Chapter 1399: War Clouds Gather (Part 2)

! I'll even help you."Dugu Xiu's fierce gaze made Pi Shuang loosen her grip on the sword hilt and retreat repeatedly, shouting at him, "Madman."After scolding, she ran out of the tent. Dugu Xiu watche...Nan Gong Huashuang was speechless after hearing what Dugu Cheng said. She could only stand aside and watch Feng Lingxi treating her father.


The Chancellor coughed twice and slowly regained consciousness. As the scene before him gradually sharpened into focus, a palpable wave of sadness washed over his expression upon remembering his wife's poisoning.

"Prime Minister, your current emotions are too intense. Otherwise, there will be danger to your life."

Feng Lingxi opened her mouth, she really didn't want to save him back and have another accident happen. Both the Minister's wife and Nangong Huayun had died here already. If the Minister also died here, she wouldn't know how to explain it to the court.

"Father, listen to Princess Chen's words, she is a doctor."

Nan Gong Hua Shuang glanced at Feng Ling Xi, "Child, you saw how she saved you. Her medical skills are truly good."

"The second young master is overpraising me. I advise the Prime Minister to calm down and rest well."

Feng Lingxi looked at the prime minister's sorrowful expression and became a little impatient.

Dugu Cheng soothed Feng Lingxi, motioning for her not to be angry. After all, the Prime Minister was like this, it couldn't possibly be an act.

"Thank you, Prince Chen and Princess Chen. I will persuade my father well. My father loves my mother deeply, that's why he is like this. Please forgive us." Nangong Hua apologized with a sincere look, bowing her head to continue comforting the Prime Minister.

"Second Young Master, the Chancellor is feeling unwell. Please take good care of him. This King will not disturb you further."

Dugu Cheng looked at Feng Aotian beside him, "General Zhen Guo, if the Prime Minister needs any help, please let this king know."

"Rest assured, Your Highness. I will take care of things here in the Prime Minister's office. You and the Crown Princess should return first."

Feng Aotiān and Dugu Cheng's conversation reached the ears of the prime minister, like bees buzzing beside him, making him uncomfortable.

"Comfort the Prime Minister well, and when he's better, feel free to ask me anything."

Feng Lingxi glanced at the Chancellor and couldn't help but wonder, could it be that this Chancellor truly loved his wife as deeply as they said

If not, why would the Prime Minister know that his wife had been poisoned for a long time and be so heartbroken Why would the Prime Minister's wife have to take poison for more than ten years before committing suicide And Nan Gong Hua Yun, isn't he suspecting the Prime Minister in his words

All doubts surged through her mind, Feng Lingxi's previous guesses were instantly denied.

After leaving the post station, Feng Lingxi got into the carriage. Dugucheng asked, "What's wrong You still seem unhappy about the Prime Minister"

"Not exactly unhappy, just a bit down."

Feng Lingxi sighed, "At first, I thought the prime minister's wife had died from poisoning orchestrated by the prime minister. But now, hearing what the prime minister has to say, it seems like she poisoned herself, and for over a decade! You tell me, if the prime minister's wife truly committed suicide by poison, why would she do so over ten years And Nan Gong Hua Yun said that the prime minister had been caring for his wife's illness. It doesn't make sense that he wouldn't know about her chronic mercury poisoning."

"Xier, things aren't as simple as you imagine. This death of the Chancellor's wife might not be related to the Chancellor himself, but that doesn't mean it has nothing to do with others in his household."

Dugu Cheng grabbed Feng Lingxi's hand, his eyes full of concern.

"Some things, you just listen and don't meddle with. Leave it to this king to investigate."

Feng Lingxi, hearing this from Dugu Cheng, became even more curious.

"What you're saying is that the others in the Prime Minister's Mansion were acting on behalf of Nangong Huashuang"

Du Gu Cheng looked at Feng Ling Xi with an expression of helplessness. He had told her not to worry, yet he asked again.

"Let's go to Lu Nian's place to grab some food."

"Tell me first."

Feng Lingxi hurriedly chased after him, but seeing Du Gucheng refusing to answer her, her curiosity grew even stronger. She grabbed his arm and looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Xi'er, can you be more like other women and not meddle in so many things You do this easily invite trouble."

Feng Lingxi was stunned, looking at the helplessness in Dugu City's eyes. The curiosity in her eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by an incomprehensible confusion, "Dugu City, do you think I've caused you trouble by interfering"

Dugu Cheng saw that she was angry, and he took her hand to explain, "Your Highness, I didn't mean it that way. I just think that you involve yourself in everything, which can easily lead to trouble. As you can see, the prime minister has come down himself this time. Although last time when we went out of the city, it wasn't him who did it, can you guarantee that it truly wasn't him What if next time, he directly sends someone to assassinate you, how can you guarantee that you will be able to escape"

"According to you, I should do nothing and ask nothing. That's how I can stay safe and avoid suspicion from the Prime Minister" Feng Lingxi's eyes turned cold. Her gaze on Dugu City was no longer as polite as before, instead filled with disappointment.

"Xier, how can you not understand this king's meaning Staying in the palace obediently isn't a good thing"

"That's enough!"

Feng Lingxi roared angrily, her eyes turning cold as she looked at Dugu Cheng. Was the man before her truly Dugu Cheng Did he even know what she was saying

Tell her not to meddle, he really thinks she wants to get involved in these things. She's staying home and these misfortunes are falling from the sky. Does he really think she doesn't want anything to do with any of it

獨孤城被風淩兮這樣一嗬斥給愣住了,看著風淩兮憤怒的表情,有些惱火,“本王說的怎麼就不對 了,讓你好好的待在府中,不要招惹是非,免得惹禍上身,哪句話說錯了。”

Feng Lingxi listened to his words, which were particularly grating.

"I really doubt you're Dugu City. These are things Dugu City wouldn't say to me."

Feng Lingxi took a deep breath, "Stop the car."

The carriage hadn't even come to a complete stop before Feng Ling Xi jumped down. Dugu Cheng watched her leave, hurriedly following after her, wanting to take her hand, but Feng Ling Xi angrily swatted it away.

"Don't follow me, I don't want to see you."

"What are you being so unreasonable about I'm saying all this for your own good, Feng Lingxi! Don't be too much!"


"My lord, how did you and the princess end up fighting"

Ye Xi was at a loss, but she was scolded by Dugu City.

"None of your business, get lost!"

Ye Xi still wanted to advise, but seeing the King's angry and gritted teeth expression, she could only swallow her words.

Feng Lingxi walked straight to Yipinxiang. After entering, she went directly to the third floor to find Lu Nian. Seeing that he wasn't there, she called over a waiter. "Waiter, where is your boss"

"Your Highness, the shopkeeper has gone out. Would you like me to call him back"

Wind Lingxi waved her hand, "No need, go get me a jug of wine and bring me some food, I'm hungry."

Wind Ling Xi's mood was obviously bad. The second waiter responded and quickly brought her some wine, then went to find the shopkeeper to come back, lest something happen.s why she had to hide it from them. Was she really a member of the Yao ClanFeng Lingxi didn't know, but this autumn, it could be considered a breakthrough for the Yaozu of the Ghost Saint Kingdom.If y...