Chapter 978 Transformation 52

is own.Feng Lingxi only then understood that on this day, all the shopkeepers in Xiānglóu followed the instructions of the master. As for anything else, they dared not ask too many questions, they jus..."At such a young age, you've already learned to argue with me. Since you like it so much, let's keep arguing then."

Feng Lingxi refused to compromise. This Wan'er's personality, I don't know if she got it from whom, actually dared to argue with her. She's only this young, what if she grows up Then who knows what will happen!

Wan'er still refused to call out. Feng Lingxi said to her, her eyes were red, but she didn't cry or make a fuss, she just stared at her like that. The mother and daughter seemed to have truly gotten into a stalemate.

The atmosphere in the carriage became strange. Dugu Cheng hugged Wan'er, watching Xi'er and her with wide eyes. These two women, he couldn't afford to offend either of them.

Huangfu Qingyun sighed helplessly and looked at Feng Lingxi, "Lingxi, Wan'er is still young, you should coax her."

"No coaxing."

She still hoped to see her, this child who has always argued with her since she was little. She couldn't discipline her, so what would happen if she grew up even more rebellious

Feng Lingxi got off her carriage and walked toward her own carriage, then drove away.


Dugu City held Wan'er in his arms, watching the carriage disappear into the dust. He lowered his head to look at the daughter in his arms. The little girl didn't cry at all; her stubborn eyes didn't resemble a child under one year old.

"Little princess, your mother is angry."

The wet nurse patted Wan'er's head. Wan'er huddled in Dugu City's embrace, silent, neither crying nor making a fuss.

Dugu Cheng hugged her tightly, reaching out to touch Wan'er's hair, and said softly, "Wan'er, father and mother know we owe you an apology, but you must also understand your mother. She has been very difficult all along, and seeing you like this, how heartbroken she must be."

Huangfu Qingyun looked at Wan'er huddled in Dugu City's embrace, her eyes red. "Don't talk about her, she actually understands everything, she's just a bit stubborn."

"This girl and Xi'er are really alike."

Dugu City let out a long sigh. From now on, he really didn't know which side to stand on.

Feng Lingxi's carriage drove away, Feng Lingxi lifted the curtain of the carriage, glanced at the carriages behind her, and felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

Why would she argue with her own daughter She left Wan'er behind in Daming for several months. It's understandable that Wan'er would be angry, isn't it

But when she thought about how small this little girl was, arguing with her like this, Feng Lingxi forcefully suppressed the longing in her heart.

Such a young child already has such thoughts. If she were to comply with her this time, wouldn't she have to apologize every time afterwards

"Your Highness, the young mistress is just a bit upset because she hasn't seen you in a while. She's angry that you left her before. Don't argue with her."

She didn't even hug her little master, nor did the princess. She quarreled with her own daughter about something trivial.

Feng Lingxi looked at Xiao Li, “Do you also think I shouldn’t have done that to her But you just saw it, she's not even a year old, and she argued with me. This time I gave in to her, what if I need to go out for something later, she would act the same way Wouldn't I have to lower myself and appease her every time Wouldn't that make her run wild”

Feng Lingxi was very annoyed. "Children shouldn't have such thoughts. Just say what you want, why do you always make me comfort her This absolutely won't do."

"Your Highness, perhaps the little mistress just feels that you haven't paid attention to her for too long and wants you to comfort her. She's just a child, it wouldn't be too much to comfort her."

Feng Lingxi thought of Wan'er's stubborn eyes and felt wronged herself, still looking at her like that.

"If you coax her once, and she still ignores me, then don't say I'm heartless."

Feng Lingxi told herself that no matter what, she was still a mother. Giving her another chance was like making amends for the past, after all, she owed Wan'er.

Dugu Cheng brought Wan'er back to the county office. The two got along like a close girl, inseparable and intimate, which really made Feng Lingxi feel sour.

"Queen, come up."

Xiao Li urged, walking with a smile to Wan'er's face, waving at Wan'er, "Wan'er, do you remember me"

Waner looked at Xiaoli, a radiant smile on her face, reaching out to hug her. Xiaoli was overjoyed, hugging Waner tightly, wishing she could kiss her.

"Your Highness, Wan'er is truly…" The word "cute" got stuck in his throat. The Princess’s face was now the picture of displeasure.

"Wan'er, do you still remember what your father told you just now"

Dugu Cheng spoke softly, stroking Wan'er's head, "Come, let mother hug you."

Waner looked at Feng Lingxi, for some reason, she really started to argue. The mother and daughter glared at each other, neither willing to compromise.


Huangfu Qingyun shouted, looking at Wan'er and Feng Lingxi. He was truly helpless.

"You... you're amazing!"

Feng Lingxi looked at Wan'er and turned to leave.

If she were to be coaxed, she wouldn't be Feng Lingxi.

Is this really her daughter What did she even give birth to

Wan'er completely ignored Feng Lingxi leaving, hugging Xiaoli's neck and giggling.

You say she doesn't understand, yet she does.

A group of people, with remarkably large heads.

Fan Ling didn't come out for dinner, staying alone in her room. She didn't open the door when anyone knocked. Dugu Cheng knocked several times, but Fan Ling wouldn't open up. He could only ask Huangpu Qingyun to talk to her.

As for Huangfu Qingyun, Feng Lingxi still let him off.

"Why don't you have dinner yet, and are you still angry with Wan'er"

Huangfu Qingyun placed the food in front of her and looked at Feng Lingxi's red-rimmed eyes, clearly having cried.

Feng Lingxi looked at Huangpu Qingyun, her heart wasn't feeling well.

"Qiong Yun, do you think I'm a failure As Wan'er's mother, I've even been disliked by my own daughter."

Feng Lingxi returned to her room and reflected on herself. She felt that she had really failed. Even Xiao Li was willing to be taken in by Wan'er, but not her. In Wan'er's heart, how much did she reject her as a mother

Feng Lingxi had always been trying her best to protect Wan'er, but she never thought that being apart from Wan'er would make her so resentful. Was her heart filled with resentment towards her

"Wan'er is just a child, she's just being childish, it's not what you think."

Huangfu Qingyun soothed her, but he also saw Wan'er's attitude towards Feng Lingxi. A child who was not even a year old, this attitude surprised him, but he couldn't explain why.

As Feng Ling Xi said, Wan'er was blaming her.

"I am a failure."

Feng Ling sighed, her voice laced with a hint of resignation. "But I don't regret what I've done. When she grows up, if she doesn't understand me, then I can only let her be."

"Xier, the child is still young. After spending more time together, they won't act like this."

"I hope so." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Feng Lingxi held the food and ate, but no matter how good the taste was, it had lost its flavor to her.

What puzzled Feng Lingxi was that no matter how Dugu Cheng and Huangfu Qingyun tried to persuade Wan'er, she refused to call Feng Lingxi "mother" or let her hold her. Even Shu Taifei, her grandmother, had been acknowledged by Wan'er. Everyone in the county government office was willing to smile and play with them, but Wan'er wouldn't even give Feng Lingxi a glance.

Feng Lingxi was very angry at first, but after a few days, Feng Lingxi had completely gotten used to it.y's tone was extremely cold. His forbearance these past few days had almost reached its limit. He truly didn't expect the death of the Chancellor's wife to be pinned on Xi'er. He could only say that t...