Chapter 874: Frost Flowers (Part 64)

時候風淩兮也跟著來了,此刻正是在淑妃的宮中和淑妃聊天,得知了側妃的事,淑妃倒是有幾分意外。After leaving Fengyi Palace, Dugu Cheng went to Shufei's side. Feng Lingxi had also come with him when they entered the palace. At this moment, she was cha...獨孤城微微蹙眉,“這事本王也不想多問,皇上對本王也有諸多不滿和懷疑,兮兒隻需要明白,隻要不威脅到我們便不必多管閒事。”

Feng Lingxi nodded, she naturally knew this truth. That was why she often turned a blind eye to things now. However, it didn't seem to be as easy as she had imagined to stay out of harm's way.

What about Dugu Xiu's matter, Your Majesty

“I wouldn’t say so for sure, but it’s very possible that he’ll be sent to Xichu to lay low, as you said. The Emperor doesn't have much brotherly affection for Dugu Xiu. If it weren't for the Empress Dowager protecting him, Dugu Xiu wouldn't even be alive today.”

Du Gucheng frowned, "The situation in the court is becoming increasingly chaotic. This king would rather be able to solve it cleanly."

"Let's not talk about them anymore, the more we talk, the more agitated I get."

Feng Lingxi stretched her limbs. It was already midsummer, and half a year had passed in the blink of an eye. This Dugu Xiu had made a comeback again. Now that Dugu Yan was unwell, if this continued, I'm afraid the throne would be his.

"Tomorrow, the King and the Su Wang will go hunting outside the city. Will Xi'er come with us"

"Just the King of Su"

Wind Ling Xi thought of Du Gu Su sitting in a wheelchair, "King Su's legs are inconvenient, how could he go hunting"

The emperor will also go.

"Is it a royal hunt"

Feng Lingxi knew this, so-called imperial hunts were where princes and nobles gathered to hunt. Concubines from the inner court and princesses and princes could all participate, competing to see who could bag the most prey. It was also a way to test their martial skills and improve their combat abilities, a royal activity meant for both competition and training.

“All civil and military officials will attend, and many of the ministers' sons and daughters will also be present. Furthermore, this King has learned that Dugu Xiu will also be there tomorrow.”

Feng Lingxi, hearing that Dugu Xiu would also be coming, suddenly became interested.

It's been so long since I've seen Dugu Xiu, I'm actually a little curious what he's become like.

"Then could I change my clothes These wouldn't be suitable for hunting anyway."

"I've prepared everything for you."

Dugu Cheng smiled indulgently, he knew Xi'er would be interested.

Feng Lingxi's smile widened at the corner of her lips, looking into Dugu City's eyes, a smile dancing within them. Her heart was filled with joy.

The Imperial hunt had ended, the grounds were cleared, and no one was allowed near except for the hunters and the families of noblemen. Many officials brought their children, hoping to have them selected by the Emperor, while others sought favor from the princes.

Wind Lingxi and Dugu Cheng arrived at the royal hunting ground. Upon learning this, Wind Lingxi glanced at the ministers' daughters dressed in flamboyant attire within the hunting ground. She subconsciously looked at her own hunting outfit today and suddenly felt out of place among them.

"Are these women here to hunt or are they here looking for men"

Wind Lingxi couldn't help but frown at their thick layers of makeup. If she didn't know that she was in a hunting ground, she would have thought she was in a brothel. The daughters of these ministers were truly dazzling in their attire.

"See the Emperor."

Accompanied by cheers from the crowd, Dugu Yan appeared with everyone. This time, Mo Huilan and Yu Xi didn't come, the reason was simple, the two were pregnant, such occasions could not allow them to participate.

Both Dugu Xiu and Dugu Su also appeared. It seems the time has come for this prince in the capital to retire.

Dugu Su sat in his wheelchair, dressed in white that resembled a painting. Compared to his previous pale complexion, he now looked quite healthy.

On the contrary, it was Dugu Xiu. After a long absence, he had gained some of the ruggedness of the barbarian tribes. He still had a beard, and his clothes weren't as neat as they used to be. Overall, he looked rather disheveled.

"How could Dugu Xiu have changed so much"

Feng Ling Xi lowered her voice and asked, when she glanced at Dugu Xiu, she found that he was also looking at her. Their eyes met, Dugu Xiu even greeted her, but his smile, Feng Ling Xi really didn't like it, she couldn't bear it.

"I don't know, this king has just met him too."

Dugu Cheng disliked the way Dugu Xiu looked at Xi'er. It was the look a man has for a woman, the desire to conquer. The fact that Dugu Xiu had set his eyes on Xi'er was simply unforgivable.

Dugu Xiu seemed very satisfied with their reaction, his evil smile made people feel uncomfortable no matter how they looked at it.

But no one expected that their dismissive gaze would capture the hearts of many of the high officials' daughters. Looking at Dugu Xiu, their eyes were filled with love, and their shy expressions all fell into Dugu Xiu's eyes. And he, still raised an eyebrow towards them, causing the scene to spiral out of control.

Feng Lingxi shivered and looked disgusted.

"Xi'er, don't look at him."

Dugu Cheng lowered his voice, "He seems to be very interested in you this time he's back."

Feng Lingxi nodded and went to the side with Dugu City to prepare for hunting.

"The Emperor has issued an edict: the rules for this year's royal hunt have changed. Women are no longer permitted to participate. As in previous years, the participant who hunts the most game wins and receives a generous reward from the Emperor."

The Empress dowager read aloud, and the daughters of ministers who had come to the hunting ground responded in unison. Many were drawn to the emperor's handsome features. Some ambitious young women from noble families saw this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

None of the concubines in the harem came, if they could receive the emperor's favor here, entering the palace would be a glorious and wealthy life.

Feng Lingxi frowned, why was the rule changed this year alone

"If the hunting party changes and no longer allows women to participate, what is the point of me being here"

Feng Lingxi raised her eyebrows in displeasure. What did this Dugu Yan mean With so many women here, could it be that they were all staying to keep him company

"Your Majesty, since this is a royal hunt, it shouldn't be divided by gender. There are many women who have disguised themselves as men to participate in hunts like this before. With women present, the atmosphere would be much better." Dugu Xiu spoke up, and the eyes of the women who admired him lit up.

If we were to follow, wouldn't we get a glimpse of King Xiu's majesty

Other women also had this kind of thought, if the Emperor rested on his way, they would have a chance to get close to him.

"Sixth Prince, hunts are dangerous. The Emperor only canceled it out of concern for people getting hurt."

"Your Majesty, those who come to participate in the hunt naturally have followers. I humbly request Your Majesty's grace and understanding, please do not discriminate against women."

When the word "discrimination" was uttered, many ministers became dissatisfied and started whispering amongst themselves.

"Your Majesty, why not allow women who are skilled archers to participate in the hunt Surely everyone would be pleased."

Du Gu Su, who had been silent all along, finally spoke. Feng Ling Xi was surprised and turned her gaze of inquiry towards him. Coincidentally, Du Gu Su looked at her and politely nodded his head, as if he had said that just for her. This gave her a feeling of illusion.

Well, since that's what you all want, this year's hunt will be just like the others.

After Dugu Yan finished speaking, she covered her mouth and coughed twice, her face not looking good.

"Your Majesty."

The man beside Dugu Yan handed her a pill, and after she swallowed it, her complexion improved considerably, and she seemed to have more energy.glanced at Dugu Cheng and then left reluctantly.Within the Shou'an Palace, there was finally silence. Empress Cen looked at Dugu City, "You saw the Emperor's attitude just now. Right now, my words st...