Chapter 677: Yao's Uprising 47

ect herself well."Notify all Yao people in the capital to ensure the safety of Xi'er. If Yao Feifei appears, kill her without mercy."Yao Wan'ying had just finished speaking when a maidservant hurried..."Shadow Six, how is it Any news from your mother"

Ying Liu responded with a nod, glanced around, and stepped forward, saying, "Someone from the Yao Clan saw the Holy Master appear in the Ghost Saint Empire."

"Ghost Saint Empire" Feng Lingxi frowned, "What kind of country is this"

"In the east, there is a small country about two thousand miles from here."

"So far"

Feng Lingxi was even more puzzled, "Mother went over there to do what"

Yingliu shook his head, "I'm not sure about the specifics, but the news hasn't been confirmed yet. The Ghost Saint Empire is remote and secluded, and the Holy Maiden is prudent."

"We're in the North, Mother went to the Ghost Saint Empire in the East. This really puzzles me, does she truly want to leave the Yao Clan"

Perhaps the Saintess could ask the Chief.

Yingliu proposed, Feng Lingxi nodded slightly, “Then I'll go right away, you should rest first.”

Feng Lingxi came to Luoli's courtyard and saw him drinking. When she arrived, his eyes were filled with surprise.

"How come the Fourth Princess is here again You two are like a revolving door. Are you guys trying to keep me busy"

Feng Lingxi raised an eyebrow, "Did Dugu Cheng come to find you Is he asking about your Yao clan"

"I didn't say what happened in the Yao tribe, but he knew about Xiaoli's injury, so I told him. Anyway, it couldn't be hidden."

Feng Lingxi walked to sit opposite him, watching as he drank, a hint of intoxication in his eyes. She opened her mouth and said, “Just now Yingliu told me that Mother has news. Do you know the Ghost Saint Empire”

"Ghost Saint Empire"

Luo Li's body stiffened visibly at the sound of that word, and then she suddenly curved her lips into a smile.

"How could you not know, I came from there."

"The Yao tribe's chief resides in the Ghost Saint Empire, so my mother going there must also have something to do with the Yao tribe"

Feng Lingxi became even more puzzled. Could her mother be going to find other members of the Yao clan over there to discuss this

"The Yao Clan's lair is there, to be more precise, the treasure is here. But what is needed to open it belongs to the Ghost Saint Empire. It seems your mother isn't just blowing smoke when she wants to take the Yao Clan's treasure. Perhaps there's some truth to it."

"Impossible, what would my mother want the Yao clan's treasures for"

Feng Lingxi retorted without hesitation, "Besides, didn't you say before that my mother had entered the Yao Clan's treasure vault..."

"Well, she did go in, but it was Elder Treasure of the Yao clan who took her. Once you become the Holy Master, you can also go in, but wanting to open the treasure vault, you alone won't be enough. Plus, the Purple Star hanging around your neck isn't sufficient either."

"Therefore, the Yao clan felt secure handing over this Purple Star to their holy master because they knew that even with the Purple Star, it would be impossible to open the Yao clan's treasure trove without finding them."

"About that."

Luoli stood up, looking at Feng Lingxi's anger, and smiled, "Do you know what the Yaozu's treasures are Don't even think about it. For over a thousand years, how many people have wanted to get their hands on these treasures, and they all disappeared in the end."

“Since the Yao Clan's treasure cannot be taken out, why is it so widely rumored in the world Do you know that because of this Yao Clan treasure, how many people have died here Why can't the Yao Clan explain it clearly to the world”

Feng Lingxi, filled with anger, questioned Luo Li. Looking at his bitter smile, the self-deprecating coldness in his eyes, Feng Lingxi became even more confused. What was this so-called treasure worth fighting tooth and nail for

"Then go and tell the Empress Dowager Cen of the Yuan Dynasty that the Yao tribe's treasure is impossible to retrieve. See if she believes you."

Luo Li looked at Feng Ling Xi's angry expression, and said in a deep voice, "People in this world are like this. You tell them no, they just don't believe it, they have to listen to the wind and do things, ending up with nothing, but still unwilling to accept it."

Feng Lingxi looked at Luo Li, her eyes becoming increasingly complex.

The Yao tribe's treasure is truly impossible to take out, why would they release such news, causing so many misunderstandings Is it because she doesn't understand, or something else

The atmosphere fell silent. Watching Luo Li raise her cup and drink, Feng Ling Xi felt a growing sense of confusion as she saw the bitterness and forbearance in his eyes.

If Empress Cen knew the Yao Clan's treasure was not to be taken, would she have tolerated her continued existence

For a moment, Feng Lingxi felt that wanting to live was incredibly difficult.

The Yao people wanted her life, the wind and rain wanted her life, even Empress Cen wanted her life. To live a good life had become such a longing for her. She was unwilling to lose like this, she had finally been reborn once more, how could she give up because of these obstacles

Her unyielding gaze gave her renewed fighting spirit.

"Then my mother went to the Ghost Saint Empire, you know that"

"Who knows, perhaps she was weary of the struggles within the Yao clan and wished for a quiet place to spend her remaining years. Or maybe there was another reason, perhaps she was unwilling to accept defeat and still wanted to find that ill-gotten treasure. I am not her, so how could I possibly know what she truly had in mind."

Luo Li stood up after finishing her words, holding the wine flask and swaying it towards Feng Ling Xi. Her eyes were hazy, a self-deprecating smile playing on her lips.

"I've said enough, time for bed."

Looking at his swaying body, Feng Lingxi's beautiful eyes raised slightly. He shouldn't be this easy to get drunk.

"Your Highness, what are you thinking about"

Xiao Li stood beside the princess, thinking about what the chief had said, she was even more certain that she had been deceived by Ye Xi.

He just wanted to check on her injuries. Fifteen hadn't told the Queen, and he didn't expect Ye Xi to mention it.

Feng Lingxi turned around and glanced at Xiaoli, "Why didn't you tell me your injury wasn't healed"

Xiao Li's face stiffened, and she quickly explained, "Your Highness, my internal injuries won't heal in a short time. Give me some time, and they will be better."

Since Ye Xi can treat your internal injuries, you might as well let him treat you and avoid asking another person.

Feng Lingxi looked at Xiaoli and instructed, “Don’t hide things like this from me in the future.”

Xiao Li watched the queen's departing figure, feeling sympathy for her. The queen had too many things to worry about; she shouldn't have made the queen worry, but it was still revealed by Ye Xi.

Following behind the princess, Xiaoli dared not speak, watching the princess's thin figure.

"Xiaoli, you said my mother went to the Ghost Saint Empire for what reason"

Feng Lingxi sighed and stood under the eaves, gazing at the sky. "Since the Yao Clan's treasure is unattainable, why do people all over the world want it Are people's hearts all so greedy" After a long silence, Feng Lingxi chuckled to herself.

"I am no less so."

If she didn't crave this hard life, this one human existence, how could she constantly strive to survive How could she continuously change herself to protect the people she wanted to protect

Heavy snow swirled and fell upon her. Feng Lingxi stood there, refusing Xiao Li's umbrella, letting the snowflakes blanket her until she felt the numbing cold. Only then did she slowly open her eyes and walk towards the room.

What's the point of all this thinking People live their lives seeking an answer to existence, she does, and so do others. Whatever the future holds, just keep going and you'll find out.ingxi."Seeing the Empress's flustered gaze, Empress Dowager Cen reprimanded, "How can you be a mere county princess, and now as the mother of a nation, act with such little composure"The Empress hurri...