Chapter 1360: War Smoke Rises 181

hould not object. After all, the marriage alliance between our two nations is set for these coming days. The Crown Prince of Arahxia is still at the guest house. Could I possibly harm her"When Feng Li...Seeing Tian Xiaomimi's tears, Feng Lingxi was conflicted.

"Yes." Although he didn't want to admit it, according to Tian Xiaomǐ, it was indeed Luólì who had done it.


Tian Xiaomi collapsed and cried, "Where have I offended him Why is he treating me like this He just said a few words to Wan'er, does that mean I should die"

"Don't cry, I'm here. I'll get to the bottom of this."

Feng Lingxi comforted, Tian Xiaomi cried loudly, and then coughed violently, a mouthful of blood gushing out, spraying all over the place. Feng Lingxi's body was also stained with blood and fainted past.


Feng Lingxi rushed to the outside and shouted loudly. She hurriedly helped Tian Xiaomǐ up, took her pulse, and applied acupuncture.

After the acupuncture treatment, Feng Lingxi didn't see anyone coming. Her face darkened, and she walked into the courtyard. Looking at the busy servants, her expression was very displeased.

Who was taking care of Xiaomi before

When the commoners saw the Queen's displeasure, they immediately stepped forward and lined up, trembling with fear.


"Your Highness, Mistress Mi was served with springtime and summertime delicacies."

Where are they

"I haven't seen them in days."

Feng Lingxi looked at the maidservant who was speaking. She seemed unfamiliar.

How long have you been at the mansion

"Your Majesty, I have been here for half a month now."

Feng Lingxi stared at the maid's face. She was pretty, and spoke to him without fear. It seemed that after she left, many things had happened in Chen Wangfu.

Who brought you into this house

The maidservant hurriedly replied, "Your Highness, it's the steward."

"Go and fetch the housekeeper, you two. Go and bring some hot water to Mrs. Mifford's room."


Feng Ling Xi returned to Tian Xiao Mi's room and opened the window. Tian Xiao Mi was still asleep. She had just fainted because she was too emotionally agitated, coupled with her frail body, she couldn't resist for a moment.

Feng Yixuan wasn't there. If Tian Xiaomi had an accident, she didn't know how to explain it to him.

Butler Zhang Yu rushed over, and upon seeing Feng Lingxi, he hurried to bow.


"Zhang You, do you know about Mi Fu's illness"

Feng Lingxi stared at Zhang Yu. In such a short time since she'd been in Chen Wangfu, he'd already changed his attire to such flamboyance. It displeased her, causing her brows to furrow. She knew how much the steward of the mansion earned; this fabric was certainly not cheap.

Zhang You hurriedly reported, "I only just realized. It's because Madam Mi didn't allow me to serve her, and before that, it was always Young Master Luo who personally attended to Madam Mi. So I went along with her wishes."

"How many times has Lord Luo come to see Mrs. Mi's illness"

"This is the third time. The medicine was all prescribed by Dr. Gongzi, and the maids in the kitchen have boiled it and sent it over."

Zhang You's answer made Feng Ling Xi curious. He knew about Tian Xiao Mi's illness, yet he didn't tell her when she returned. Moreover, he wasn't at the palace when they came back. This steward was incompetent.

"Zhang You, in the past month since I left the palace, how many maidservants has the palace hired What about those who used to serve Mistress Mi during spring and summer"

Zhang You's expression changed slightly, he lowered his head, his eyes flickering.

"Your Highness, this..."


Feng Ling let out a furious roar, scaring Zhang You into kneeling on the ground, trembling with fear.

"Zhang You, how much have you been hiding from me"

"Your Highness, please forgive me. I truly don't know how to tell you."

Zhang Yu's expression was still flustered, his flickering eyes making Feng Lingxi even angrier.

"Your Majesty, Chun Feng and Xia Ri a few days ago accidentally fell into the lake and died."

"Fell into the lake and died"

Wind Ling Xi stared coldly at Zhang You, watching his flustered expression as he lowered his head. Her eyes grew even more fierce; she had misjudged him.


"Zhang You, I remember when I left you in the palace as steward, it was because you were honest and trustworthy, and you had also been to school. But now, in just over half a year, you have changed so much. Not only do you speak lies constantly, but your heart has also turned."

Faced with Feng Ling's harsh reprimand, Zhang You was flustered, but he still tried his best to remain composed, not wanting to be exposed.

"Your Highness, I have always been loyal to you and my loyalty has never wavered. Please, Your Highness, see through my sincerity."

Zhang You looked up, his eyes clear and composed, the panic gone, leaving Feng Lingxi even more disappointed by his composure.

"She died in the lake during spring and summer, where is her body now How many maidservants did the household hire, are they all clear"

Zhang You hurriedly replied, "Reporting to Your Royal Highness, in the spring and summer wind, they fell into the lake. This servant has already buried their bodies properly for three days. The household staff is insufficient, so five new maids have been hired. The accounts are clear and written in the account book. If Your Highness wishes to check, this servant will bring it to you right away."

"Go ahead."

Zhang You's body stiffened slightly. He blurted out a casual remark, but to his surprise, the princess actually asked him to get it. How could he not know how he handled the ledger This was a predicament!

Also, who discovered the body in spring and summer Bring that person to see me.


Zhang You responded and stepped back, Feng Lingxi watched him leave and followed after him.

Zhang You hurried back to his room, tidied up, and looked around to make sure no one was there. He then walked towards the accountant's office, but this time he had a bundle with him. Taking advantage of the darkening sky, he quietly went to Yue'er's room and hurriedly took her away, heading for the back door.

Zhang Yougang walked into the backyard, and suddenly a sound of footsteps came. The whole backyard was illuminated by torches held up high. Feng Lingxi walked out with the guards. When Zhang Yougang saw Feng Lingxi, he was so frightened that he backed away repeatedly, shielding Yue'er behind him.

"Wang… Your Majesty."

Feng Lingxi walked to Zhang You's face, her eyes full of disappointment.

"Zhang You, why are you running away"

"My Queen, I..."

In the flickering firelight, Zhang You's eyes sparkled. He instinctively pulled his daughter closer to him as he suddenly knelt down with a thud.

"Your Highness, this servant is willing to accept any punishment, I only beg Your Highness to spare Moon'er, she is still so..."

"Zhang You, if you tell the truth, I will consider giving you a light sentence."

Feng Ling Xi's words gave Zhang You a glimmer of hope. He stammered, "Your Highness, that day when Chun Feng came to my room, Mrs. Mi said she wouldn't let her serve, so Chun Feng asked me to do something else for her. I don't know how, but I developed feelings for her. Chun Feng refused, so I forced her. Afterwards, Xia Ri just happened to walk in. I begged Xia Ri not to tell anyone, but Xia Ri insisted on reporting me, and..."

"Zhang You, you actually did such a beastly thing, you disappoint me so much."

Feng Lingxi never expected that the spring and summer breeze were actually because of this that they died. She felt something was fishy, but she didn't expect it to be related to Zhang You, this beast.

"Your Highness, at that time I was truly overcome by lust. After the fact, I told Chun Feng that I would marry her, but Xia Ri insisted on reporting me. We argued, and in the heat of the moment, I lost control and killed her."

"Having killed summer, what is the spring wind about"

Feng Lingxi's question made Zhang You even more flustered, "It... it was her own wish to die." the time; she just wanted to live life her own way.Wan'er is her daughter, the one she gave birth to. This time, she was willing to come down the mountain for Wan'er. After all, Wan'er will be going...