infect me"

This plague, she could be infected without even being near it, or she might not be. Who knows

It's just that Duguo City and Lu Nian, if she were the patient, seeing them following her like this, how could they possibly put their hearts at ease and believe that she truly wanted to heal them.

"Xier, listen."

This time, Dugu Cheng didn't want to say so much to Feng Ling Xi. In short, if she didn't agree, she wouldn't be able to continue treating them.

"Dugu City, truly won't..."

"Little sister, listen."

Seeing their worried expressions, Feng Lingxi conceded, "Fine, just keep your distance and don't get too close."

"Mind yourself."

Lu Nian replied, waiting for him next time he must tell grandma, this Yuan Dynasty emperor is too bullied, his Lu family's daughter was actually used to do these things, this Yuan Dynasty is no one or what, let his sister come here to do such dangerous things, if she got infected with this plague, he would definitely make the Yuan Dynasty regret sending his sister here.

Feng Lingxi was now flanked by two men. The patients, upon seeing them, fell silent. Their invisible presence instilled fear in them, causing them to shake their heads incessantly. Their fearful eyes filled Feng Lingxi with helplessness.

"Forget it, you won't get anything out of this."

Dugu Cheng and Lu Nian looked at each other, seeing Feng Lingxi's anger, they hurriedly stepped forward to explain, "They all did this on purpose. They even dare to disobey you, how could they be afraid of you"

Feng Ling's footsteps halted, she turned to face Du Gu Cheng, "They fear you, not me."

What does she have to be afraid of She's been here for so long, when have these patients ever feared her Ever since this Lone City fellow arrived, the entire atmosphere of Timber Town has changed. It's like a band of bandits has invaded.

"Ye Xi."

Dugu City shouted loudly, Ye Xi heard the king's voice and immediately came, "Your Highness."

"Tell me, what have you done to them Why do they flee from me like the plague"

Ye Xi looked at the patients, her eyes full of innocence, "My lord, I haven't done anything. I just told them that our lord has come, and if they don't behave, the princess won't treat them."

>em had left, Feng Lingxi and Feng Aotiantian both let out a sigh of relief."Xier, you've really worked hard these two days."Feng Aotien saw this and was filled with emotion."Don't say that, you're sti...