Chapter 850: Falling Frost Flowers 40

ster, has no longer looked upon me. Yesterday, when I went to the Sixth Prince's Manor, she reprimanded me severely, saying that I am ruthless and cruel."The Empress glanced at her, her eyes cold."You...Xiao Li stepped forward, "Thank you, Madam. I'll take this to the Princess."

Zhao then handed the chicken soup to Xiao Li, her eyes fixed on the door as she whispered, “Is the Fourth Princess sleeping”

"The princess is resting in her chambers, does madam have something to attend to"

Mrs. Zhao clenched her palms tightly, and after a long silence, she said, "There is indeed something I want to ask the Fourth Princess. If the Fourth Princess is resting, then forget it..."

"Come in."

Feng Lingxi hadn't fallen asleep in her room. She had closed her eyes for a while and was still quite awake. Hearing Zhao Shi and Xiao Li's conversation, Feng Lingxi tidied up the books on the table. This Zhao Shi, it had been seven days since she received the box, and only now did she come to find her. It seemed like it had worked.

Xiaoli saw the Princess allow Zhao Shi to enter, and politely greeted her.

"Madam, please."

Zhao entered the room and saw Feng Lingxi sitting at the table, sipping tea. She smiled and walked forward.

"Your Highness, this chicken soup was made for you by the Madam."

Xiao Li put down the chicken soup, Zhao shi stood there, looking a little flustered.

"Please sit, madam."

Zhao hurriedly said, "My servant dare not. Fourth Princess Consort, my servant has a question that I want to ask the Fourth Princess Consort. I wonder if the Fourth Princess Consort could help me clear it up"

Feng Lingxi held over the chicken soup and blew on it before bringing it to her lips. This chicken soup wasn't bad; it seemed Zhao shi had put some thought into it.

"Madam, please feel free to speak your mind."

Feng Lingxi opened her mouth, her beautiful eyes lifted to meet Zhao Shi's sparkling gaze, then she lowered her head and blew on the chicken soup, but showed no intention of drinking it.

"Your Highness, I would like to ask, if the body suddenly feels cold, does it mean there is something wrong with my health"

"Feeling cold"

Wind Ling Xi raised an eyebrow. Zhao shi saw that Wind Ling Xi was willing to listen to her, and hurriedly nodded, "It's just that I suddenly felt very cold, just like being frozen in the winter snowstorm."

Feng Lingxi looked at Zhao Shi, "Is what madam said truly so"

Zhao hurriedly nodded, seeing Feng Lingxi's disbelief, and whispered, "How could you joke about such a thing."

"You're right."

Feng Lingxi frowned, “This situation is something I’ve never heard of before. I wonder if Madam could elaborate”

Upon hearing this, Zhao shi couldn't help but feel flustered.

She asked the doctor, and the doctor said the same thing. This kind of situation didn't exist, but she was experiencing it now. How could she not be afraid

Zhao glanced around, while Xiaoli moved aside to lay out a bed and tidy up. Zhao lowered her voice and said, “It’s been these past two days. Logically, it should be June now, but my body has suddenly become afraid of the cold.”

Zhao reached out and said to Feng Lingxi, "Your hand has no warmth at all."

Feng Ling Xi raised an eyebrow, reached out to touch her hand, it was indeed too cold.

"Your Highness, don't you find it strange My body is perfectly fine, yet I've become extremely sensitive to the cold. It comes and goes in waves, not constantly. It's most severe for about half an hour, even fire can't ward off this chill."

"My hands have cooled down a bit, but what madam said I've never seen nor heard of before. Madam should go find a doctor to properly examine the matter."

Upon hearing Feng Lingxi's words, Zhao shi did not dare to conceal them.

"I consulted a doctor, and he said that my body is somewhat weak, but he couldn't determine what was wrong."

Feng Lingxi nodded slightly, looking at Zhao's panicked expression, "Madam, even if you look for me, it won't help. I don't understand either."

Upon hearing Feng Lingxi's words, Zhao shi hurriedly said, "Don't you know medicine You should know what's wrong with my body."

Wind Lingxi, hearing Zhao's words, couldn't help but laugh.

"Madam, although I have some medical skills, I wouldn't say I know everything. I've never encountered your condition before, and it's not mentioned in any medical texts I've seen. I'm afraid I'm out of my depth. For your situation, you'll need to consult a qualified doctor."

Zhao's face was very ugly, looking at Feng Lingxi didn't seem to be joking, she was very angry, but she didn't dare to attack.

Feng Lingxi's medical skills are well-known. Even when the Emperor was close to death, she was able to pull him back from the jaws of death. Yet, for her own minor ailment, she claimed to be helpless.

If she didn't know Feng Lingxi's medical skills were superb, she would really believe what she said.

"Madam, as you are the Empress Dowager's biological mother, you should be comfortable enough to request an imperial physician from the Imperial Medical Bureau to attend to your ailment. My humble medical skills are simply inadequate for such a situation."

Feng Lingxi finished speaking, ignoring Zhao Shi's extremely displeased expression, and asked with concern, "Madam, could you tell me when your illness started"

Two days ago.

Although Zhao shi really didn't want to pay any attention to Feng Lingxi, she still hoped that Feng Lingxi could help her find the root cause of her illness.

This body is in good health, how could there be such a problem.

Feng Lingxi's expression turned serious. "May I ask if Madam still remembers what you ate or touched"

"Zhao thought about it carefully, 'It's still the same as usual, nothing different.'"

Feng Lingxi frowned, "Madam is still thinking."

Zhao Shi was startled by Feng Ling Xi's seriousness. After thinking carefully, she realized that she had been eating normal food. So what had she come into contact with Besides the box Feng Ling Xi had given her, she had touched many other things.

But these things can't be said.

Feng Ling Xi saw her conflicted expression and opened his mouth, "My lady, take your time to think. Let me take your pulse."

Zhao hurried to extend her hand. Feng Lingxi felt her pulse and seriously diagnosed her condition. It was somewhat similar to Princess Pingnan's situation, but also different. Princess Pingnan's body was weaker, while hers was simply colder.

The cold seeped into my body, Feng Lingxi could almost certainly say that this chill came from the ice silkworm in the box. Just why it was only intensely cold, it should be because it was the first time an ice silkworm entered the body, or perhaps it was still a larva so there wasn't much reaction.

"The lady's body is rather cold, she should be well taken care of. As for other matters, I haven't noticed anything unusual."

Wind Ling Xi retracted her hand, and Xiao Li hurriedly brought water forward. Wind Ling Xi washed her hands, wiped them dry, and Zhao shi watched Wind Ling Xi's meticulousness. Although she was very dissatisfied, she didn't dare to say much.

Feng Lingxi had just taken her pulse, so she couldn't be disrespectful. The situation at the General's Mansion was such that if anyone were to disrespect Feng Lingxi, she would likely be expelled very soon.

"Is it because of the cold that I feel chilly"

"Has it always been this cold"

Feng Lingxi asked, Zhao shi shook her head and recalled carefully, "It was only half an hour when it was unbearably cold. Now, my body is just icy cold, nothing else."

"It might be caused by a cold body. Madam, it's best to find a few more doctors to investigate the reason."

Zhao thanked and planned to leave.

Feng Lingxi suddenly asked, “Madam, could you please return the box I gave you to Xiao Li later I'll be returning to the Si Wangfu in two days. Please don't worry about keeping it.”

Zhao nodded, "This servant will go back and get the box now." Two days later, Zhao hurried out and notified Feng Yu Xi quickly, telling her that Feng Ling Xi was going back to the Fourth Prince's Mansion.a year and a half before talking about it."Yao Wan'ying agreed with Shu Taifei's statement. The current court situation was unpredictable, and no one knew when the throne might change hands. Now that...